{% extends "!layout.html" %} {% block sidebartitle %} {%- if logo and theme_logo_only %} {%- endif %} {%- if theme_display_version %} {%- set nav_version = version %} {%- if READTHEDOCS and current_version %} {%- set nav_version = current_version %} {%- endif %} {%- if nav_version %}
{{ nav_version }}
{%- endif %} {%- endif %} Zulip homepage {%- include "searchbox.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block document %} {# # This allows us to insert a warning that appears only on the development # version e.g. to say that something is likely to have changed. # For more info see: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/templating.html #} {% if pagename in [] and release.endswith('+git') %} {# # This page doesn't exist in the stable documentation yet. # This temporary workaround prevents test failures and should be removed after the next release. #}


You are reading a development version of the Zulip documentation. These instructions may not correspond to the latest Zulip Server release. See documentation for the latest stable release.

{% elif pagename.split("/")[0] == "production" and release.endswith('+git') %}


You are reading a development version of the Zulip documentation. These instructions may not correspond to the latest Zulip Server release. See documentation for the latest stable release.

{% endif %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %}