var subs = (function () { var exports = {}; var stream_info = {}; // Maps lowercase stream name to stream properties object // We fetch the stream colors asynchronous while the message feed is // getting constructed, so we may need to go back and color streams // that have already been rendered. var initial_color_fetch = true; var default_color = "#c2c2c2"; // Auto-assigned colors should be from the default palette so it's easy to undo // changes, so if that pallete changes, change these colors. var stream_assignment_colors = ["#76ce90", "#fae589", "#a6c7e5", "#e79ab5", "#bfd56f", "#f4ae55", "#b0a5fd", "#addfe5", "#f5ce6e", "#c2726a", "#94c849", "#bd86e5", "#ee7e4a", "#a6dcbf", "#95a5fd", "#53a063", "#9987e1", "#e4523d", "#c2c2c2", "#4f8de4", "#c6a8ad", "#e7cc4d", "#c8bebf", "#a47462"]; // Clone stream_assignement_colors var available_colors = stream_assignment_colors.slice(0); var next_sub_id = 0; function add_sub(stream_name, sub) { stream_info[stream_name.toLowerCase()] = sub; } function get_sub(stream_name) { return stream_info[stream_name.toLowerCase()]; } // Classes which could be returned by get_color_class. exports.color_classes = 'dark_background'; exports.stream_info = function (new_stream_info) { if (new_stream_info !== undefined) { stream_info = new_stream_info; } else { return stream_info; } }; function pick_color() { if (available_colors.length === 0) { // We've used all the palette colors, so start re-using them. return stream_assignment_colors[exports.subscribed_streams().length % stream_assignment_colors.length]; } return available_colors[0]; } function mark_color_used(color) { var i; for (i = 0; i < available_colors.length; ++i) { if (available_colors[i] === color) { available_colors.splice(i, 1); return; } } } exports.subscribed_streams = function () { // TODO: Object.keys() compatibility var list = []; $.each(Object.keys(stream_info), function (idx, key) { var sub = stream_info[key]; if (sub.subscribed) { list.push(; } }); list.sort(); return list; }; exports.maybe_toggle_all_messages = function () { var show_all_messages = false; $.each(stream_info, function (idx, stream) { if (!stream.in_home_view) { show_all_messages = true; return false; } }); var all_messages = $("#global_filters [data-name='all']")[0]; if (!show_all_messages) { $(all_messages).addClass('hidden-filter'); } else { $(all_messages).removeClass('hidden-filter'); } }; function should_render_subscribers() { return page_params.domain !== ''; } function should_list_all_streams() { return page_params.domain !== ''; } function update_table_stream_color(table, stream_name, color) { var color_class = exports.get_color_class(color); function fixup(elem) { elem.css("background-color", color) .removeClass(exports.color_classes) .addClass(color_class); } $.each($("#floating_recipient_bar").add(table).find(".stream_label"), function () { if ($(this).text() === stream_name) { fixup($(this).parent("td").parent("tr").prev("tr").nextUntil(".bookend_tr") .children(".messagebox_colorblock,.message_header_colorblock")); } }); } exports.stream_id = function (stream_name) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { blueslip.error("Tried to get subs.stream_id for a stream user is not subscribed to!"); return 0; } return parseInt(, 10); }; exports.canonicalized_name = function (stream_name) { return stream_name.toString().toLowerCase(); }; function update_stream_sidebar_swatch_color(stream_name, color) { var id = exports.stream_id(stream_name); $("#stream_sidebar_swatch_" + id).css('background-color', color); } function update_historical_message_color(stream_name, color) { update_table_stream_color($(".focused_table"), stream_name, color); if ($(".focused_table").attr("id") !