# Webhooks for external integrations.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from typing import Any, Optional, Text, Tuple
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.db.models import Q
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from zerver.models import Client, UserProfile, get_user_profile_by_email, Realm
from zerver.lib.actions import check_send_message
from zerver.lib.response import json_success, json_error
from zerver.decorator import api_key_only_webhook_view, has_request_variables, REQ
import logging
import re
import ujson
'comment_created', # we handle issue_update event instead
'comment_updated', # we handle issue_update event instead
'comment_deleted', # we handle issue_update event instead
def guess_zulip_user_from_jira(jira_username, realm):
# type: (str, Realm) -> Optional[UserProfile]
# Try to find a matching user in Zulip
# We search a user's full name, short name,
# and beginning of email address
user = UserProfile.objects.filter(
Q(full_name__iexact=jira_username) |
Q(short_name__iexact=jira_username) |
return user
except IndexError:
return None
def convert_jira_markup(content, realm):
# type: (str, Realm) -> str
# Attempt to do some simplistic conversion of JIRA
# formatting to Markdown, for consumption in Zulip
# Jira uses *word* for bold, we use **word**
content = re.sub(r'\*([^\*]+)\*', r'**\1**', content)
# Jira uses {{word}} for monospacing, we use `word`
content = re.sub(r'{{([^\*]+?)}}', r'`\1`', content)
# Starting a line with bq. block quotes that line
content = re.sub(r'bq\. (.*)', r'> \1', content)
# Wrapping a block of code in {quote}stuff{quote} also block-quotes it
quote_re = re.compile(r'{quote}(.*?){quote}', re.DOTALL)
content = re.sub(quote_re, r'~~~ quote\n\1\n~~~', content)
# {noformat}stuff{noformat} blocks are just code blocks with no
# syntax highlighting
noformat_re = re.compile(r'{noformat}(.*?){noformat}', re.DOTALL)
content = re.sub(noformat_re, r'~~~\n\1\n~~~', content)
# Code blocks are delineated by {code[: lang]} {code}
code_re = re.compile(r'{code[^\n]*}(.*?){code}', re.DOTALL)
content = re.sub(code_re, r'~~~\n\1\n~~~', content)
# Links are of form: [https://www.google.com] or [Link Title|https://www.google.com]
# In order to support both forms, we don't match a | in bare links
content = re.sub(r'\[([^\|~]+?)\]', r'[\1](\1)', content)
# Full links which have a | are converted into a better markdown link
full_link_re = re.compile(r'\[(?:(?P
content = re.sub(full_link_re, r'[\g](\g)', content)
# Try to convert a JIRA user mention of format [~username] into a
# Zulip user mention. We don't know the email, just the JIRA username,
# so we naively guess at their Zulip account using this
if realm:
mention_re = re.compile(r'\[~(.*?)\]')
for username in mention_re.findall(content):
# Try to look up username
user_profile = guess_zulip_user_from_jira(username, realm)
if user_profile:
replacement = "**{}**".format(user_profile.full_name)
replacement = "**{}**".format(username)
content = content.replace("[~{}]".format(username,), replacement)
return content
def get_in(payload, keys, default=''):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], List[str], str) -> Any
for key in keys:
payload = payload[key]
except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
return default
return payload
def get_issue_string(payload, issue_id=None):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Text) -> Text
# Guess the URL as it is not specified in the payload
# We assume that there is a /browse/BUG-### page
# from the REST url of the issue itself
if issue_id is None:
issue_id = get_issue_id(payload)
base_url = re.match("(.*)\/rest\/api/.*", get_in(payload, ['issue', 'self']))
if base_url and len(base_url.groups()):
return "[{}]({}/browse/{})".format(issue_id, base_url.group(1), issue_id)
return issue_id
def get_assignee_mention(assignee_email):
# type: (Text) -> Text
if assignee_email != '':
assignee_name = get_user_profile_by_email(assignee_email).full_name
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
assignee_name = assignee_email
return "**{}**".format(assignee_name)
return ''
def get_issue_author(payload):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
return get_in(payload, ['user', 'displayName'])
def get_issue_id(payload):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
return get_in(payload, ['issue', 'key'])
def get_issue_title(payload):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
return get_in(payload, ['issue', 'fields', 'summary'])
