import flatpickr from "flatpickr"; import $ from "jquery"; import {z} from "zod"; import render_settings_custom_user_profile_field from "../templates/settings/custom_user_profile_field.hbs"; import {Typeahead} from "./bootstrap_typeahead"; import * as bootstrap_typeahead from "./bootstrap_typeahead"; import {$t} from "./i18n"; import * as people from "./people"; import * as pill_typeahead from "./pill_typeahead"; import * as settings_components from "./settings_components"; import {realm} from "./state_data"; import * as typeahead_helper from "./typeahead_helper"; import type {UserPillWidget} from "./user_pill"; import * as user_pill from "./user_pill"; const user_value_schema = z.array(z.number()); export function append_custom_profile_fields(element_id: string, user_id: number): void { const person = people.get_by_user_id(user_id); if (person.is_bot) { return; } const all_custom_fields = realm.custom_profile_fields; const all_field_types = realm.custom_profile_field_types; const all_field_template_types = new Map([ [, "text"], [, "text"], [, "select"], [, "user"], [, "date"], [, "text"], [, "url"], [, "text"], ]); for (const field of all_custom_fields) { let field_value = people.get_custom_profile_data(user_id,; const is_select_field = field.type ===; const field_choices = []; if (field_value === undefined || field_value === null) { field_value = {value: "", rendered_value: ""}; } if (is_select_field) { const field_choice_dict = settings_components.select_field_data_schema.parse( JSON.parse(field.field_data), ); for (const [value, {order, text}] of Object.entries(field_choice_dict)) { field_choices[Number(order)] = { value, text, selected: value === field_value.value, }; } } const html = render_settings_custom_user_profile_field({ field, field_type: all_field_template_types.get(field.type), field_value, is_long_text_field: field.type ===, is_user_field: field.type ===, is_date_field: field.type ===, is_url_field: field.type ===, is_pronouns_field: field.type ===, is_select_field, field_choices, for_manage_user_modal: element_id === "#edit-user-form .custom-profile-field-form", is_empty_required_field: field.required && !field_value.value, }); $(element_id).append($(html)); } } export function initialize_custom_user_type_fields( element_id: string, user_id: number, is_editable: boolean, pill_update_handler?: ( field: { type: number; field_data: string; hint: string; id: number; name: string; order: number; required: boolean; display_in_profile_summary?: boolean | undefined; }, pills: UserPillWidget, ) => void, ): Map { const field_types = realm.custom_profile_field_types; const user_pills = new Map(); const person = people.get_by_user_id(user_id); if (person.is_bot) { return user_pills; } for (const field of realm.custom_profile_fields) { const field_value_raw = people.get_custom_profile_data(user_id,; // If field is not editable and field value is null, we don't expect // pill container for that field and proceed further if (field.type === && (field_value_raw !== undefined || is_editable)) { const $pill_container = $(element_id) .find( `.custom_user_field[data-field-id="${CSS.escape(`${}`)}"] .pill-container`, ) .expectOne(); const pill_config = { exclude_inaccessible_users: is_editable, }; const pills = user_pill.create_pills($pill_container, pill_config); if (field_value_raw !== undefined) { const field_value = user_value_schema.parse(JSON.parse(field_value_raw)); for (const pill_user_id of field_value) { const user = people.get_user_by_id_assert_valid(pill_user_id); user_pill.append_user(user, pills); } } if (is_editable) { const $input = $pill_container.children(".input"); if (pill_update_handler) { const update_func = (): void => { pill_update_handler(field, pills); }; const opts = { update_func, exclude_bots: true, }; pill_typeahead.set_up_user($input, pills, opts); pills.onPillRemove(() => { pill_update_handler(field, pills); }); } else { pill_typeahead.set_up_user($input, pills, {exclude_bots: true}); } } user_pills.set(, pills); } } return user_pills; } export function initialize_custom_date_type_fields(element_id: string): void { flatpickr($(element_id).find(".custom_user_field .datepicker")[0]!, { altInput: true, altFormat: "F j, Y", allowInput: true, static: true, }); $(element_id) .find(".custom_user_field input.datepicker") .on("mouseenter", function () { if ($(this).val()!.length <= 0) { $(this).parent().find(".remove_date").hide(); } else { $(this).parent().find(".remove_date").show(); } }); $(element_id) .find(".custom_user_field .remove_date") .on("click", function () { const $custom_user_field = $(this).parent().find(".custom_user_field_value"); $custom_user_field.val(""); $custom_user_field.trigger("input"); }); } export function initialize_custom_pronouns_type_fields(element_id: string): void { const commonly_used_pronouns = [ $t({defaultMessage: "he/him"}), $t({defaultMessage: "she/her"}), $t({defaultMessage: "they/them"}), ]; const bootstrap_typeahead_input = { $element: $(element_id).find("input.pronouns_type_field"), type: "input" as const, }; new Typeahead(bootstrap_typeahead_input, { items: 3, helpOnEmptyStrings: true, source() { return commonly_used_pronouns; }, sorter(items, query) { return bootstrap_typeahead.defaultSorter(items, query); }, highlighter_html(item) { return typeahead_helper.render_typeahead_item({primary: item}); }, }); }