var render = (function () { var exports = {}; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require("path"); var _ = require('third/underscore/underscore.js'); var Handlebars = require('handlebars'); function template_dir() { return __dirname + '/../../static/templates/'; } var list_of_exceptions = [""].concat((function () { return fs.readdirSync(template_dir()).filter(function (file) { return fs.statSync(path.join(template_dir(), file)).isDirectory(); }); }())); exports.init = function () { Handlebars.templates = {}; }; exports.make_sure_all_templates_have_been_compiled = function () { var dir = template_dir(); var fns = fs.readdirSync(dir).filter(function (fn) { return (/\.handlebars/).test(fn); }); _.each(fns, function (fn) { var name = fn.split('.')[0]; if (!Handlebars.templates[name]) { throw "The file " + fn + " has no test coverage."; } }); }; exports.use_template = function (name) { if (Handlebars.templates === undefined) { Handlebars.templates = {}; } var flag = false, counter = 0, data; while (flag === false && counter < list_of_exceptions.length) { try { data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(template_dir(), list_of_exceptions[counter], name + '.handlebars')).toString(); if (data) { flag = true; } } catch (err) { flag = false; } finally { counter++; } } Handlebars.templates[name] = Handlebars.compile(data); }; // list all files in a directory and it's subdirectories in a recursive sync way. exports.walk = function (dir, filelist) { filelist = filelist || []; // grab files one level deep. var files = fs.readdirSync(dir); // for each file, check if it's a directory. If so, continue recursion. // if not add to the file list. files.forEach(function (file) { if (fs.statSync(dir + "/" + file).isDirectory()) { filelist = exports.walk(dir + "/" + file, filelist); } else { filelist.push({ url: dir + "/" + file, name: file }); } }); // return all recursively found files. return filelist; }; exports.partial_finder = (function () { var meta = { read: [] }; // get all files and then map them into friendlier names. var files = exports.walk(path.join(__dirname, "../../static/templates")).map(function (file) { return { url: file.url, name:\.handlebars$/, "") }; }); // this is the external function that is called that will recursively search // for partials in a file and partials inside partials until it finds them all. // it then adds them to a maintenance list of already read partials so that // they don't have to be read/searched again. var __prototype__ = function (name, callback) { if ( === -1) { if (callback) { callback(name); }; var file = files.find(function (file) { return === name; }); if (file) { var template = fs.readFileSync(file.url, "utf8"); // match partial tags. // this uses String.prototype.replace which is kind of hacky but // it is the only JS function IIRC that allows you to match all // instances of a pattern AND return capture groups. template.replace(/\{\{\s*partial\s*"(.+?)"/ig, function (match, $1) { __prototype__($1, callback); }); } } }; return __prototype__; }()); fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, "../../static/templates/", "settings")).forEach(function (o) { exports.use_template(o.replace(/\.handlebars/, "")); }); return exports; }()); module.exports = render;