import { differenceInHours, differenceInMinutes, formatISO, isEqual, isValid, parseISO, } from "date-fns"; import $ from "jquery"; import _ from "lodash"; import render_markdown_time_tooltip from "../templates/markdown_time_tooltip.hbs"; import {$t} from "./i18n"; import {difference_in_calendar_days, get_offset, start_of_day} from "./time_zone_util"; import {parse_html} from "./ui_util"; import {user_settings} from "./user_settings"; let next_timerender_id = 0; export let display_time_zone = new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; const formatter_map = new Map(); export function clear_for_testing(): void { next_timerender_id = 0; } // Exported for testing only; we do not support live-updating the time zone. export function set_display_time_zone(time_zone: string): void { display_time_zone = time_zone; formatter_map.clear(); } type DateFormat = "weekday" | "dayofyear" | "weekday_dayofyear_year" | "dayofyear_year"; type DateWithTimeFormat = | "dayofyear_time" | "dayofyear_year_time" | "weekday_dayofyear_year_time" | "full_weekday_dayofyear_year_time"; type TimeFormat = "time" | "time_sec"; type DateOrTimeFormat = DateFormat | TimeFormat | DateWithTimeFormat; // Translates Zulip-specific format names, documented in the comments // below, into the appropriate options to pass to the Intl library // along with the user's locale to render date in that style of format. // // Note that because date/time formats vary with locale, the below // examples are what a user with English as their language will see // but users in other locales will see something different, especially // for any formats that display the name for a month/weekday, but // possibly in more subtle ways for languages with different // punctuation schemes for date and times. export function get_format_options_for_type( type: DateOrTimeFormat, is_twenty_four_hour_time: boolean, ): Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions { const time_format_options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = is_twenty_four_hour_time ? {hourCycle: "h23", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit"} : { hourCycle: "h12", hour: "numeric", minute: "2-digit", }; const weekday_format_options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {weekday: "long"}; const full_format_options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = { weekday: "long", year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric", }; const dayofyear_format_options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {day: "numeric", month: "short"}; const dayofyear_year_format_options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = { ...dayofyear_format_options, year: "numeric", }; const long_format_options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = { ...dayofyear_year_format_options, weekday: "short", }; switch (type) { case "time": // 01:30 PM return time_format_options; case "time_sec": // 01:30:42 PM return {...time_format_options, second: "2-digit"}; case "weekday": // Wednesday return weekday_format_options; case "dayofyear": // Jul 27 return dayofyear_format_options; case "dayofyear_time": // Jul 27, 01:30 PM return {...dayofyear_format_options, ...time_format_options}; case "dayofyear_year": // Jul 27, 2016 return dayofyear_year_format_options; case "dayofyear_year_time": // Jul 27, 2016, 01:30 PM return {...dayofyear_year_format_options, ...time_format_options}; case "weekday_dayofyear_year": // Wednesday, July 27, 2016 return full_format_options; case "weekday_dayofyear_year_time": // Wed, Jul 27, 2016, 13:30 return {...long_format_options, ...time_format_options}; case "full_weekday_dayofyear_year_time": // Wednesday, July 27, 2016, 13:30 return {...long_format_options, ...time_format_options, weekday: "long", month: "long"}; default: throw new Error("Wrong format provided."); } } // Common function for all date/time rendering in the project. Handles // localization using the user's configured locale and the // twenty_four_hour_time setting. // // See get_format_options_for_type for details on the supported formats. export function get_localized_date_or_time_for_format( date: Date | number, format: DateOrTimeFormat, ): string { const is_twenty_four_hour_time = user_settings.twenty_four_hour_time; const format_key = `${user_settings.default_language}:${is_twenty_four_hour_time}:${format}`; if (!formatter_map.has(format_key)) { formatter_map.set( format_key, new