"use strict"; const Plotly = require("plotly.js/lib/core"); Plotly.register([require("plotly.js/lib/bar"), require("plotly.js/lib/pie")]); const font_14pt = { family: "Source Sans Pro", size: 14, color: "#000000", }; let last_full_update = Infinity; // TODO: should take a dict of arrays and do it for all keys function partial_sums(array) { let accumulator = 0; return array.map((o) => { accumulator += o; return accumulator; }); } // Assumes date is a round number of hours function floor_to_local_day(date) { const date_copy = new Date(date.getTime()); date_copy.setHours(0); return date_copy; } // Assumes date is a round number of hours function floor_to_local_week(date) { const date_copy = floor_to_local_day(date); date_copy.setHours(-24 * date.getDay()); return date_copy; } function format_date(date, include_hour) { const months = [ i18n.t("January"), i18n.t("February"), i18n.t("March"), i18n.t("April"), i18n.t("May"), i18n.t("June"), i18n.t("July"), i18n.t("August"), i18n.t("September"), i18n.t("October"), i18n.t("November"), i18n.t("December"), ]; const month_str = months[date.getMonth()]; const year = date.getFullYear(); const day = date.getDate(); if (include_hour) { const hour = date.getHours(); const str = hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; return month_str + " " + day + ", " + (hour % 12) + ":00" + str; } return month_str + " " + day + ", " + year; } function update_last_full_update(end_times) { if (end_times.length === 0) { return; } last_full_update = Math.min(last_full_update, end_times[end_times.length - 1]); const update_time = new Date(last_full_update * 1000); const locale_date = update_time.toLocaleDateString("en-US", { year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric", }); const locale_time = update_time.toLocaleTimeString().replace(":00 ", " "); $("#id_last_full_update").text(locale_time + " on " + locale_date); $("#id_last_full_update").closest(".last-update").show(); } $(() => { $('span[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ animation: false, placement: "top", trigger: "manual", }); $("#id_last_update_question_sign") .on("mouseenter", () => { $("span.last_update_tooltip").tooltip("show"); }) .on("mouseleave", () => { $("span.last_update_tooltip").tooltip("hide"); }); // Add configuration for any additional tooltips here. }); function populate_messages_sent_over_time(data) { if (data.end_times.length === 0) { // TODO: do something nicer here return; } // Helper functions function make_traces(dates, values, type, date_formatter) { const text = dates.map((date) => date_formatter(date)); const common = {x: dates, type, hoverinfo: "none", text}; return { human: { // 5062a0 name: i18n.t("Humans"), y: values.human, marker: {color: "#5f6ea0"}, ...common, }, bot: { // a09b5f bbb56e name: i18n.t("Bots"), y: values.bot, marker: {color: "#b7b867"}, ...common, }, me: { name: i18n.t("Me"), y: values.me, marker: {color: "#be6d68"}, ...common, }, }; } const layout = { barmode: "group", width: 750, height: 400, margin: {l: 40, r: 0, b: 40, t: 0}, xaxis: { fixedrange: true, rangeslider: {bordercolor: "#D8D8D8", borderwidth: 1}, type: "date", }, yaxis: {fixedrange: true, rangemode: "tozero"}, legend: { x: 0.62, y: 1.12, orientation: "h", font: font_14pt, }, font: font_14pt, }; function make_rangeselector(x, y, button1, button2) { return { x, y, buttons: [ {stepmode: "backward", ...button1}, {stepmode: "backward", ...button2}, {step: "all", label: i18n.t("All time")}, ], }; } // This is also the cumulative rangeselector const daily_rangeselector = make_rangeselector( 0.68, -0.62, {count: 10, label: i18n.t("Last 10 days"), step: "day"}, {count: 30, label: i18n.t("Last 30 days"), step: "day"}, ); const weekly_rangeselector = make_rangeselector( 0.656, -0.62, {count: 2, label: i18n.t("Last 2 months"), step: "month"}, {count: 6, label: i18n.t("Last 6 months"), step: "month"}, ); function add_hover_handler() { document.querySelector("#id_messages_sent_over_time").on("plotly_hover", (data) => { $("#hoverinfo").show(); document.querySelector("#hover_date").textContent = data.points[0].data.text[data.points[0].pointNumber]; const values = [null, null, null]; data.points.forEach((trace) => { values[trace.curveNumber] = trace.y; }); const hover_text_ids = ["#hover_me", "#hover_human", "#hover_bot"]; const hover_value_ids = ["#hover_me_value", "#hover_human_value", "#hover_bot_value"]; for (const [i, value] of values.entries()) { if (value !