#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import configparser import logging import os import sys import time sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) from scripts.lib.setup_path import setup_path setup_path() import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from urllib3.util import Retry from scripts.lib.zulip_tools import get_config, get_config_file, get_tornado_ports config_file = get_config_file() reload_rate = int( get_config( config_file, "application_server", "client_reload_rate", "50", ) ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--rate", type=int, help="Number of clients to reload per second", default=reload_rate ) args = parser.parse_args() reload_rate = args.rate secret_config_file = configparser.RawConfigParser() secret_config_file.read("/etc/zulip/zulip-secrets.conf") shared_secret = get_config(secret_config_file, "secrets", "shared_secret") assert shared_secret # Perform relatively slow retries (2s, 4s, 8s) with backoff, including # on POST requests. Failure to send this request successfully means # that clients may fail to reload, so we want to be somewhat resilient # to failures. Since we are on localhost, we do not expect network # failures, only Tornado restarts, to cause failures here. retry = Retry(total=3, backoff_factor=1, allowed_methods=Retry.DEFAULT_ALLOWED_METHODS | {"POST"}) c = requests.Session() c.mount("http://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)) logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s reload-clients: %(message)s", level=logging.INFO) first = True server_total = 0 for port in get_tornado_ports(config_file): logging.info("Starting to send client reload events to Tornado port %d", port) try: shard_total = 0 complete = False # Rather than make a sustained one request per second, we batch # into 5-second chunks of 5 times the client_reload_rate SECONDS_PER_BATCH = 5 while not complete: if not first: time.sleep(SECONDS_PER_BATCH) first = False logging.info("Sending reload events to %d clients", reload_rate * SECONDS_PER_BATCH) resp = c.post( f"{port}/api/internal/web_reload_clients", data={"client_count": reload_rate * SECONDS_PER_BATCH, "secret": shared_secret}, timeout=5, ) resp.raise_for_status() shard_total += resp.json()["sent_events"] complete = resp.json()["complete"] logging.info("Sent %d reload events to Tornado port %d", shard_total, port) server_total += shard_total except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: # Failures in one shard likely won't affect other shards -- # give up on this shard, and try the next one, logging.exception("Failed to send web_reload_clients request to Tornado port %d", port) if len(get_tornado_ports(config_file)) > 1: logging.info("Sent total of %d reload events, across all Tornado instances", server_total)