Intl.DateTimeFormat(user_settings.default_language, { timeZone: display_time_zone, ...get_format_options_for_type(format, is_twenty_four_hour_time), }), ); } return formatter_map.get(format_key)!.format(date); } // Exported for tests only. export function get_tz_with_UTC_offset(time: number | Date): string { let timezone = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(user_settings.default_language, { timeZone: display_time_zone, timeZoneName: "short", }) .formatToParts(time) .find(({type}) => type === "timeZoneName")?.value; if (timezone === "UTC") { return "UTC"; } // When user's locale doesn't match their time zone (eg. en_US for IST), // we get `timezone` in the format of'GMT+x:y. We don't want to // show that along with (UTC+x:y) timezone = /GMT[+-][\d:]*/.test(timezone ?? "") ? "" : timezone; const offset_minutes = Math.round(get_offset(time, display_time_zone) / 60000); const tz_UTC_offset = `(UTC${offset_minutes < 0 ? "-" : "+"}${String( Math.floor(Math.abs(offset_minutes) / 60), ).padStart(2, "0")}:${String(Math.abs(offset_minutes) % 60).padStart(2, "0")})`; if (timezone) { return timezone + " " + tz_UTC_offset; } return tz_UTC_offset; } // Given a Date object 'time', returns an object: // { // time_str: a string for the current human-formatted version // formal_time_str: a string for the current formally formatted version // e.g. "Monday, April 15, 2017" // needs_update: a boolean for if it will need to be updated when the // day changes // } export type TimeRender = { time_str: string; formal_time_str: string; needs_update: boolean; }; export function render_now(time: Date, today = new Date()): TimeRender { let time_str = ""; let needs_update = false; // render formal time to be used for tippy tooltip const formal_time_str = get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "weekday_dayofyear_year"); // How many days old is 'time'? 0 = today, 1 = yesterday, 7 = a // week ago, -1 = tomorrow, etc. // Presumably the result of diffDays will be an integer in this // case, but round it to be sure before comparing to integer // constants. const days_old = difference_in_calendar_days(today, time, display_time_zone); if (days_old === 0) { time_str = $t({defaultMessage: "Today"}); needs_update = true; } else if (days_old === 1) { time_str = $t({defaultMessage: "Yesterday"}); needs_update = true; } else if (time.getFullYear() !== today.getFullYear()) { // For long running servers, searching backlog can get ambiguous // without a year stamp. Only show year if message is from an older year time_str = get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "dayofyear_year"); needs_update = false; } else { // For now, if we get a message from tomorrow, we don't bother // rewriting the timestamp when it gets to be tomorrow. time_str = get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "dayofyear"); needs_update = false; } return { time_str, formal_time_str, needs_update, }; } // Relative time rendering for use in most screens like Recent conversations. export function relative_time_string_from_date(date: Date): string { const current_date = new Date(); const minutes = differenceInMinutes(current_date, date); if (minutes <= 2) { return $t({defaultMessage: "Just now"}); } if (minutes < 60) { return $t({defaultMessage: "{minutes} minutes ago"}, {minutes}); } const days_old = difference_in_calendar_days(current_date, date, display_time_zone); const hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60); if (hours < 24) { if (hours === 1) { return $t({defaultMessage: "An hour ago"}); } return $t({defaultMessage: "{hours} hours ago"}, {hours}); } if (days_old === 1) { return $t({defaultMessage: "Yesterday"}); } if (days_old < 90) { return $t({defaultMessage: "{days_old} days ago"}, {days_old}); } else if ( days_old > 90 && days_old < 365 && date.getFullYear() === current_date.getFullYear() ) { // Online more than 90 days ago, in the same year return get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(date, "dayofyear"); } return get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(date, "dayofyear_year"); } // Relative time logic variant use in the buddy list, where every // string has "Active" init. This is hard to deduplicate with // relative_time_string_from_date because of complexities involved in i18n and // word order. // // Current date is passed as an argument for unit testing export function