== "#zhome") { update_table_stream_color($("#zhome"), stream_name, color); } } var stream_color_palette = [ ['a47462', 'c2726a', 'e4523d', 'e7664d', 'ee7e4a', 'f4ae55'], ['76ce90', '53a063', '94c849', 'bfd56f', 'fae589', 'f5ce6e'], ['a6dcbf', 'addfe5', 'a6c7e5', '4f8de4', '95a5fd', 'b0a5fd'], ['c2c2c2', 'c8bebf', 'c6a8ad', 'e79ab5', 'bd86e5', '9987e1'] ]; var subscriptions_table_colorpicker_options = { clickoutFiresChange: true, showPalette: true, palette: stream_color_palette }; function set_colorpicker_color(colorpicker, color) { colorpicker.spectrum($.extend(subscriptions_table_colorpicker_options, {color: color})); } function update_stream_color(stream_name, color, opts) { opts = $.extend({}, {update_historical: false}, opts); var sub = get_sub(stream_name); sub.color = color; var id = parseInt(, 10); // The swatch in the subscription row header. $("#subscription_" + id + " .color_swatch").css('background-color', color); // The swatch in the color picker. set_colorpicker_color($("#subscription_" + id + " .colorpicker"), color); if (opts.update_historical) { update_historical_message_color(stream_name, color); } update_stream_sidebar_swatch_color(stream_name, color); tab_bar.colorize_tab_bar(); } function set_stream_property(stream_name, property, value) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/json/subscriptions/property', dataType: 'json', data: { "property": property, "stream_name": stream_name, "value": value }, timeout: 10*1000 }); } function stream_home_view_clicked(e) { var sub_row = $('.subscription_row'); var stream = sub_row.find('.subscription_name').text(); subs.toggle_home(stream); } function update_in_home_view(sub, value) { if (sub.in_home_view === value) { return; } sub.in_home_view = value; setTimeout(function () { var scroll_offset, saved_ypos; // Save our current scroll position if (ui.home_tab_obscured()) { saved_ypos = window.scrollY; } else if (home_msg_list === current_msg_list) { scroll_offset = current_msg_list.selected_row().offset().top - viewport.scrollTop(); } home_msg_list.clear({clear_selected_id: false}); // Recreate the home_msg_list with the newly filtered all_msg_list add_messages(all_msg_list.all(), home_msg_list); // Ensure we're still at the same scroll position if (ui.home_tab_obscured()) { window.scrollTo(0, saved_ypos); } else if (home_msg_list === current_msg_list) { // We pass use_closest to handle the case where the // currently selected message is being hidden from the // home view home_msg_list.select_id(home_msg_list.selected_id(), {use_closest: true}); if (current_msg_list.selected_id() !== -1) { viewport.scrollTop(current_msg_list.selected_row().offset().top - scroll_offset); } } // In case we added messages to what's visible in the home view, we need to re-scroll to make // sure the pointer is still visible. We don't want the auto-scroll handler to move our pointer // to the old scroll location before we have a chance to update it. recenter_pointer_on_display = true; suppress_scroll_pointer_update = true; if (! home_msg_list.empty()) { process_loaded_for_unread(home_msg_list.all()); } }, 0); exports.maybe_toggle_all_messages(); stream_list.set_in_home_view(, sub.in_home_view); var in_home_view_checkbox = $("#subscription_" + + " #sub_setting_in_home_view .sub_setting_control"); in_home_view_checkbox.attr('checked', value); } exports.toggle_home = function (stream_name) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); update_in_home_view(sub, ! sub.in_home_view); set_stream_property(stream_name, 'in_home_view', sub.in_home_view); }; function update_stream_notifications(sub, value) { var in_home_view_checkbox = $("#subscription_" + + " #sub_setting_notifications .sub_setting_control"); in_home_view_checkbox.attr('checked', value); sub.notifications = value; } function stream_notifications_clicked(e) { var sub_row = $('.subscription_row'); var stream = sub_row.find('.subscription_name').text(); var sub = get_sub(stream); sub.notifications = ! sub.notifications; set_stream_property(stream, 'notifications', sub.notifications); } function set_color(stream_name, color) { update_stream_color(stream_name, color, {update_historical: true}); set_stream_property(stream_name, 'color', color); } function picker_do_change_color (color) { var stream_name = $(this).attr('stream_name'); var hex_color = color.toHexString(); set_color(stream_name, hex_color); } subscriptions_table_colorpicker_options.change = picker_do_change_color; exports.sidebar_popover_colorpicker_options = { clickoutFiresChange: true, showPaletteOnly: true, showPalette: true, flat: true, palette: stream_color_palette, change: picker_do_change_color }; exports.sidebar_popover_colorpicker_options_full = { clickoutFiresChange: true, showPalette: true, flat: true, cancelText: "", chooseText: "choose", palette: stream_color_palette, change: picker_do_change_color }; function create_sub(stream_name, attrs) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); if (sub !