{{#tr}} Configure external code playgrounds for your Zulip organization. Code playgrounds are interactive in-browser development environments, such as replit, that are designed to make it convenient to edit and debug code. Zulip code blocks that are tagged with a programming language will have a button visible on hover that allows you to open the code block in the code playground site. {{#*inline "z-link-repl"}}{{> @partial-block}}{{/inline}} {{#*inline "z-link-markdown-help"}}{{> @partial-block}}{{/inline}} {{/tr}}

{{#tr}} For example, to configure code playgrounds for languages like Python or JavaScript, you could specify the Language and URL prefix fields as: {{/tr}}

{{#if is_admin}}
{{t "Add a new code playground" }} {{> ../help_link_widget link="/help/code-blocks#code-playgrounds" }}

{{t "Code playgrounds"}}

{{#if is_admin}} {{/if}}
{{t "Language" }} {{t "Name" }} {{t "URL prefix" }}{{t "Actions" }}