/* eslint indent: "off" */ var buddy_list = (function () { var self = {}; self.container_sel = '#user_presences'; self.scroll_container_sel = '#buddy_list_wrapper'; self.item_sel = 'li.user_sidebar_entry'; self.padding_sel = '#buddy_list_wrapper_padding'; self.items_to_html = function (opts) { var user_info = opts.items; var html = templates.render('user_presence_rows', {users: user_info}); return html; }; self.item_to_html = function (opts) { var html = templates.render('user_presence_row', opts.item); return html; }; self.get_li_from_key = function (opts) { var user_id = opts.key; var sel = self.item_sel + "[data-user-id='" + user_id + "']"; return self.container.find(sel); }; self.get_key_from_li = function (opts) { var user_id = opts.li.expectOne().attr('data-user-id'); return user_id; }; self.get_data_from_keys = function (opts) { var keys = opts.keys; var data = buddy_data.get_items_for_users(keys); return data; }; self.compare_function = buddy_data.compare_function; self.height_to_fill = function () { // Because the buddy list gets sized dynamically, we err on the side // of using the height of the entire viewport for deciding // how much content to render. Even on tall monitors this should // still be a significant optimization for orgs with thousands of // users. var height = message_viewport.height(); return height; }; // Try to keep code below this line generic, so that we can // extract a widget. self.keys = []; self.populate = function (opts) { self.render_count = 0; self.container.html(''); // We rely on our caller to give us items // in already-sorted order. self.keys = _.map(opts.keys, function (k) { return k.toString(); }); self.fill_screen_with_content(); }; self.render_more = function (opts) { var chunk_size = opts.chunk_size; var begin = self.render_count; var end = begin + chunk_size; var more_keys = self.keys.slice(begin, end); if (more_keys.length === 0) { return; } var items = self.get_data_from_keys({ keys: more_keys, }); var html = self.items_to_html({ items: items, }); self.container = $(self.container_sel); self.container.append(html); // Invariant: more_keys.length >= items.length. // (Usually they're the same, but occasionally keys // won't return valid items. Even though we don't // actually render these keys, we still "count" them // as rendered. self.render_count += more_keys.length; self.update_padding(); }; self.get_items = function () { var obj = self.container.find(self.item_sel); return obj.map(function (i, elem) { return $(elem); }); }; self.first_key = function () { return self.keys[0]; }; self.prev_key = function (key) { var i = self.keys.indexOf(key.toString()); if (i <= 0) { return; } return self.keys[i - 1]; }; self.next_key = function (key) { var i = self.keys.indexOf(key.toString()); if (i < 0) { return; } return self.keys[i + 1]; }; self.maybe_remove_key = function (opts) { var pos = self.keys.indexOf(opts.key); if (pos < 0) { return; } self.keys.splice(pos, 1); if (pos < self.render_count) { self.render_count -= 1; var li = self.find_li({key: opts.key}); li.remove(); self.update_padding(); } }; self.find_position = function (opts) { var key = opts.key; var i; for (i = 0; i < self.keys.length; i += 1) { var list_key = self.keys[i]; if (self.compare_function(key, list_key) < 0) { return i; } } return self.keys.length; }; self.force_render = function (opts) { var pos = opts.pos; // Try to render a bit optimistically here. var cushion_size = 3; var chunk_size = pos + cushion_size - self.render_count; if (chunk_size <= 0) { blueslip.error('cannot show key at this position: ' + pos); } self.render_more({ chunk_size: chunk_size, }); }; self.find_li = function (opts) { var key = opts.key.toString(); // Try direct DOM lookup first for speed. var li = self.get_li_from_key({ key: key, }); if (li.length === 1) { return li; } if (!opts.force_render) { // Most callers don't force us to render a list // item that wouldn't be on-screen anyway. return li; } var pos = self.keys.indexOf(key); if (pos < 0) { // TODO: See list_cursor.get_row() for why this is // a bit janky now. return []; } self.force_render({ pos: pos, }); li = self.get_li_from_key({ key: key, }); return li; }; self.insert_new_html = function (opts) { var other_key = opts.other_key; var html = opts.html; var pos = opts.pos; if (other_key === undefined) { if (pos === self.render_count) { self.render_count += 1; self.container.append(html); self.update_padding(); } return; } if (pos < self.render_count) { self.render_count += 1; var li = self.find_li({key: other_key}); li.before(html); self.update_padding(); } }; self.insert_or_move = function (opts) { var key = opts.key.toString(); var item = opts.item; self.maybe_remove_key({key: key}); var pos = self.find_position({ key: key, }); // Order is important here--get the other_key // before mutating our list. An undefined value // corresponds to appending. var other_key = self.keys[pos]; self.keys.splice(pos, 0, key); var html = self.item_to_html({item: item}); self.insert_new_html({ pos: pos, html: html, other_key: other_key, }); }; self.fill_screen_with_content = function () { var height_to_fill = self.height_to_fill(); var elem = $(self.scroll_container_sel).expectOne()[0]; // Add a fudge factor. height_to_fill += 10; while (self.render_count < self.keys.length) { var padding_height = $(self.padding_sel).height(); var bottom_offset = elem.scrollHeight - elem.scrollTop - padding_height; if (bottom_offset > height_to_fill) { break; } var chunk_size = 20; self.render_more({ chunk_size: chunk_size, }); } }; // This is a bit of a hack to make sure we at least have // an empty list to start, before we get the initial payload. self.container = $(self.container_sel); self.start_scroll_handler = function () { // We have our caller explicitly call this to make // sure everything's in place. var scroll_container = $(self.scroll_container_sel); scroll_container.scroll(function () { self.fill_screen_with_content(); }); }; self.update_padding = function () { padded_widget.update_padding({ shown_rows: self.render_count, total_rows: self.keys.length, content_sel: self.container_sel, padding_sel: self.padding_sel, }); }; return self; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = buddy_list; } window.buddy_list = buddy_list;