import logging import traceback import platform from django.core import mail from django.utils.log import AdminEmailHandler from django.views.debug import ExceptionReporter, get_exception_reporter_filter def format_record(record): """ Given a Django error LogRecord, format and return the interesting details, for use by notification mechanisms like Humbug and e-mail. """ subject = '%s: %s' % (platform.node(), record.getMessage()) if record.exc_info: stack_trace = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*record.exc_info)) else: stack_trace = 'No stack trace available' try: user = record.request.user user_info = "%s (%s)" % (user.userprofile.full_name, except Exception: # Error was triggered by an anonymous user. user_info = "Anonymous user (not logged in)" return (subject, stack_trace, user_info) class AdminHumbugHandler(logging.Handler): """An exception log handler that Humbugs log entries to the Humbug realm. If the request is passed as the first argument to the log record, request data will be provided in the email report. """ # adapted in part from django/utils/ def __init__(self): logging.Handler.__init__(self) def emit(self, record): # We have to defer imports to avoid circular imports in from zephyr.models import Recipient from zephyr.lib.actions import internal_send_message try: request = record.request filter = get_exception_reporter_filter(request) request_repr = "Request info:\n~~~~\n" request_repr += "- path: %s\n" % (request.path,) if request.method == "GET": request_repr += "- GET: %s\n" % (request.GET,) elif request.method == "POST": request_repr += "- POST: %s\n" % (filter.get_post_parameters(request),) for field in ["REMOTE_ADDR", "QUERY_STRING", "SERVER_NAME"]: request_repr += "- %s: \"%s\"\n" % (field, request.META.get(field, "(None)")) request_repr += "~~~~" except Exception: request_repr = "Request repr() unavailable." subject, stack_trace, user_info = format_record(record) internal_send_message("", Recipient.STREAM, "devel", self.format_subject(subject), "Error generated by %s\n\n~~~~ pytb\n%s\n\n~~~~\n%s" % ( user_info, stack_trace, request_repr)) def format_subject(self, subject): """ Escape CR and LF characters, and limit length to MAX_SUBJECT_LENGTH. """ from zephyr.models import MAX_SUBJECT_LENGTH formatted_subject = subject.replace('\n', '\\n').replace('\r', '\\r') return formatted_subject[:MAX_SUBJECT_LENGTH] class HumbugAdminEmailHandler(AdminEmailHandler): """An exception log handler that emails log entries to site admins. If the request is passed as the first argument to the log record, request data will be provided in the email report. """ def emit(self, record): try: request = record.request filter = get_exception_reporter_filter(request) request_repr = filter.get_request_repr(request) except Exception: request = None request_repr = "Request repr() unavailable." subject, stack_trace, user_info = format_record(record) message = "Error generated by %s\n\n%s\n\n%s" % (user_info, stack_trace, request_repr) reporter = ExceptionReporter(request, is_email=True, *record.exc_info) html_message = self.include_html and reporter.get_traceback_html() or None mail.mail_admins(self.format_subject(subject), message, fail_silently=True, html_message=html_message)