var tutorial = (function () { var exports = {}; var is_running = false; var event_handlers = {}; // We'll temporarily set stream colors for the streams we use in the demo // tutorial messages. var real_stream_info; var tutorial_stream_info = {"design": {"color": "#76ce90"}, "social": {"color": "#fae589"}, "devel": {"color": "#a6c7e5"}}; // Each message object contains the minimal information necessary for it to be // processed by our system for adding messages to your feed. var today = new Date().getTime() / 1000; var fake_messages = [ { id: 1, content: "
We're working on some new screenshots for our landing page, and I'll show you what I have shortly.
", is_stream: true, sender_full_name: "Waseem Daher", avatar_url: "", display_recipient: "design", stream: "design", subject: "screenshots", timestr: "12:11", timestamp: today, type: "stream" }, { id: 2, content: "Hey, if I work on Windows, can you two make one for Mac and Linux?
", is_stream: false, sender_full_name: "Waseem Daher", sender_email: "", avatar_url: "", display_reply_to: "Jeff Arnold, Waseem Daher", reply_to: true, timestr: "12:12", timestamp: today, type: "private" }, { id: 3, content: "Sure, no problem
", is_stream: false, sender_full_name: "Jessica McKellar", sender_email: "", avatar_url: "", display_reply_to: "Jeff Arnold, Waseem Daher", reply_to: true, timestr: "12:12", timestamp: today, type: "private" }, { id: 4, content: "Ok, here's my latest version
for the Windows app -- thoughts? I'm particularly wondering whether people think the screenshot should be from Windows 7 or some other version.", is_stream: true, sender_full_name: "Waseem Daher", avatar_url: "", display_recipient: "design", stream: "design", subject: "screenshots", timestr: "12:15", timestamp: today, type: "stream" }, { id: 5, content: "Looks good to me!
", is_stream: true, sender_full_name: "Jeff Arnold", avatar_url: "", display_recipient: "design", stream: "design", subject: "screenshots", timestr: "12:15", timestamp: today, type: "stream" }, { id: 6, content: "@all Any interest in lunch? I'd go for:
" + "I'd go to Hi-fi
", is_stream: true, sender_full_name: "Luke Faraone", avatar_url: "", display_recipient: "social", stream: "social", subject: "lunch", timestr: "12:20", timestamp: today, type: "stream" }, { id: 8, content: "Reminder: engineering meeting in 1 hour.
", is_stream: true, sender_full_name: "Jessica McKellar", avatar_url: "", display_recipient: "devel", stream: "devel", subject: "meeting", timestr: "12:34", timestamp: today, type: "stream" } ]; function disable_event_handlers() { $('body').css({'overflow':'hidden'}); // prevents scrolling the feed $.each(["keydown", "keyup", "keypress", "scroll"], function (idx, event_name) { var existing_events = $(document).data("events")[event_name]; if (existing_events === undefined) { existing_events = []; } event_handlers[event_name] = existing_events; $(document).data("events")[event_name] = []; }); } function enable_event_handlers() { $('body').css({'overflow':'auto'}); // enables scrolling the feed $.each(["keydown", "keyup", "keypress", "scroll"], function (idx, event_name) { $(document).data("events")[event_name] = event_handlers[event_name]; }); } function set_tutorial_status(status, callback) { return $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/json/tutorial_status', data: {status: status}, success: callback }); } exports.is_running = function () { return is_running; }; function box(x, y, width, height) { // Blanket everything ouside the box defined by the parameters in a // translucent black screen, and cover the box itself with a clear screen so // nothing in it is clickable. // // x and y are the coordinates for hte upper-left corner of the box. var doc_width = $(document).width(); var doc_height = $(document).height(); $("#top-screen").css({opacity: 0.7, width: doc_width, height: y}); $("#bottom-screen").offset({top: y + height, left: 0}); $("#bottom-screen").css({opacity: 0.7, width: doc_width, height: doc_height}); $("#left-screen").offset({top: y, left: 0}); $("#left-screen").css({opacity: 0.7, width: x, height: height}); $("#right-screen").offset({top: y, left: x + width}); $("#right-screen").css({opacity: 0.7, width: x, height: height}); $("#clear-screen").css({opacity: 0.0, width: doc_width, height: doc_height}); } function messages_in_viewport() { var vp = viewport.message_viewport_info(); var top = vp.visible_top; var height = vp.visible_height; var last_row = rows.last_visible(); return $.merge(last_row, last_row.prevAll()).filter(function (idx, row) { var row_offset = $(row).offset(); return ( > top && < top + height); }); } function small_window() { return $("#left-sidebar").width() < 175; } function maybe_tweak_placement(placement) { // If viewed on a small screen, move popovers on the left to the center so // they won't be cut off. if (!small_window()) { return placement; } if (placement === "left") { return "bottom"; } if (placement === "bottom") { return "right"; } } function create_and_show_popover(target_div, placement, title, content_template) { target_div.popover({ placement: placement, title: templates.render("tutorial_title", {title: title}), content: templates.render(content_template), trigger: "manual" }); target_div.popover("show"); $(".popover").css("z-index", 20001); } function finale() { var finale_modal = $("#tutorial-finale"); $(".screen").css({opacity: 0.0}); finale_modal.css("z-index", 20001); finale_modal.modal("show"); $("#tutorial-get-started").click(function () { finale_modal.modal("hide"); $(".screen").css({opacity: 0.0, width: 0, height: 0}); }); // Restore your actual stream colors and rerender to display any // messages received during the tutorial. set_tutorial_status("finished"); is_running = false; current_msg_list.clear(); // Force a check on new events before we re-render the message list. force_get_updates(); subs.stream_info(real_stream_info); util.show_first_run_message(); current_msg_list.rerender(); enable_event_handlers(); } function reply() { var spotlight_message = rows.first_visible().prev(".recipient_row"); create_and_show_popover(spotlight_message, maybe_tweak_placement("left"), "Replying", "tutorial_reply"); var my_popover = $("#tutorial-reply").closest(".popover"); my_popover.offset({left: my_popover.offset().left - 10}); $("#tutorial-reply-next").click(function () { spotlight_message.popover("destroy"); finale(); }); } function home() { var spotlight_message = rows.first_visible().prev(".recipient_row"); var x = spotlight_message.offset().left; var y = spotlight_message.offset().top; var height = 0; $.each(messages_in_viewport(), function (idx, row) { height += $(row).height(); }); box(x, y, spotlight_message.width(), height); create_and_show_popover(spotlight_message, maybe_tweak_placement("left"), "Home view", "tutorial_home"); var my_popover = $("#tutorial-home").closest(".popover"); my_popover.offset({left: my_popover.offset().left - 10}); $("#tutorial-home-next").click(function () { spotlight_message.popover("destroy"); reply(); }); } function private_message() { var bar = rows.first_visible().nextUntil(".private_message").first().next(); var spotlight_message =; var x = bar.offset().left; var y = bar.offset().top; // In the current example we have back-to-back pms. var message_width = bar.width(); var message_height = bar.height() + spotlight_message.height() +; box(x, y, message_width, message_height); create_and_show_popover(bar, "top", "Private messages", "tutorial_private"); var my_popover = $("#tutorial-private").closest(".popover"); var left_offset; if (small_window()) { // Don't let part of the popover spill out of the feed area. left_offset = bar.offset().left + bar.width() / 2 - my_popover.width() / 2; } else { left_offset = bar.offset().left + 76 - my_popover.width() / 2; } my_popover.offset({top: my_popover.offset().top - 10, left: left_offset}); $("#tutorial-private-next").click(function () { bar.popover("destroy"); home(); }); } function subject() { var spotlight_message = rows.first_visible(); var bar = spotlight_message.prev(".recipient_row"); var placement = maybe_tweak_placement("bottom"); create_and_show_popover(bar, placement, "Subjects", "tutorial_subject"); var my_popover = $("#tutorial-subject").closest(".popover"); if (placement === "bottom") { // Wider screen, popover is on bottom. my_popover.offset({left: bar.offset().left + 94 - my_popover.width() / 2}); } else { my_popover.offset({left: bar.offset().left + 156}); } $("#tutorial-subject-next").click(function () { bar.popover("destroy"); private_message(); }); } function stream() { var bar = rows.first_visible().prev(".recipient_row"); var placement = maybe_tweak_placement("bottom"); create_and_show_popover(bar, placement, "Streams", "tutorial_stream"); var my_popover = $("#tutorial-stream").closest(".popover"); if (placement === "bottom") { // Wider screen, popover is on bottom. my_popover.offset({left: bar.offset().left + 24 - my_popover.width() / 2}); } else { // Smaller screen, popover is to the right of the stream label. my_popover.offset({left: bar.offset().left + 67}); } $("#tutorial-stream-next").click(function () { bar.popover("destroy"); subject(); }); } function message() { var spotlight_message = rows.first_visible(); var bar = spotlight_message.prev(".recipient_row"); var x = bar.offset().left; var y = bar.offset().top; var message_height = bar.height() + spotlight_message.height(); var message_width = bar.width(); box(x, y, message_width, message_height); create_and_show_popover(bar, maybe_tweak_placement("left"), "Messages", "tutorial_message"); var my_popover = $("#tutorial-message").closest(".popover"); my_popover.offset({left: my_popover.offset().left - 10}); $("#tutorial-message-next").click(function () { bar.popover("destroy"); stream(); }); } function welcome() { // Grey out everything. $('#top-screen').css({opacity: 0.7, width: $(document).width(), height: $(document).height()}); // Highlight the first recipient row. var bar = rows.first_visible().prev(".recipient_row"); create_and_show_popover(bar, maybe_tweak_placement("left"), "Welcome, " + page_params.fullname + "!", "tutorial_welcome"); var my_popover = $("#tutorial-welcome").closest(".popover"); my_popover.offset({left: my_popover.offset().left - 10}); $("#tutorial-welcome-next").click(function () { bar.popover("destroy"); message(); }); } exports.start = function () { if (ui.home_tab_obscured()) { ui.change_tab_to('#home'); } narrow.deactivate(); // If you somehow have messages, temporarily remove them from the visible // feed. current_msg_list.clear(); // Set temporarly colors for the streams used in the tutorial. real_stream_info = subs.stream_info(); subs.stream_info(tutorial_stream_info); // Add the fake messages to the feed and get started. current_msg_list.add_and_rerender(fake_messages); disable_event_handlers(); is_running = true; set_tutorial_status("started"); welcome(); }; exports.initialize = function () { if (page_params.needs_tutorial) { exports.start(); } }; return exports; }());