== undefined) { // We've already created this subscription, no need to continue. return sub; } sub = $.extend({}, {name: stream_name, id: next_sub_id++, render_subscribers: should_render_subscribers(), subscribed: true, in_home_view: true, invite_only: false, notifications: false}, attrs); if (sub.color === undefined) { sub.color = pick_color(); } mark_color_used(sub.color); add_sub(stream_name, sub); $(document).trigger($.Event('sub_obj_created.zulip', {sub: sub})); return sub; } function button_for_sub(sub) { var id = parseInt(, 10); return $("#subscription_" + id + " .sub_unsub_button"); } function settings_for_sub(sub) { var id = parseInt(, 10); return $("#subscription_settings_" + id); } exports.show_settings_for = function (stream_name) { settings_for_sub(get_sub(stream_name)).collapse('show'); }; function add_sub_to_table(sub) { $('#create_stream_row').after( templates.render('subscription', sub)); settings_for_sub(sub).collapse('show'); } function format_member_list_elem(name, email) { return name + ' <' + email + '>'; } function add_to_member_list(ul, name, email) { var member; if (email === undefined) { member = name; } else { member = format_member_list_elem(name, email); } $('
  • ').prependTo(ul).text(member); } function mark_subscribed(stream_name, attrs) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { // Create a new stream. sub = create_sub(stream_name, attrs); add_sub_to_table(sub); } else if (! sub.subscribed) { // Add yourself to an existing stream. sub.subscribed = true; set_color(stream_name, pick_color()); mark_color_used(sub.color); var settings = settings_for_sub(sub); var button = button_for_sub(sub); if (button.length !== 0) { button.text("Unsubscribe").removeClass("btn-primary"); // Add the user to the member list if they're currently // viewing the members of this stream if (sub.render_subscribers && settings.hasClass('in')) { var members = settings.find(".subscriber_list_container ul"); add_to_member_list(members, page_params.fullname,; } } else { add_sub_to_table(sub); } // Display the swatch and subscription settings var sub_row = settings.closest('.subscription_row'); sub_row.find(".color_swatch").addClass('in'); sub_row.find(".regular_subscription_settings").collapse('show'); } else { // Already subscribed return; } if (current_msg_list.narrowed) { current_msg_list.update_trailing_bookend(); } // Update unread counts as the new stream in sidebar might // need its unread counts re-calculated process_loaded_for_unread(all_msg_list.all()); $(document).trigger($.Event('subscription_add_done.zulip', {sub: sub})); } function mark_unsubscribed(stream_name) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { // We don't know about this stream return; } else if (sub.subscribed) { stream_list.remove_narrow_filter(stream_name, 'stream'); sub.subscribed = false; button_for_sub(sub).text("Subscribe").addClass("btn-primary"); var settings = settings_for_sub(sub); if (settings.hasClass('in')) { settings.collapse('hide'); } // Hide the swatch and subscription settings var sub_row = settings.closest('.subscription_row'); sub_row.find(".color_swatch").removeClass('in'); if (sub.render_subscribers) { // TODO: having a completely empty settings div messes // with Bootstrap's collapser. We currently just ensure // that it's not empty on the MIT realm, even though it // looks weird sub_row.find(".regular_subscription_settings").collapse('hide'); } } else { // Already unsubscribed return; } if (current_msg_list.narrowed) { current_msg_list.update_trailing_bookend(); } $(document).trigger($.Event('subscription_remove_done.zulip', {sub: sub})); } $(function () { $(document).on('subscription_add.zulip', function (e) { mark_subscribed(, e.subscription); }); $(document).on('subscription_remove.zulip', function (e) { mark_unsubscribed(; }); $(document).on('click', '.subs_set_all_users', function (e) { $('#people_to_add :checkbox').attr('checked', true); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on('click', '.subs_unset_all_users', function (e) { $('#people_to_add :checkbox').attr('checked', false); e.preventDefault(); }); }); exports.get_color = function (stream_name) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { return