{ "build": { "buildStatus": "Exit code 1", "buildResult": "failure", "buildResultPrevious": "failure", "buildResultDelta": "unchanged", "notifyType": "buildFinished", "buildFullName": "Project :: Compile", "buildName": "Compile", "buildId": "19952", "buildTypeId": "Project_Compile", "buildInternalTypeId": "bt1", "buildExternalTypeId": "Project_Compile", "buildStatusUrl": "http://teamcity/viewLog.html?buildTypeId=Project_Compile&buildId=19952", "buildStatusHtml": "Project :: Compile # 5535 - CL 123456 has finished with a status of failure and was triggered by Perforce", "rootUrl": "http://teamcity", "projectName": "Project", "projectId": "Project", "projectInternalId": "project1", "projectExternalId": "Project", "buildNumber": "5535 - CL 123456", "agentName": "agent123", "agentOs": "Windows 10, version 10.0", "agentHostname": "agent123.company.com", "triggeredBy": "Perforce", "message": "Build Project :: Compile has finished. This is build number 5535 - CL 123456, has a status of \"failure\" and was triggered by Perforce", "text": "Project :: Compile has finished. Status: failure", "buildStateDescription": "finished", "buildRunners": [ "Command Line", "Command Line", "Command Line", "Command Line", "Command Line", "Command Line" ], "extraParameters": [ ], "teamcityProperties": [ { "name": "DotNetFramework2.0.50727_x64_Path", "value": "C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v2.0.50727" }, { "name": "DotNetFramework2.0.50727_x86_Path", "value": "C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v2.0.50727" }, { "name": "DotNetFramework2.0_x64", "value": "2.0.50727" } ] } }