Get Dropbox notifications in Zulip! 1. {!!} 1. {!!} 1. Go to your [Dropbox apps page]( Click on **Create app** near the top-right corner, and follow the on-screen instructions to create an app. Once you've created the app, you will be redirected to the **Settings** tab for your app. Scroll down to the **Webhooks** section. 1. Go to the **Oauth 2** section , at the bottom of which you'll find a **Generate** button. Click on it to activate the app for your account. ![](/static/images/integrations/dropbox/oauth2_generate.png) 1. Set **Webhook URIs** to the URL constructed above and click **Add**. The status of the webhook should say **Enabled**. {!!} ![](/static/images/integrations/dropbox/001.png)