def get_issue_subject(payload):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
return "{}: {}".format(get_issue_id(payload), get_issue_title(payload))
def get_sub_event_for_update_issue(payload):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
sub_event = payload.get('issue_event_type_name', '')
if sub_event == '':
if payload.get('comment'):
return 'issue_commented'
elif payload.get('transition'):
return 'issue_transited'
return sub_event
def get_event_type(payload):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
event = payload.get('webhookEvent')
if event is None and payload.get('transition'):
event = 'jira:issue_updated'
return event
def add_change_info(content, field, from_field, to_field):
# type: (Text, Text, Text, Text) -> Text
content += "* Changed {}".format(field)
if from_field:
content += " from **{}**".format(from_field)
if to_field:
content += " to {}\n".format(to_field)
return content
def handle_updated_issue_event(payload, user_profile):
# Reassigned, commented, reopened, and resolved events are all bundled
# into this one 'updated' event type, so we try to extract the meaningful
# event that happened
# type: (Dict[str, Any], UserProfile) -> Text
issue_id = get_in(payload, ['issue', 'key'])
issue = get_issue_string(payload, issue_id)
assignee_email = get_in(payload, ['issue', 'fields', 'assignee', 'emailAddress'], '')
assignee_mention = get_assignee_mention(assignee_email)
if assignee_mention != '':
assignee_blurb = " (assigned to {})".format(assignee_mention)
assignee_blurb = ''
sub_event = get_sub_event_for_update_issue(payload)
if 'comment' in sub_event:
if sub_event == 'issue_commented':
verb = 'added comment to'
elif sub_event == 'issue_comment_edited':
verb = 'edited comment on'
verb = 'deleted comment from'
content = u"{} **{}** {}{}".format(get_issue_author(payload), verb, issue, assignee_blurb)
comment = get_in(payload, ['comment', 'body'])
if comment:
comment = convert_jira_markup(comment, user_profile.realm)
content = u"{}:\n\n\n{}\n".format(content, comment)
content = u"{} **updated** {}{}:\n\n".format(get_issue_author(payload), issue, assignee_blurb)
changelog = get_in(payload, ['changelog'])
if changelog != '':
# Use the changelog to display the changes, whitelist types we accept
items = changelog.get('items')
for item in items:
field = item.get('field')
if field == 'assignee' and assignee_mention != '':
target_field_string = assignee_mention
# Convert a user's target to a @-mention if possible
target_field_string = "**{}**".format(item.get('toString'))
from_field_string = item.get('fromString')
if target_field_string or from_field_string:
content = add_change_info(content, field, from_field_string, target_field_string)
elif sub_event == 'issue_transited':
from_field_string = get_in(payload, ['transition', 'from_status'])
target_field_string = '**{}**'.format(get_in(payload, ['transition', 'to_status']))
if target_field_string or from_field_string:
content = add_change_info(content, 'status', from_field_string, target_field_string)
return content
def handle_created_issue_event(payload):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
return "{} **created** {} priority {}, assigned to **{}**:\n\n> {}".format(
get_in(payload, ['issue', 'fields', 'priority', 'name']),
get_in(payload, ['issue', 'fields', 'assignee', 'displayName'], 'no one'),
def handle_deleted_issue_event(payload):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
return "{} **deleted** {}!".format(get_issue_author(payload), get_issue_string(payload))
def api_jira_webhook(request, user_profile, client,
# type: (HttpRequest, UserProfile, Client, Dict[str, Any], Text) -> HttpResponse
event = get_event_type(payload)
if event == 'jira:issue_created':
subject = get_issue_subject(payload)
content = handle_created_issue_event(payload)
elif event == 'jira:issue_deleted':
subject = get_issue_subject(payload)
content = handle_deleted_issue_event(payload)
elif event == 'jira:issue_updated':
subject = get_issue_subject(payload)
content = handle_updated_issue_event(payload, user_profile)
elif event in IGNORED_EVENTS:
return json_success()
if event is None:
if not settings.TEST_SUITE:
message = "Got JIRA event with None event type: {}".format(payload)
return json_error(_("Event is not given by JIRA"))
if not settings.TEST_SUITE:
logging.warning("Got JIRA event type we don't support: {}".format(event))
return json_error(_("Got JIRA event type we don't support: {}".format(event)))
check_send_message(user_profile, client, "stream", [stream], subject, content)
return json_success()