default_color; } return sub.color; }; var lightness_threshold; $(function () { // sRGB color component for dark label text. // 0x33 to match the color #333333 set by Bootstrap. var label_color = 0x33; var lightness = colorspace.luminance_to_lightness( colorspace.sRGB_to_linear(label_color)); // Compute midpoint lightness between that and white (100). lightness_threshold = (lightness + 100) / 2; }); // From a background color (in format "#fff" or "#ffffff") // pick a CSS class (or empty string) to determine the // text label color etc. // // It would be better to work with an actual data structure // rather than a hex string, but we have to deal with values // already saved on the server, etc. // // This gets called on every message, so cache the results. exports.get_color_class = util.memoize(function (color) { var match, i, lightness, channel = [0, 0, 0], mult = 1; match = /^#([\da-fA-F]{2})([\da-fA-F]{2})([\da-fA-F]{2})$/.exec(color); if (!match) { // 3-digit shorthand; Spectrum gives this e.g. for pure black. // Multiply each digit by 16+1. mult = 17; match = /^#([\da-fA-F])([\da-fA-F])([\da-fA-F])$/.exec(color); if (!match) { // Can't understand color. return ''; } } // CSS colors are specified in the sRGB color space. // Convert to linear intensity values. for (i=0; i<3; i++) { channel[i] = colorspace.sRGB_to_linear(mult * parseInt(match[i+1], 16)); } // Compute perceived lightness as CIE L*. lightness = colorspace.luminance_to_lightness( colorspace.rgb_luminance(channel)); // Determine if we're past the midpoint between the // dark and light label lightness. return (lightness < lightness_threshold) ? 'dark_background' : ''; }); exports.get_invite_only = function (stream_name) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { return false; } return sub.invite_only; }; exports.receives_notifications = function (stream_name) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { return false; } return sub.notifications; }; function populate_subscriptions(subs, subscribed) { var sub_rows = []; subs.sort(function (a, b) { return util.strcmp(,; }); subs.forEach(function (elem) { var stream_name =; var sub = create_sub(stream_name, {color: elem.color, in_home_view: elem.in_home_view, invite_only: elem.invite_only, notifications: elem.notifications, subscribed: subscribed}); sub_rows.push(sub); }); stream_list.sort_narrow_list(); return sub_rows; } exports.reload_subscriptions = function (opts) { var on_success; opts = $.extend({}, {clear_first: false, custom_callbacks: false}, opts); if (! opts.custom_callbacks) { on_success = function (data) { if (data) { populate_subscriptions(data.subscriptions, true); } }; } if (opts.clear_first) { stream_info = {}; stream_list.remove_all_narrow_filters(); } return $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/json/subscriptions/list', dataType: 'json', timeout: 10*1000, success: on_success }); }; exports.setup_page = function () { util.make_loading_indicator($('#subs_page_loading_indicator')); function populate_and_fill(stream_data, subscription_data) { var all_streams = []; var our_subs = []; var sub_rows = []; /* arguments are [ "success", statusText, jqXHR ] */ if (stream_data.length > 2 && stream_data[2]) { var stream_response = JSON.parse(stream_data[2].responseText); $.each(stream_response.streams, function (idx, stream) { all_streams.push(; }); } if (subscription_data.length > 2 && subscription_data[2]) { var subs_response = JSON.parse(subscription_data[2].responseText); our_subs = subs_response.subscriptions; } // All streams won't contain invite-only streams, // or anything at all if should_list_all_streams() is false $.each(our_subs, function (idx, stream) { if (all_streams.indexOf( === -1) { all_streams.push(; } }); populate_subscriptions(our_subs, true); all_streams.forEach(function (stream) { var sub = exports.get(stream); if (!sub) { sub = create_sub(stream, {subscribed: false}); } sub_rows.push(sub); }); sub_rows.sort(function (streama, streamb) { if (streama.subscribed && !streamb.subscribed) { return -1; } else if (streamb.subscribed && !streama.subscribed) { return 1; } else { return util.strcmp(,; } }); $('#subscriptions_table').empty(); var rendered = templates.render('subscription_table_body', {subscriptions: sub_rows}); $('#subscriptions_table').append(rendered); util.destroy_loading_indicator($('#subs_page_loading_indicator')); $(document).trigger($.Event('subs_page_loaded.zulip')); } function failed_listing(xhr, error) { util.destroy_loading_indicator($('#subs_page_loading_indicator')); ui.report_error("Error listing streams or subscriptions", xhr, $("#subscriptions-status")); } var requests = []; if (should_list_all_streams()) { // This query must go first to prevent a race when we are not // listing all streams var req = $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/json/get_public_streams', dataType: 'json', timeout: 10*1000 }); requests.push(req); } else { // Handing an object to $.when() means that it counts as a 'success' with the // object delivered directly to the callback requests.push({streams: []}); $('#create_stream_button').val("Subscribe"); } requests.push(exports.reload_subscriptions({custom_callbacks: true})); // Trigger finished callback when: // * Both AJAX requests are finished, if we sent themm both // * Just one AJAX is finished if should_list_all_streams() is false $.when.apply(this, requests).then(populate_and_fill, failed_listing); }; exports.get = function (stream_name) { return get_sub(stream_name); }; exports.in_home_view = function (stream_name) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); return sub !== undefined && sub.in_home_view; }; exports.is_subscribed = function (stream_name) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); return sub !== undefined && sub.subscribed; }; exports.update_subscription_properties = function (stream_name, property, value) { var sub = get_sub(stream_name); switch(property) { case 'color': update_stream_color(stream_name, value, {update_historical: true}); break; case 'in_home_view': update_in_home_view(sub, value); break; case 'notifications': update_stream_notifications(sub, value); break; default: blueslip.warn("Unexpected subscription property type", {property: property, value: value}); } }; function ajaxSubscribe(stream) { // Subscribe yourself to a single stream. var true_stream_name; return $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/json/subscriptions/add", dataType: 'json', // This seems to be ignored. We still get back an xhr. data: {"subscriptions": JSON.stringify([{"name": stream}]) }, success: function (resp, statusText, xhr, form) { $("#create_stream_name").val(""); var res = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if (!$.isEmptyObject(res.already_subscribed)) { // Display the canonical stream capitalization. true_stream_name = res.already_subscribed[][0]; ui.report_success("Already subscribed to " + true_stream_name, $("#subscriptions-status")); } // The rest of the work is done via the subscribe event we will get }, error: function (xhr) { ui.report_error("Error adding subscription", xhr, $("#subscriptions-status")); $("#create_stream_name").focus(); } }); } function ajaxUnsubscribe(stream) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/json/subscriptions/remove", dataType: 'json', // This seems to be ignored. We still get back an xhr. data: {"subscriptions": JSON.stringify([stream]) }, success: function (resp, statusText, xhr, form) { var name, res = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); $("#subscriptions-status").hide(); // The rest of the work is done via the unsubscribe event we will get }, error: function (xhr) { ui.report_error("Error removing subscription", xhr, $("#subscriptions-status")); $("#create_stream_name").focus(); } }); } function ajaxSubscribeForCreation(stream, principals, invite_only) { // Subscribe yourself and possible other people to a new stream. return $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/json/subscriptions/add", dataType: 'json', // This seems to be ignored. We still get back an xhr. data: {"subscriptions": JSON.stringify([{"name": stream}]), "principals": JSON.stringify(principals), "invite_only": JSON.stringify(invite_only) }, success: function (data) { $("#create_stream_name").val(""); $("#subscriptions-status").hide(); $('#stream-creation').modal("hide"); // The rest of the work is done via the subscribe event we will get }, error: function (xhr) { ui.report_error("Error creating stream", xhr, $("#subscriptions-status")); $('#stream-creation').modal("hide"); } }); } function people_cmp(person1, person2) { // Compares objects of the form used in people_list. var name_cmp = util.strcmp(person1.full_name, person2.full_name); if (name_cmp < 0) { return -1; } else if (name_cmp > 0) { return 1; } return util.strcmp(,; } function show_new_stream_modal() { var people_minus_you_and_maybe_humbuggers = []; $.each(page_params.people_list, function (idx, person) { if ( !