var drafts = (function () { var exports = {}; var draft_model = (function () { var exports = {}; // the key that the drafts are stored under. var KEY = "drafts"; var ls = localstorage(); ls.version = 1; function getTimestamp() { return new Date().getTime(); } function get() { return ls.get(KEY) || {}; } exports.get = get; exports.getDraft = function (id) { return get()[id] || false; }; function save(drafts) { ls.set(KEY, drafts); } exports.addDraft = function (draft) { var drafts = get(); // use the base16 of the current time + a random string to reduce // collisions to essentially zero. var id = getTimestamp().toString(16) + "-" + Math.random().toString(16).split(/\./).pop(); draft.updatedAt = getTimestamp(); drafts[id] = draft; save(drafts); return id; }; exports.editDraft = function (id, draft) { var drafts = get(); if (drafts[id]) { draft.updatedAt = getTimestamp(); drafts[id] = draft; save(drafts); } }; exports.deleteDraft = function (id) { var drafts = get(); delete drafts[id]; save(drafts); }; return exports; }()); exports.draft_model = draft_model; exports.snapshot_message = function () { if (!compose_state.composing() || (compose_state.message_content() === "")) { // If you aren't in the middle of composing the body of a // message, don't try to snapshot. return; } // Save what we can. var message = { type: compose_state.get_message_type(), content: compose_state.message_content(), }; if (message.type === "private") { var recipient = compose_state.recipient(); message.reply_to = recipient; message.private_message_recipient = recipient; } else { = compose_state.stream_name(); message.subject = compose_state.subject(); } return message; }; exports.update_draft = function () { var draft = drafts.snapshot_message(); var draft_id = $("#new_message_content").data("draft-id"); if (draft_id !== undefined) { if (draft !== undefined) { draft_model.editDraft(draft_id, draft); } else { draft_model.deleteDraft(draft_id); } } else { if (draft !== undefined) { var new_draft_id = draft_model.addDraft(draft); $("#new_message_content").data("draft-id", new_draft_id); } } }; exports.delete_draft_after_send = function () { var draft_id = $("#new_message_content").data("draft-id"); if (draft_id) { draft_model.deleteDraft(draft_id); } $("#new_message_content").removeData("draft-id"); }; exports.restore_draft = function (draft_id) { var draft = draft_model.getDraft(draft_id); if (!draft) { return; } var draft_copy = _.extend({}, draft); if ((draft_copy.type === "stream" && > 0 && draft_copy.subject.length > 0) || (draft_copy.type === "private" && draft_copy.reply_to.length > 0)) { draft_copy = _.extend({replying_to_message: draft_copy}, draft_copy); } modals.close_modal("drafts"); compose_fade.clear_compose(); if (draft.type === "stream" && === "") { draft_copy.subject = ""; } compose_actions.start(draft_copy.type, draft_copy); compose_ui.autosize_textarea(); $("#new_message_content").data("draft-id", draft_id); }; exports.setup_page = function (callback) { function setup_event_handlers() { $(".restore-draft").on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var draft_row = $(this).closest(".draft-row"); var draft_id ="draft-id"); exports.restore_draft(draft_id); }); $(".draft_controls .delete-draft").on("click", function () { var draft_row = $(this).closest(".draft-row"); var draft_id ="draft-id"); exports.draft_model.deleteDraft(draft_id); draft_row.remove(); if ($("#drafts_table .draft-row").length === 0) { $('#drafts_table .no-drafts').show(); } }); } function format_drafts(data) { var drafts = _.mapObject(data, function (draft, id) { var formatted; if (draft.type === "stream") { // In case there is no stream for the draft, we need a // single space char for proper rendering of the stream label var space_string = new Handlebars.SafeString(" "); var stream = ( > 0 ? : space_string); var draft_topic = draft.subject.length === 0 ? compose.empty_topic_placeholder() : draft.subject; formatted = { draft_id: id, is_stream: true, stream: stream, stream_color: stream_data.get_color(, topic: draft_topic, raw_content: draft.content, }; echo.apply_markdown(formatted); } else { var emails = util.extract_pm_recipients(draft.private_message_recipient); var recipients =, function (email) { email = email.trim(); var person = people.get_by_email(email); if (person !== undefined) { return person.full_name; } return email; }).join(', '); formatted = { draft_id: id, is_stream: false, recipients: recipients, raw_content: draft.content, }; echo.apply_markdown(formatted); } return formatted; }); return drafts; } function _populate_and_fill() { $('#drafts_table').empty(); var drafts = format_drafts(draft_model.get()); var rendered = templates.render('draft_table_body', { drafts: drafts }); $('#drafts_table').append(rendered); if ($("#drafts_table .draft-row").length > 0) { $('#drafts_table .no-drafts').hide(); } if (callback) { callback(); } setup_event_handlers(); } function populate_and_fill() { i18n.ensure_i18n(function () { _populate_and_fill(); }); } populate_and_fill(); }; exports.drafts_overlay_open = function () { return $("#draft_overlay").hasClass("show"); }; function drafts_initialize_focus(event_name) { // If a draft is not focused in draft modal, then focus the last draft // if up_arrow is clicked or the first draft if down_arrow is clicked. if (event_name !