== null) { document.querySelector(hover_text_ids[i]).style.display = "inline"; document.querySelector(hover_value_ids[i]).style.display = "inline"; document.querySelector(hover_value_ids[i]).textContent = value; } else { document.querySelector(hover_text_ids[i]).style.display = "none"; document.querySelector(hover_value_ids[i]).style.display = "none"; } } }); } const start_dates = data.end_times.map( (timestamp) => // data.end_times are the ends of hour long intervals. new Date(timestamp * 1000 - 60 * 60 * 1000), ); function aggregate_data(aggregation) { let start; let is_boundary; if (aggregation === "day") { start = floor_to_local_day(start_dates[0]); is_boundary = function (date) { return date.getHours() === 0; }; } else if (aggregation === "week") { start = floor_to_local_week(start_dates[0]); is_boundary = function (date) { return date.getHours() === 0 && date.getDay() === 0; }; } const dates = [start]; const values = {human: [], bot: [], me: []}; let current = {human: 0, bot: 0, me: 0}; let i_init = 0; if (is_boundary(start_dates[0])) { current = { human: data.everyone.human[0], bot: data.everyone.bot[0], me: data.user.human[0], }; i_init = 1; } for (let i = i_init; i < start_dates.length; i += 1) { if (is_boundary(start_dates[i])) { dates.push(start_dates[i]); values.human.push(current.human); values.bot.push(current.bot); values.me.push(current.me); current = {human: 0, bot: 0, me: 0}; } current.human += data.everyone.human[i]; current.bot += data.everyone.bot[i]; current.me += data.user.human[i]; } values.human.push(current.human); values.bot.push(current.bot); values.me.push(current.me); return { dates, values, last_value_is_partial: !is_boundary( new Date(start_dates[start_dates.length - 1].getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000), ), }; } // Generate traces let date_formatter = function (date) { return format_date(date, true); }; let values = {me: data.user.human, human: data.everyone.human, bot: data.everyone.bot}; let info = aggregate_data("day"); date_formatter = function (date) { return format_date(date, false); }; const last_day_is_partial = info.last_value_is_partial; const daily_traces = make_traces(info.dates, info.values, "bar", date_formatter); info = aggregate_data("week"); date_formatter = function (date) { return i18n.t("Week of __date__", {date: format_date(date, false)}); }; const last_week_is_partial = info.last_value_is_partial; const weekly_traces = make_traces(info.dates, info.values, "bar", date_formatter); const dates = data.end_times.map((timestamp) => new Date(timestamp * 1000)); values = { human: partial_sums(data.everyone.human), bot: partial_sums(data.everyone.bot), me: partial_sums(data.user.human), }; date_formatter = function (date) { return format_date(date, true); }; const cumulative_traces = make_traces(dates, values, "scatter", date_formatter); // Functions to draw and interact with the plot // We need to redraw plot entirely if switching from (the cumulative) line // graph to any bar graph, since otherwise the rangeselector shows both (plotly bug) let clicked_cumulative = false; function draw_or_update_plot(rangeselector, traces, last_value_is_partial, initial_draw) { $("#daily_button, #weekly_button, #cumulative_button").removeClass("selected"); $("#id_messages_sent_over_time > div").removeClass("spinner"); if (initial_draw) { traces.human.visible = true; traces.bot.visible = "legendonly"; traces.me.visible = "legendonly"; } else { const plotDiv = document.querySelector("#id_messages_sent_over_time"); traces.me.visible = plotDiv.data[0].visible; traces.human.visible = plotDiv.data[1].visible; traces.bot.visible = plotDiv.data[2].visible; } layout.xaxis.rangeselector = rangeselector; if (clicked_cumulative || initial_draw) { Plotly.newPlot( "id_messages_sent_over_time", [traces.me, traces.human, traces.bot], layout, {displayModeBar: false}, ); add_hover_handler(); } else { Plotly.deleteTraces("id_messages_sent_over_time", [0, 1, 2]); Plotly.addTraces("id_messages_sent_over_time", [traces.me, traces.human, traces.bot]); Plotly.relayout("id_messages_sent_over_time", layout); } $("#id_messages_sent_over_time").attr("last_value_is_partial", last_value_is_partial); } // Click handlers for aggregation buttons $("#daily_button").on("click", function () { draw_or_update_plot(daily_rangeselector, daily_traces, last_day_is_partial, false); $(this).addClass("selected"); clicked_cumulative = false; }); $("#weekly_button").on("click", function () { draw_or_update_plot(weekly_rangeselector, weekly_traces, last_week_is_partial, false); $(this).addClass("selected"); clicked_cumulative = false; }); $("#cumulative_button").on("click", function () { clicked_cumulative = false; draw_or_update_plot(daily_rangeselector, cumulative_traces, false, false); $(this).addClass("selected"); clicked_cumulative = true; }); // Initial drawing of plot if (weekly_traces.human.x.length < 12) { draw_or_update_plot(daily_rangeselector, daily_traces, last_day_is_partial, true); $("#daily_button").addClass("selected"); } else { draw_or_update_plot(weekly_rangeselector, weekly_traces, last_week_is_partial, true); $("#weekly_button").addClass("selected"); } } function round_to_percentages(values, total) { return values.map((x) => { if (x === total) { return "100%"; } if (x === 0) { return "0%"; } const unrounded = (x / total) * 100; const precision = Math.min( 6, // this is the max precision (two #, 4 decimal points; 99.9999%). Math.max( 2, // the minimum amount of precision (40% or 6.0%). Math.floor(-Math.log10(100 - unrounded)) + 3, ), ); return unrounded.toPrecision(precision) + "%"; }); } // Last label will turn into "Other" if time_series data has a label not in labels function compute_summary_chart_data(time_series_data, num_steps, labels_) { const data = new Map(); for (const [key, array] of Object.entries(time_series_data)) { if (array.length < num_steps) { num_steps = array.length; } let sum = 0; for (let i = 1; i <= num_steps; i += 1) { sum += array[array.length - i]; } data.set(key, sum); } const labels = labels_.slice(); const values = []; labels.forEach((label) => { if (data.has(label)) { values.push(data.get(label)); data.delete(label); } else { values.push(0); } }); if (data.size !== 0) { labels[labels.length - 1] = "Other"; for (const sum of data.values()) { values[labels.length - 1] += sum; } } let total = 0; for (const value of values) { total += value; } return { values, labels, percentages: round_to_percentages(values, total), total, }; } function populate_messages_sent_by_client(data) { const layout = { width: 750, height: null, // set in draw_plot() margin: {l: 3, r: 40, b: 40, t: 0}, font: font_14pt, xaxis: {range: null}, // set in draw_plot() yaxis: {showticklabels: false}, showlegend: false, }; // sort labels so that values are descending in the default view const everyone_month = compute_summary_chart_data( data.everyone, 30, data.display_order.slice(0, 12), ); const label_values = []; for (let i = 0; i < everyone_month.values.length; i += 1) { label_values.push({ label: everyone_month.labels[i], value: everyone_month.labels[i] === "Other" ? -1 : everyone_month.values[i], }); } label_values.sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value); const labels = []; label_values.forEach((item) => { labels.push(item.label); }); function make_plot_data(time_series_data, num_steps) { const plot_data = compute_summary_chart_data(time_series_data, num_steps, labels); plot_data.values.reverse(); plot_data.labels.reverse(); plot_data.percentages.reverse(); const annotations = {values: [], labels: [], text: []}; for (let i = 0; i < plot_data.values.length; i += 1) { if (plot_data.values[i] > 0) { annotations.values.push(plot_data.values[i]); annotations.labels.push(plot_data.labels[i]); annotations.text.push( " " + plot_data.labels[i] + " (" + plot_data.percentages[i] + ")", ); } } return { trace: { x: plot_data.values, y: plot_data.labels, type: "bar", orientation: "h", sort: false, textinfo: "text", hoverinfo: "none", marker: {color: "#537c5e"}, font: {family: "Source Sans Pro", size: 18, color: "#000000"}, }, trace_annotations: { x: annotations.values, y: annotations.labels, mode: "text", type: "scatter", textposition: "middle right", text: annotations.text, }, }; } const plot_data = { everyone: { cumulative: make_plot_data(data.everyone, data.end_times.length), year: make_plot_data(data.everyone, 365), month: make_plot_data(data.everyone, 30), week: make_plot_data(data.everyone, 7), }, user: { cumulative: make_plot_data(data.user, data.end_times.length), year: make_plot_data(data.user, 365), month: make_plot_data(data.user, 30), week: make_plot_data(data.user, 7), }, }; let user_button = "everyone"; let time_button; if (data.end_times.length >= 30) { time_button = "month"; $("#messages_by_client_last_month_button").addClass("selected"); } else { time_button = "cumulative"; $("#messages_by_client_cumulative_button").addClass("selected"); } if (data.end_times.length < 365) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_client button[data-time='year']").remove(); if (data.end_times.length < 30) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_client button[data-time='month']").remove(); if (data.end_times.length < 7) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_client button[data-time='week']").remove(); } } } function draw_plot() { $("#id_messages_sent_by_client > div").removeClass("spinner"); const data_ = plot_data[user_button][time_button]; layout.height = layout.margin.b + data_.trace.x.length * 30; layout.xaxis.range = [0, Math.max(...data_.trace.x) * 1.3]; Plotly.newPlot( "id_messages_sent_by_client", [data_.trace, data_.trace_annotations], layout, {displayModeBar: false, staticPlot: true}, ); } draw_plot(); // Click handlers function set_user_button(button) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_client button[data-user]").removeClass("selected"); button.addClass("selected"); } function set_time_button(button) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_client button[data-time]").removeClass("selected"); button.addClass("selected"); } $("#pie_messages_sent_by_client button").on("click", function () { if ($(this).attr("data-user")) { set_user_button($(this)); user_button = $(this).attr("data-user"); } if ($(this).attr("data-time")) { set_time_button($(this)); time_button = $(this).attr("data-time"); } draw_plot(); }); // handle links with @href started with '#' only $(document).on("click", 'a[href^="#"]', function (e) { // target element id const id = $(this).attr("href"); // target element const $id = $(id); if ($id.length === 0) { return; } // prevent standard hash navigation (avoid blinking in IE) e.preventDefault(); const pos = $id.offset().top + $(".page-content")[0].scrollTop - 50; $(".page-content").animate({scrollTop: pos + "px"}, 500); }); } function populate_messages_sent_by_message_type(data) { const layout = { margin: {l: 90, r: 0, b: 0, t: 0}, width: 750, height: 300, font: font_14pt, }; function make_plot_data(time_series_data, num_steps) { const plot_data = compute_summary_chart_data( time_series_data, num_steps, data.display_order, ); const labels = []; for (let i = 0; i < plot_data.labels.length; i += 1) { labels.push(plot_data.labels[i] + " (" + plot_data.percentages[i] + ")"); } const total_string = plot_data.total.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return { trace: { values: plot_data.values, labels, type: "pie", direction: "clockwise", rotation: -90, sort: false, textinfo: "text", text: plot_data.labels.map(() => ""), hoverinfo: "label+value", pull: 0.05, marker: { colors: ["#68537c", "#be6d68", "#b3b348"], }, }, total_str: i18n.t("Total messages: __total_messages__", { total_messages: total_string, }), }; } const plot_data = { everyone: { cumulative: make_plot_data(data.everyone, data.end_times.length), year: make_plot_data(data.everyone, 365), month: make_plot_data(data.everyone, 30), week: make_plot_data(data.everyone, 7), }, user: { cumulative: make_plot_data(data.user, data.end_times.length), year: make_plot_data(data.user, 365), month: make_plot_data(data.user, 30), week: make_plot_data(data.user, 7), }, }; let user_button = "everyone"; let time_button; if (data.end_times.length >= 30) { time_button = "month"; $("#messages_by_type_last_month_button").addClass("selected"); } else { time_button = "cumulative"; $("#messages_by_type_cumulative_button").addClass("selected"); } const totaldiv = document.querySelector("#pie_messages_sent_by_type_total"); if (data.end_times.length < 365) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_type button[data-time='year']").remove(); if (data.end_times.length < 30) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_type button[data-time='month']").remove(); if (data.end_times.length < 7) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_type button[data-time='week']").remove(); } } } function draw_plot() { $("#id_messages_sent_by_message_type > div").removeClass("spinner"); Plotly.newPlot( "id_messages_sent_by_message_type", [plot_data[user_button][time_button].trace], layout, {displayModeBar: false}, ); totaldiv.innerHTML = plot_data[user_button][time_button].total_str; } draw_plot(); // Click handlers function set_user_button(button) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_type button[data-user]").removeClass("selected"); button.addClass("selected"); } function set_time_button(button) { $("#pie_messages_sent_by_type button[data-time]").removeClass("selected"); button.addClass("selected"); } $("#pie_messages_sent_by_type button").on("click", function () { if ($(this).attr("data-user")) { set_user_button($(this)); user_button = $(this).attr("data-user"); } if ($(this).attr("data-time")) { set_time_button($(this)); time_button = $(this).attr("data-time"); } draw_plot(); }); } function populate_number_of_users(data) { const layout = { width: 750, height: 370, margin: {l: 40, r: 0, b: 65, t: 20}, xaxis: { fixedrange: true, rangeslider: {bordercolor: "#D8D8D8", borderwidth: 1}, rangeselector: { x: 0.64, y: -0.79, buttons: [ {count: 2, label: i18n.t("Last 2 months"), step: "month", stepmode: "backward"}, {count: 6, label: i18n.t("Last 6 months"), step: "month", stepmode: "backward"}, {step: "all", label: i18n.t("All time")}, ], }, }, yaxis: {fixedrange: true, rangemode: "tozero"}, font: font_14pt, }; const end_dates = data.end_times.map((timestamp) => new Date(timestamp * 1000)); const text = end_dates.map((date) => format_date(date, false)); function make_traces(values, type) { return { x: end_dates, y: values, type, name: i18n.t("Active users"), hoverinfo: "none", text, visible: true, }; } function add_hover_handler() { document.querySelector("#id_number_of_users").on("plotly_hover", (data) => { $("#users_hover_info").show(); document.querySelector("#users_hover_date").textContent = data.points[0].data.text[data.points[0].pointNumber]; const values = [null, null, null]; data.points.forEach((trace) => { values[trace.curveNumber] = trace.y; }); const hover_value_ids = [ "#users_hover_1day_value", "#users_hover_15day_value", "#users_hover_all_time_value", ]; for (const [i, value] of values.entries()) { if (value !== null) { document.querySelector(hover_value_ids[i]).style.display = "inline"; document.querySelector(hover_value_ids[i]).textContent = value; } else { document.querySelector(hover_value_ids[i]).style.display = "none"; } } }); } const _1day_trace = make_traces(data.everyone._1day, "bar"); const _15day_trace = make_traces(data.everyone._15day, "scatter"); const all_time_trace = make_traces(data.everyone.all_time, "scatter"); $("#id_number_of_users > div").removeClass("spinner"); // Redraw the plot every time for simplicity. If we have perf problems with this in the // future, we can copy the update behavior from populate_messages_sent_over_time function draw_or_update_plot(trace) { $("#1day_actives_button, #15day_actives_button, #all_time_actives_button").removeClass( "selected", ); Plotly.newPlot("id_number_of_users", [trace], layout, {displayModeBar: false}); add_hover_handler(); } $("#1day_actives_button").on("click", function () { draw_or_update_plot(_1day_trace); $(this).addClass("selected"); }); $("#15day_actives_button").on("click", function () { draw_or_update_plot(_15day_trace); $(this).addClass("selected"); }); $("#all_time_actives_button").on("click", function () { draw_or_update_plot(all_time_trace); $(this).addClass("selected"); }); // Initial drawing of plot draw_or_update_plot(all_time_trace, true); $("#all_time_actives_button").addClass("selected"); } function populate_messages_read_over_time(data) { if (data.end_times.length === 0) { // TODO: do something nicer here return; } // Helper functions function make_traces(dates, values, type, date_formatter) { const text = dates.map((date) => date_formatter(date)); const common = {x: dates, type, hoverinfo: "none", text}; return { everyone: { name: i18n.t("Everyone"), y: values.everyone, marker: {color: "#5f6ea0"}, ...common, }, me: { name: i18n.t("Me"), y: values.me, marker: {color: "#be6d68"}, ...common, }, }; } const layout = { barmode: "group", width: 750, height: 400, margin: {l: 40, r: 0, b: 40, t: 0}, xaxis: { fixedrange: true, rangeslider: {bordercolor: "#D8D8D8", borderwidth: 1}, type: "date", }, yaxis: {fixedrange: true, rangemode: "tozero"}, legend: { x: 0.62, y: 1.12, orientation: "h", font: font_14pt, }, font: font_14pt, }; function make_rangeselector(x, y, button1, button2) { return { x, y, buttons: [ {stepmode: "backward", ...button1}, {stepmode: "backward", ...button2}, {step: "all", label: i18n.t("All time")}, ], }; } // This is also the cumulative rangeselector const daily_rangeselector = make_rangeselector( 0.68, -0.62, {count: 10, label: i18n.t("Last 10 days"), step: "day"}, {count: 30, label: i18n.t("Last 30 days"), step: "day"}, ); const weekly_rangeselector = make_rangeselector( 0.656, -0.62, {count: 2, label: i18n.t("Last 2 months"), step: "month"}, {count: 6, label: i18n.t("Last 6 months"), step: "month"}, ); function add_hover_handler() { document.querySelector("#id_messages_read_over_time").on("plotly_hover", (data) => { $("#read_hover_info").show(); document.querySelector("#read_hover_date").textContent = data.points[0].data.text[data.points[0].pointNumber]; const values = [null, null]; data.points.forEach((trace) => { values[trace.curveNumber] = trace.y; }); const read_hover_text_ids = ["#read_hover_me", "#read_hover_everyone"]; const read_hover_value_ids = ["#read_hover_me_value", "#read_hover_everyone_value"]; for (const [i, value] of values.entries()) { if (value !== null) { document.querySelector(read_hover_text_ids[i]).style.display = "inline"; document.querySelector(read_hover_value_ids[i]).style.display = "inline"; document.querySelector(read_hover_value_ids[i]).textContent = value; } else { document.querySelector(read_hover_text_ids[i]).style.display = "none"; document.querySelector(read_hover_value_ids[i]).style.display = "none"; } } }); } const start_dates = data.end_times.map( (timestamp) => // data.end_times are the ends of hour long intervals. new Date(timestamp * 1000 - 60 * 60 * 1000), ); function aggregate_data(aggregation) { let start; let is_boundary; if (aggregation === "day") { start = floor_to_local_day(start_dates[0]); is_boundary = function (date) { return date.getHours() === 0; }; } else if (aggregation === "week") { start = floor_to_local_week(start_dates[0]); is_boundary = function (date) { return date.getHours() === 0 && date.getDay() === 0; }; } const dates = [start]; const values = {everyone: [], me: []}; let current = {everyone: 0, me: 0}; let i_init = 0; if (is_boundary(start_dates[0])) { current = {everyone: data.everyone.read[0], me: data.user.read[0]}; i_init = 1; } for (let i = i_init; i < start_dates.length; i += 1) { if (is_boundary(start_dates[i])) { dates.push(start_dates[i]); values.everyone.push(current.everyone); values.me.push(current.me); current = {everyone: 0, me: 0}; } current.everyone += data.everyone.read[i]; current.me += data.user.read[i]; } values.everyone.push(current.everyone); values.me.push(current.me); return { dates, values, last_value_is_partial: !is_boundary( new Date(start_dates[start_dates.length - 1].getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000), ), }; } // Generate traces