== && (page_params.domain === "" ||'@')[1] !== "" ) ) { people_minus_you_and_maybe_humbuggers.push({"email":, "full_name": person.full_name}); } }); $('#people_to_add').html(templates.render('new_stream_users', { users: people_minus_you_and_maybe_humbuggers.sort(people_cmp) })); $('#stream-creation').modal("show"); } $(function () { var i; // Populate stream_info with data handed over to client-side template. populate_subscriptions(page_params.stream_list, true); populate_subscriptions(page_params.unsubbed_info, false); $("#subscriptions_table").on("submit", "#add_new_subscription", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!should_list_all_streams()) { ajaxSubscribe($("#create_stream_name").val()); return; } var stream = $.trim($("#create_stream_name").val()); var stream_status = compose.check_stream_existence(stream); if (stream_status === "does-not-exist") { $("#stream_name").text(stream); show_new_stream_modal(); } else { ajaxSubscribe(stream); } }); $("#stream_creation_form").on("submit", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var stream = $.trim($("#create_stream_name").val()); var principals = []; $("#stream_creation_form input:checkbox[name=user]:checked").each(function () { principals.push($(this).val()); }); // You are always subscribed to streams you create. principals.push(; ajaxSubscribeForCreation(stream, principals, $('#stream_creation_form input[name=privacy]:checked').val() === "invite-only" ); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".sub_unsub_button", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var sub_row = $('.subscription_row'); var stream_name = sub_row.find('.subscription_name').text(); var sub = get_sub(stream_name); if (sub.subscribed) { ajaxUnsubscribe(stream_name); } else { ajaxSubscribe(stream_name); } }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("show", ".subscription_settings", function (e) { var subrow = $('.subscription_row'); var colorpicker = subrow.find('.colorpicker'); var color = exports.get_color(subrow.find('.subscription_name').text()); set_colorpicker_color(colorpicker, color); // To figure out the worst case for an expanded row's height, we do some math: // .subscriber_list_container max-height, // .subscriber_list_settings, // .regular_subscription_settings // .subscription_header line-height, // .subscription_header padding var expanded_row_size = 200 + 30 + 100 + 30 + 5; var cover = subrow.position().top + expanded_row_size - viewport.height() + $("#top_navbar").height() - viewport.scrollTop(); if (cover > 0) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: viewport.scrollTop() + cover + 5 }); } }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".sub_setting_checkbox", function (e) { var control = $('.sub_setting_checkbox').find('.sub_setting_control'); // A hack. Don't change the state of the checkbox if we // clicked on the checkbox itself. if (control[0] !== { control.prop("checked", ! control.prop("checked")); } }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", "#sub_setting_in_home_view", stream_home_view_clicked); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", "#sub_setting_notifications", stream_notifications_clicked); // From here down is only stuff that happens when we're rendering // the subscriber settings if (! should_render_subscribers()) { return; } $("#subscriptions_table").on("submit", ".subscriber_list_add form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var sub_row = $('.subscription_row'); var stream = sub_row.find('.subscription_name').text(); var text_box = sub_row.find('input[name="principal"]'); var principal = $.trim(text_box.val()); // TODO: clean up this error handling var error_elem = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-error'); var warning_elem = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-warning'); var list = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_container