== "up_arrow" && event_name !== "down_arrow" || $(".draft-info-box:focus")[0]) { return; } var draft_arrow = draft_model.get(); var draft_id_arrow = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(draft_arrow); if (draft_id_arrow.length === 0) { // empty drafts modal return; } var draft_element; if (event_name === "up_arrow") { draft_element = document.querySelectorAll('[data-draft-id="' + draft_id_arrow[draft_id_arrow.length-1] + '"]'); } else if (event_name === "down_arrow") { draft_element = document.querySelectorAll('[data-draft-id="' + draft_id_arrow[0] + '"]'); } var focus_element = draft_element[0].children[0]; focus_element.focus(); } function drafts_scroll(next_focus_draft_row) { if (next_focus_draft_row[0] === undefined) { return; } if (next_focus_draft_row[0].children[0] === undefined) { return; } next_focus_draft_row[0].children[0].focus(); // If focused draft is first draft, scroll to the top. if ($(".draft-info-box:first")[0].parentElement === next_focus_draft_row[0]) { $(".drafts-list")[0].scrollTop = 0; } // If focused draft is the last draft, scroll to the bottom. if ($(".draft-info-box:last")[0].parentElement === next_focus_draft_row[0]) { $(".drafts-list")[0].scrollTop = $('.drafts-list')[0].scrollHeight - $('.drafts-list').height(); } // If focused draft is cut off from the top, scroll up halfway in draft modal. if (next_focus_draft_row.position().top < 55) { // 55 is the minimum distance from the top that will require extra scrolling. $(".drafts-list")[0].scrollTop -= $(".drafts-list")[0].clientHeight / 2; } // If focused draft is cut off from the bottom, scroll down halfway in draft modal. var dist_from_top = next_focus_draft_row.position().top; var total_dist = dist_from_top + next_focus_draft_row[0].clientHeight; var dist_from_bottom = $(".drafts-container")[0].clientHeight - total_dist; if (dist_from_bottom < -4) { //-4 is the min dist from the bottom that will require extra scrolling. $(".drafts-list")[0].scrollTop += $(".drafts-list")[0].clientHeight / 2; } } exports.drafts_handle_events = function (e, event_key) { var draft_arrow = draft_model.get(); var draft_id_arrow = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(draft_arrow); drafts_initialize_focus(event_key); // This detects up arrow key presses when the draft overlay // is open and scrolls through the drafts. if (event_key === "up_arrow") { var focus_draft_up_row = $(".draft-info-box:focus")[0].parentElement; var prev_focus_draft_row = $(focus_draft_up_row).prev(); drafts_scroll(prev_focus_draft_row); } // This detects down arrow key presses when the draft overlay // is open and scrolls through the drafts. if (event_key === "down_arrow") { var focus_draft_down_row = $(".draft-info-box:focus")[0].parentElement; var next_focus_draft_row = $(focus_draft_down_row).next(); drafts_scroll(next_focus_draft_row); } var elt = document.activeElement; var focused_draft = $(elt.parentElement)[0].getAttribute("data-draft-id"); // Allows user to delete drafts with backspace if (event_key === "backspace") { if (elt.parentElement.hasAttribute("data-draft-id")) { var focus_draft_back_row = $(elt)[0].parentElement; var backnext_focus_draft_row = $(focus_draft_back_row).next(); var backprev_focus_draft_row = $(focus_draft_back_row).prev(); var delete_id; if (backnext_focus_draft_row[0] !== undefined) { delete_id = backnext_focus_draft_row[0].getAttribute("data-draft-id"); } else if (backprev_focus_draft_row[0] !== undefined) { delete_id = backprev_focus_draft_row[0].getAttribute("data-draft-id"); } drafts.draft_model.deleteDraft(focused_draft); document.activeElement.parentElement.remove(); var new_focus_element = document.querySelectorAll('[data-draft-id="' + delete_id + '"]'); if (new_focus_element[0] !== undefined) { new_focus_element[0].children[0].focus(); } if ($("#drafts_table .draft-row").length === 0) { $('#drafts_table .no-drafts').show(); } } } // This handles when pressing enter while looking at drafts. // It restores draft that is focused. if (event_key === "enter") { if (document.activeElement.parentElement.hasAttribute("data-draft-id")) { exports.restore_draft(focused_draft); } else { var first_draft = draft_id_arrow[draft_id_arrow.length-1]; exports.restore_draft(first_draft); } } }; exports.toggle = function () { if (exports.drafts_overlay_open()) { modals.close_modal("drafts"); } else { exports.launch(); } }; exports.launch = function () { exports.setup_page(function () { modals.open_overlay({ name: 'drafts', overlay: $('#draft_overlay'), on_close: function () { hashchange.exit_modal(); }, }); $("#draft_overlay").addClass("show"); var draft_list = drafts.draft_model.get(); var draft_id_list = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(draft_list); if (draft_id_list.length > 0) { var last_draft = draft_id_list[draft_id_list.length-1]; var last_draft_element = document.querySelectorAll('[data-draft-id="' + last_draft + '"]'); var focus_element = last_draft_element[0].children[0]; focus_element.focus(); $(".drafts-list")[0].scrollTop = $('.drafts-list')[0].scrollHeight - $('.drafts-list').height(); } }); }; $(function () { window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function () { exports.update_draft(); }); $("#new_message_content").focusout(exports.update_draft); }); return exports; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = drafts; }