let date_formatter = function (date) { return format_date(date, true); }; let values = {me: data.user.read, everyone: data.everyone.read}; let info = aggregate_data("day"); date_formatter = function (date) { return format_date(date, false); }; const last_day_is_partial = info.last_value_is_partial; const daily_traces = make_traces(info.dates, info.values, "bar", date_formatter); info = aggregate_data("week"); date_formatter = function (date) { return i18n.t("Week of __date__", {date: format_date(date, false)}); }; const last_week_is_partial = info.last_value_is_partial; const weekly_traces = make_traces(info.dates, info.values, "bar", date_formatter); const dates = data.end_times.map((timestamp) => new Date(timestamp * 1000)); values = {everyone: partial_sums(data.everyone.read), me: partial_sums(data.user.read)}; date_formatter = function (date) { return format_date(date, true); }; const cumulative_traces = make_traces(dates, values, "scatter", date_formatter); // Functions to draw and interact with the plot // We need to redraw plot entirely if switching from (the cumulative) line // graph to any bar graph, since otherwise the rangeselector shows both (plotly bug) let clicked_cumulative = false; function draw_or_update_plot(rangeselector, traces, last_value_is_partial, initial_draw) { $("#read_daily_button, #read_weekly_button, #read_cumulative_button").removeClass( "selected", ); $("#id_messages_read_over_time > div").removeClass("spinner"); if (initial_draw) { traces.everyone.visible = true; traces.me.visible = "legendonly"; } else { const plotDiv = document.querySelector("#id_messages_read_over_time"); traces.me.visible = plotDiv.data[0].visible; traces.everyone.visible = plotDiv.data[1].visible; } layout.xaxis.rangeselector = rangeselector; if (clicked_cumulative || initial_draw) { Plotly.newPlot("id_messages_read_over_time", [traces.me, traces.everyone], layout, { displayModeBar: false, }); add_hover_handler(); } else { Plotly.deleteTraces("id_messages_read_over_time", [0, 1]); Plotly.addTraces("id_messages_read_over_time", [traces.me, traces.everyone]); Plotly.relayout("id_messages_read_over_time", layout); } $("#id_messages_read_over_time").attr("last_value_is_partial", last_value_is_partial); } // Click handlers for aggregation buttons $("#read_daily_button").on("click", function () { draw_or_update_plot(daily_rangeselector, daily_traces, last_day_is_partial, false); $(this).addClass("selected"); clicked_cumulative = false; }); $("#read_weekly_button").on("click", function () { draw_or_update_plot(weekly_rangeselector, weekly_traces, last_week_is_partial, false); $(this).addClass("selected"); clicked_cumulative = false; }); $("#read_cumulative_button").on("click", function () { clicked_cumulative = false; draw_or_update_plot(daily_rangeselector, cumulative_traces, false, false); $(this).addClass("selected"); clicked_cumulative = true; }); // Initial drawing of plot if (weekly_traces.everyone.x.length < 12) { draw_or_update_plot(daily_rangeselector, daily_traces, last_day_is_partial, true); $("#read_daily_button").addClass("selected"); } else { draw_or_update_plot(weekly_rangeselector, weekly_traces, last_week_is_partial, true); $("#read_weekly_button").addClass("selected"); } } function get_chart_data(data, callback) { $.get({ url: "/json/analytics/chart_data" + page_params.data_url_suffix, data, idempotent: true, success(data) { callback(data); update_last_full_update(data.end_times); }, error(xhr) { $("#id_stats_errors").show().text(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).msg); }, }); } get_chart_data( {chart_name: "messages_sent_over_time", min_length: "10"}, populate_messages_sent_over_time, ); get_chart_data( {chart_name: "messages_sent_by_client", min_length: "10"}, populate_messages_sent_by_client, ); get_chart_data( {chart_name: "messages_sent_by_message_type", min_length: "10"}, populate_messages_sent_by_message_type, ); get_chart_data({chart_name: "number_of_humans", min_length: "10"}, populate_number_of_users); get_chart_data( {chart_name: "messages_read_over_time", min_length: "10"}, populate_messages_read_over_time, );