ul'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/json/subscriptions/add", dataType: 'json', data: {"subscriptions": JSON.stringify([{"name": stream}]), "principals": JSON.stringify([principal])}, success: function (data) { text_box.val(''); if (data.subscribed.hasOwnProperty(principal)) { error_elem.addClass("hide"); warning_elem.addClass("hide"); if (principal === { // mark_subscribed adds the user to the member list mark_subscribed(stream); } else { add_to_member_list(list, people_dict[principal].full_name, principal); } } else { error_elem.addClass("hide"); warning_elem.removeClass("hide").text("User already subscribed"); } }, error: function (xhr) { warning_elem.addClass("hide"); error_elem.removeClass("hide").text("Could not add user to this stream"); } }); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("show", ".regular_subscription_settings", function (e) { // We want 'show' events that originate from // 'regular_subscription_settings' divs not to trigger the // handler for the entire subscription_settings div e.stopPropagation(); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("show", ".subscription_settings", function (e) { var sub_row = $('.subscription_row'); var stream = sub_row.find('.subscription_name').text(); var warning_elem = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-warning'); var error_elem = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-error'); var list = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_container ul'); var indicator_elem = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_loading_indicator'); warning_elem.addClass('hide'); error_elem.addClass('hide'); list.empty(); util.make_loading_indicator(indicator_elem); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/json/get_subscribers", dataType: 'json', // This seems to be ignored. We still get back an xhr. data: {stream: stream}, success: function (data) { util.destroy_loading_indicator(indicator_elem); var subscribers =, function (elem) { var person = people_dict[elem]; if (person === undefined) { return elem; } return format_member_list_elem(people_dict[elem].full_name, elem); }); $.each(subscribers.sort().reverse(), function (idx, elem) { // add_to_member_list *prepends* the element, // so we need to sort in reverse order for it to // appear in alphabetical order. add_to_member_list(list, elem); }); }, error: function (xhr) { util.destroy_loading_indicator(indicator_elem); error_elem.removeClass("hide").text("Could not fetch subscriber list"); } }); sub_row.find('input[name="principal"]').typeahead({ source: typeahead_helper.private_message_typeahead_list, items: 4, highlighter: function (item) { var query = this.query; return typeahead_helper.highlight_with_escaping(query, item); }, matcher: function (item) { var query = $.trim(this.query); if (query === '') { return false; } // Case-insensitive. return (item.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1); }, updater: function (item) { return typeahead_helper.private_message_mapped[item].email; } }); }); // Change the down arrow to an up arrow on expansion, and back to a down // arrow on collapse. // FIXME: If there's a way, it may be better to do this in pure CSS. $("#subscriptions_table").on("show", ".subscription_settings", function (e) { var sub_arrow = $('.subscription_row').find('.sub_arrow i'); sub_arrow.removeClass('icon-vector-chevron-down'); sub_arrow.addClass('icon-vector-chevron-up'); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("hide", ".subscription_settings", function (e) { var sub_arrow = $('.subscription_row').find('.sub_arrow i'); sub_arrow.removeClass('icon-vector-chevron-up'); sub_arrow.addClass('icon-vector-chevron-down'); }); }); function focus_on_narrowed_stream() { var stream_name =; if (stream_name === undefined) { return; } var sub = get_sub(stream_name); if (sub !== undefined) { // This stream is in the list, so focus on it. $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: settings_for_sub(sub).offset().top }); } else { // This stream doesn't exist, so prep for creating it. $("#create_stream_name").val(stream_name); } } exports.show_and_focus_on_narrow = function () { $("#gear-menu a[href='#subscriptions']").one('shown', focus_on_narrowed_stream); ui.change_tab_to("#subscriptions"); }; return exports; }());