# Zulip Zabbix integration Receive Zabbix notifications in Zulip! !!! warn "" **Note:** This guide is for Zabbix 5.4 and above; some older Zabbix versions have a different workflow for creating an outgoing webhook. {start_tabs} 1. {!create-channel.md!} 1. {!create-an-incoming-webhook.md!} 1. {!generate-webhook-url-basic.md!} 1. Go to **Administration** in your Zabbix web interface. Click on **General**, and select **Macros** from the dropdown. Click **Add**. 1. Set the macro to `{$ZABBIX_URL}`. Set the value as the URL to your Zabbix server, e.g., `https://zabbix.example.com`, and ensure that there are no trailing slashes. Click **Update**. 1. Go back to **Administration** in your Zabbix web interface. Select **Media Types**, and click **Create Media Type**. 1. Set **Name** to a name of your choice, such as `Zulip`. Set **Type** to **Webhook**, and add the following **Parameters**: * `hostname`: `{HOST.NAME}` * `item`: `{ITEM.NAME1} is {ITEM.VALUE1}` * `link`: `{$ZABBIX_URL}/tr_events.php?triggerid={TRIGGER.ID}&eventid={EVENT.ID}` * `severity`: `{TRIGGER.SEVERITY}` * `status`: `{TRIGGER.STATUS}` * `trigger`: `{TRIGGER.NAME}` * `zulip_endpoint`: the URL generated above 1. Click the **Pencil** to edit the script, and replace any existing content with the script below. Then, check the **Enabled** option. try { Zabbix.Log(4, 'zulip webhook script value='+value); var result = { 'tags': { 'endpoint': 'zulip' } }, params = JSON.parse(value), req = new HttpRequest(), payload = {}, resp; req.addHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); payload.hostname = params.hostname; payload.severity = params.severity; payload.status = params.status; payload.item = params.item; payload.trigger = params.trigger; payload.link = params.link; resp = req.post(params.zulip_endpoint, JSON.stringify(payload)) if (req.getStatus() != 200) { throw 'Response code: '+req.getStatus(); } resp = JSON.parse(resp); result.tags.issue_id = resp.id; result.tags.issue_key = resp.key; } catch (error) { Zabbix.Log(4, 'zulip issue creation failed json : '+JSON.stringify(payload)); Zabbix.Log(4, 'zulip issue creation failed : '+error); result = {}; } return JSON.stringify(result); 1. Open **Message Templates** from the top bar. Click **Add** under **Message Type**, and select **Problem**. 1. Set **Subject** to `{TRIGGER.STATUS}-{TRIGGER.SEVERITY}-{TRIGGER.NAME}`. Set **Message** to the following, and click **Add**: { "hostname": "{HOST.NAME}", "severity": "{TRIGGER.SEVERITY}", "status": "{TRIGGER.STATUS}", "item": "{ITEM.NAME1} is {ITEM.VALUE1}", "trigger": "{TRIGGER.NAME}", "link": "{$ZABBIX_URL}/tr_events.php?triggerid={TRIGGER.ID}&eventid={EVENT.ID}" } 1. Go back to **Administration** in your Zabbix web interface. Click on **Users**, and select the alias of the user you would like to use to set the notification. Select **Media**, and click **Add**. 1. Set **Type** to the name you assigned to the media type above. Set **Send To** to `Zulip` or any text, as this field requires text, but it isn't used. Set the severity and active periods for notifications as suitable, and check the **Enabled** option. Click **Add**, and select **Update**. 1. Go back to your Zabbix web interface, and click **Configuration**. Select **Actions**, and choose **Create Action**. 1. Set **Name** to a name of your choice, such as `Zulip`. Under **New Conditions**, add the conditions for triggering a notification. Check the **Enabled** option, and click **Operations**. 1. Under **Operations**, click **Add**, and then set **Operation Type** to `Send Message`. Under **Send to Users**, choose **Add**, and select the user you added the alert to above, and click **Select**. Under **Send only to**, select **Zulip** or the name of your media type. Click **Add** twice. {end_tabs} {!congrats.md!} ![](/static/images/integrations/zabbix/001.png) ### Related documentation {!webhooks-url-specification.md!}