last_seen_status_from_date(last_active_date: Date): string { const current_date = new Date(); const minutes = differenceInMinutes(current_date, last_active_date); if (minutes < 60) { return $t({defaultMessage: "Active {minutes} minutes ago"}, {minutes}); } const days_old = difference_in_calendar_days(current_date, last_active_date, display_time_zone); const hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60); if (hours < 24) { if (hours === 1) { return $t({defaultMessage: "Active an hour ago"}); } return $t({defaultMessage: "Active {hours} hours ago"}, {hours}); } if (days_old === 1) { return $t({defaultMessage: "Active yesterday"}); } if (days_old < 90) { return $t({defaultMessage: "Active {days_old} days ago"}, {days_old}); } else if ( days_old > 90 && days_old < 365 && last_active_date.getFullYear() === current_date.getFullYear() ) { // Online more than 90 days ago, in the same year return $t( {defaultMessage: "Active {last_active_date}"}, { last_active_date: get_localized_date_or_time_for_format( last_active_date, "dayofyear", ), }, ); } return $t( {defaultMessage: "Active {last_active_date}"}, { last_active_date: get_localized_date_or_time_for_format( last_active_date, "dayofyear_year", ), }, ); } // List of the dates that need to be updated when the day changes. // Each timestamp is represented as a list of length 2: // [id of the span element, Date representing the time] type UpdateEntry = { needs_update: boolean; className: string; time: Date; }; let update_list: UpdateEntry[] = []; // The time at the beginning of the day, when the timestamps were updated. // Represented as a Date with hour, minute, second, millisecond 0. let last_update: Date; export function initialize(): void { if ( display_time_zone === undefined || // display_time_zone === "Etc/Unknown" // ) { display_time_zone = user_settings.timezone; try { new Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {timeZone: display_time_zone}); } catch { display_time_zone = "UTC"; } } last_update = start_of_day(new Date(), display_time_zone); } function maybe_add_update_list_entry(entry: UpdateEntry): void { if (entry.needs_update) { update_list.push(entry); } } function render_date_span($elem: JQuery, rendered_time: TimeRender): JQuery { $elem.text(""); $elem.append(_.escape(rendered_time.time_str)); return $elem.attr("data-tippy-content", rendered_time.formal_time_str); } // Given an Date object 'time', return a DOM node that initially // displays the human-formatted date, and is updated automatically as // necessary (e.g. changing "Today" to "Yesterday" to "Jul 1"). // (What's actually spliced into the message template is the contents // of this DOM node as HTML, so effectively a copy of the node. That's // okay since to update the time later we look up the node by its id.) export function render_date(time: Date): JQuery { const className = `timerender${next_timerender_id}`; next_timerender_id += 1; const rendered_time = render_now(time); let $node = $("").attr("class", className); $node = render_date_span($node, rendered_time); maybe_add_update_list_entry({ needs_update: rendered_time.needs_update, className, time, }); return $node; } // Renders the timestamp returned by the Markdown syntax. export function format_markdown_time(time: number | Date): string { return get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "weekday_dayofyear_year_time"); } export function get_markdown_time_tooltip(reference: HTMLElement): DocumentFragment | string { if (reference instanceof HTMLTimeElement) { const time = parseISO(reference.dateTime); const tz_offset_str = get_tz_with_UTC_offset(time); return parse_html(render_markdown_time_tooltip({tz_offset_str})); } return ""; } // This isn't expected to be called externally except manually for // testing purposes. export function update_timestamps(): void { const today = start_of_day(new Date(), display_time_zone); if (!isEqual(today, last_update)) { const to_process = update_list; update_list = []; for (const entry of to_process) { const className = entry.className; const $elements = $(`.