{{t "Account" }}

{{#if page_params.two_fa_enabled }}

{{t "Two factor authentication" }}: {{#if page_params.two_fa_enabled_user }}{{t "Enabled" }}{{else}}{{t "Disabled" }}{{/if}} [{{t "Setup" }}]

{{#if page_params.realm_email_auth_enabled}}

{{t "Privacy" }}

{{> settings_checkbox setting_name="presence_enabled" is_checked=settings_object.presence_enabled label=settings_label.presence_enabled help_link="/help/status-and-availability" prefix="user_"}} {{> settings_checkbox setting_name="send_private_typing_notifications" is_checked=settings_object.send_private_typing_notifications label=settings_label.send_private_typing_notifications }} {{#if page_params.development_environment }} {{> settings_checkbox setting_name="send_stream_typing_notifications" is_checked=settings_object.send_stream_typing_notifications label=settings_label.send_stream_typing_notifications }} {{> settings_checkbox setting_name="send_read_receipts" is_checked=settings_object.send_read_receipts label=settings_label.send_read_receipts }} {{/if}}

{{t "API key" }}

{{#tr}} An API key can be used to programmatically access a Zulip account. Anyone with access to your API key has the ability to read your messages, send messages on your behalf, and otherwise impersonate you on Zulip, so you should guard your API key as carefully as you guard your password.
We recommend creating bots and using the bots' accounts and API keys to access the Zulip API, unless the task requires access to your account. {{/tr}}