var notifications = (function () { var exports = {}; var notice_memory = {}; var window_has_focus = true; var new_message_count = 0; var asked_permission_already = false; var names; function browser_desktop_notifications_on () { return (window.webkitNotifications && // 0 is PERMISSION_ALLOWED window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() === 0); } exports.initialize = function () { names = fullname.split(" "); names.push(email.split("@")[0]); $(window).focus(function () { window_has_focus = true; new_message_count = 0; document.title = domain + " - Humbug"; $.each(notice_memory, function (index, notice_mem_entry) { notice_mem_entry.obj.cancel(); }); }).blur(function () { window_has_focus = false; }); if (!window.webkitNotifications) { return; } $(document).click(function () { if (!desktop_notifications_enabled || asked_permission_already) { return; } if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() !== 0) { // 0 is PERMISSION_ALLOWED window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(); asked_permission_already = true; } }); }; function gravatar_url(message) { return "" + message.gravatar_hash + "?d=identicon&s=30?stamp=" + ui.get_gravatar_stamp(); } function process_desktop_notification(message) { var i, notification_object, key; var title = message.sender_full_name; var content = $('
').html(message.content).text(); var other_recipients; var msg_count = 1; if (message.type === "private") { key = message.display_reply_to; other_recipients = message.display_reply_to; // Remove the sender from the list of other recipients other_recipients = other_recipients.replace(", " + message.sender_full_name, ""); other_recipients = other_recipients.replace(message.sender_full_name + ", ", ""); } else { key = message.sender_full_name + " to " + message.display_recipient + " | " + message.subject; } if (content.length > 150) { // Truncate content at a word boundary for (i = 150; i > 0; i--) { if (content[i] === ' ') { break; } } content = content.substring(0, i); content += " [...]"; } if (notice_memory[key] !== undefined) { msg_count = notice_memory[key].msg_count + 1; title = msg_count + " messages from " + title; notification_object = notice_memory[key].obj; // We must remove the .onclose so that it does not trigger on .cancel notification_object.onclose = function () {}; notification_object.onclick = function () {}; notification_object.cancel(); } if (message.type === "private" && message.display_recipient.length > 2) { // If the message has too many recipients to list them all... if (content.length + title.length + other_recipients.length > 230) { // Then count how many people are in the conversation and summarize // by saying the conversation is with "you and [number] other people" other_recipients = other_recipients.replace(/[^,]/g, "").length + " other people"; } title += " (to you and " + other_recipients + ")"; } if (message.type === "stream") { title += " (to " + message.display_recipient + " | " + message.subject + ")"; } notice_memory[key] = { obj: window.webkitNotifications.createNotification( gravatar_url(message), title, content), msg_count: msg_count }; notification_object = notice_memory[key].obj; notification_object.onclick = function () { notification_object.cancel(); delete notice_memory[key]; }; notification_object.onclose = function () { delete notice_memory[key]; };; } function speaking_at_me(message) { var content_lc = $('').html(message.content).text().toLowerCase(); var match_so_far = false; var indexof, after_name, after_atname; var punctuation = /[\.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()\+\?\[\]\s]/; if (domain === "") { return false; } $.each(names, function (index, name) { indexof = content_lc.indexOf(name.toLowerCase()); if (indexof === -1) { // If there is no match, we don't need after_name after_name = undefined; } else if (indexof + name.length >= content_lc.length) { // If the @name is at the end of the string, that's OK, // so we set after_name to " " so that the code below // will identify a match after_name = " "; } else { after_name = content_lc.charAt(indexof + name.length); } if ((indexof === 0 && after_name.match(punctuation) !== null) || (indexof > 0 && content_lc.charAt(indexof-1) === "@" && after_name.match(punctuation) !== null)) { if (match_so_far) { match_so_far = false; return false; } else { match_so_far = true; } } }); return match_so_far; } exports.received_messages = function (messages) { var i, title_needs_update = false; if (window_has_focus) { return; } $.each(messages, function (index, message) { if (message.sender_email !== email) { new_message_count++; title_needs_update = true; if (desktop_notifications_enabled && browser_desktop_notifications_on() && (message.type === "private" || speaking_at_me(message))) { process_desktop_notification(message); } } }); if (title_needs_update) { document.title = "(" + new_message_count + ") " + domain + " - Humbug"; } }; return exports; }());