${CSS.escape(className)}`); // The element might not exist any more (because it // was in the narrowed message list which was removed, // or because we added messages above it and re-collapsed). if ($elements.length > 0) { const time = entry.time; const rendered_time = render_now(time, today); for (const element of $elements) { render_date_span($(element), rendered_time); } maybe_add_update_list_entry({ needs_update: rendered_time.needs_update, className, time, }); } } last_update = today; } } setInterval(update_timestamps, 60 * 1000); // Transform a Unix timestamp into a ISO 8601 formatted date string. // Example: 1978-10-31T13:37:42Z export function get_full_time(timestamp: number): string { return formatISO(timestamp * 1000); } function get_current_time_to_hour(): Date { const timestamp = new Date(); timestamp.setMinutes(0, 0); return timestamp; } export function get_timestamp_for_flatpickr(timestring?: string): Date { let timestamp; // timestring is undefined when first opening the picker from the // compose box button. if (timestring === undefined) { return get_current_time_to_hour(); } try { // If there's already a valid time in the compose box, // we use it to initialize the flatpickr instance. timestamp = parseISO(timestring); } finally { // Otherwise, default to showing the current time to the hour. if (!timestamp || !isValid(timestamp)) { timestamp = get_current_time_to_hour(); } } return timestamp; } export function stringify_time(time: number | Date): string { return get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "time"); } export function format_time_modern(time: number | Date, today = new Date()): string { const hours = differenceInHours(today, time); const days_old = difference_in_calendar_days(today, time, display_time_zone); if (time > today) { /* For timestamps in the future, we always show the year*/ return get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "dayofyear_year"); } else if (hours < 24) { return stringify_time(time); } else if (days_old === 1) { return $t({defaultMessage: "Yesterday"}); } else if (days_old < 7) { return get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "weekday"); } else if (days_old <= 180) { return get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "dayofyear"); } return get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "dayofyear_year"); } // this is for rendering absolute time based off the preferences for twenty-four // hour time in the format of "%mmm %d, %h:%m %p". export function absolute_time(timestamp: number): string { const today = new Date(); const date = new Date(timestamp); const is_older_year = today.getFullYear() - date.getFullYear() > 0; return get_localized_date_or_time_for_format( date, is_older_year ? "dayofyear_year_time" : "dayofyear_time", ); } // Pass time_format="time" to not include seconds in the time format. export function get_full_datetime(time: Date, time_format: TimeFormat = "time_sec"): string { const date_string = get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, "dayofyear_year"); const time_string = get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, time_format); return $t({defaultMessage: "{date} at {time}"}, {date: date_string, time: time_string}); } // Preferred variant for displaying a full datetime to users in // contexts like tooltips, where the time was already displayed to the // user in a less precise format. export function get_full_datetime_clarification( time: Date, time_format: TimeFormat = "time_sec", ): string { const date_string = time.toLocaleDateString(user_settings.default_language, { timeZone: display_time_zone, }); let time_string = get_localized_date_or_time_for_format(time, time_format); const tz_offset_str = get_tz_with_UTC_offset(time); time_string = time_string + " " + tz_offset_str; return $t({defaultMessage: "{date} at {time}"}, {date: date_string, time: time_string}); } type TimeLimitSetting = { value: number; unit: string; }; export function get_time_limit_setting_in_appropriate_unit( time_limit_in_seconds: number, ): TimeLimitSetting { const time_limit_in_minutes = Math.floor(time_limit_in_seconds / 60); if (time_limit_in_minutes < 60) { return {value: time_limit_in_minutes, unit: "minute"}; } const time_limit_in_hours = Math.floor(time_limit_in_minutes / 60); if (time_limit_in_hours < 24) { return {value: time_limit_in_hours, unit: "hour"}; } const time_limit_in_days = Math.floor(time_limit_in_hours / 24); return {value: time_limit_in_days, unit: "day"}; } export function should_display_profile_incomplete_alert(timestamp: number): boolean { const today = new Date(; const time = new Date(timestamp); const days_old = difference_in_calendar_days(today, time, display_time_zone); if (days_old >= 15) { return true; } return false; }