var copy_and_paste = (function () {
var exports = {};
function find_boundary_tr(initial_tr, iterate_row) {
var j;
var skip_same_td_check = false;
var tr = initial_tr;
// If the selection boundary is somewhere that does not have a
// parent tr, we should let the browser handle the copy-paste
// entirely on its own
if (tr.length === 0) {
// If the selection boundary is on a table row that does not have an
// associated message id (because the user clicked between messages),
// then scan downwards until we hit a table row with a message id.
// To ensure we can't enter an infinite loop, bail out (and let the
// browser handle the copy-paste on its own) if we don't hit what we
// are looking for within 10 rows.
for (j = 0; !'.message_row') && j < 10; j += 1) {
tr = iterate_row(tr);
if (j === 10) {
} else if (j !== 0) {
// If we updated tr, then we are not dealing with a selection
// that is entirely within one td, and we can skip the same td
// check (In fact, we need to because it won't work correctly
// in this case)
skip_same_td_check = true;
return [, skip_same_td_check];
function construct_recipient_header(message_row) {
var message_header_content = rows.get_message_recipient_header(message_row)
.replace(/\s+/g, " ")
.replace(/^\s/, "").replace(/\s$/, "");
return $('
function construct_copy_div(div, start_id, end_id) {
var start_row = current_msg_list.get_row(start_id);
var start_recipient_row = rows.get_message_recipient_row(start_row);
var start_recipient_row_id = rows.id_for_recipient_row(start_recipient_row);
var should_include_start_recipient_header = false;
var last_recipient_row_id = start_recipient_row_id;
for (var row = start_row; <= end_id; row = rows.next_visible(row)) {
var recipient_row_id = rows.id_for_recipient_row(rows.get_message_recipient_row(row));
// if we found a message from another recipient,
// it means that we have messages from several recipients,
// so we have to add new recipient's bar to final copied message
// and wouldn't forget to add start_recipient's bar at the beginning of final message
if (recipient_row_id !== last_recipient_row_id) {
last_recipient_row_id = recipient_row_id;
should_include_start_recipient_header = true;
var message = current_msg_list.get(;
var message_firstp = $(message.content).slice(0, 1);
message_firstp.prepend(message.sender_full_name + ": ");
if (should_include_start_recipient_header) {
function copy_handler() {
// This is the main handler for copying message content via
// `ctrl+C` in Zulip (note that this is totally independent of the
// "select region" copy behavior on Linux; that is handled
// entirely by the browser, our HTML layout, and our use of the
// no-select/auto-select CSS classes). We put considerable effort
// into producing a nice result that pastes well into other tools.
// Our user-facing specification is the following:
// * If the selection is contained within a single message, we
// want to just copy the portion that was selected, which we
// implement by letting the browser handle the ctrl+C event.
// * Otherwise, we want to copy the bodies of all messages that
// were partially covered by the selection.
// Firefox and Chrome handle selection of multiple messages
// differently. Firefox typically creates multiple ranges for the
// selection, whereas Chrome typically creates just one.
// Our goal in the below loop is to compute and be prepared to
// analyze the combined range of the selections, and copy their
// full content.
var selection = window.getSelection();
var i;
var range;
var ranges = [];
var startc;
var endc;
var initial_end_tr;
var start_id;
var end_id;
var start_data;
var end_data;
// skip_same_td_check is true whenever we know for a fact that the
// selection covers multiple messages (and thus we should no
// longer consider letting the browser handle the copy event).
var skip_same_td_check = false;
var div = $('');
for (i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i += 1) {
range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
startc = $(range.startContainer);
start_data = find_boundary_tr($(startc.parents('.selectable_row, .message_header')[0]), function (row) {
if (start_data === undefined) {
// Skip any selection sections that don't intersect a message.
if (start_id === undefined) {
// start_id is the Zulip message ID of the first message
// touched by the selection.
start_id = start_data[0];
endc = $(range.endContainer);
// If the selection ends in the bottom whitespace, we should
// act as though the selection ends on the final message.
// This handles the issue that Chrome seems to like selecting
// the compose_close button when you go off the end of the
// last message
if (endc.attr('id') === "bottom_whitespace" || endc.attr('id') === "compose_close") {
initial_end_tr = $(".message_row:last");
// The selection goes off the end of the message feed, so
// this is a multi-message selection.
skip_same_td_check = true;
} else {
initial_end_tr = $(endc.parents('.selectable_row')[0]);
end_data = find_boundary_tr(initial_end_tr, function (row) {
return row.prev();
if (end_data === undefined) {
// Skip any selection sections that don't intersect a message.
if (end_data[0] !== undefined) {
end_id = end_data[0];
if (start_data[1] || end_data[1]) {
// If the find_boundary_tr call for either the first or
// the last message covered by the selection
skip_same_td_check = true;
if (start_id === undefined || end_id === undefined) {
// In this case either the starting message or the ending
// message is not defined, so this is definitely not a
// multi-message selection and we can let the browser handle
// the copy.
if (!skip_same_td_check && start_id === end_id) {
// Check whether the selection both starts and ends in the
// same message. If so, Let the browser handle this.
// We've now decided to handle the copy event ourselves.
// We construct a temporary div for what we want the copy to pick up.
// We construct the div only once, rather than for each range as we can
// determine the starting and ending point with more confidence for the
// whole selection. When constructing for each `Range`, there is a high
// chance for overlaps between same message ids, avoiding which is much
// more difficult since we can get a range (start_id and end_id) for
// each selection `Range`.
construct_copy_div(div, start_id, end_id);
// Select div so that the browser will copy it
// instead of copying the original selection
div.css({position: 'absolute', left: '-99999px'})
.attr('id', 'copytempdiv');
The techniques we use in this code date back to
2013 and may be obsolete today (and may not have
been even the best workaround back then).
The idea is that we build a temp div, return from
this function, let jQuery process the selection,
then restore the selection on a zero-second timer
back to the original selection.
Do not be afraid to change this code if you understand
how modern browsers deal with copy/paste. Just test
your changes carefully.
window.setTimeout(function () {
selection = window.getSelection();
_.each(ranges, function (range) {
}, 0);
exports.paste_handler_converter = function (paste_html) {
var converters = {
converters: [
filter: ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'],
replacement: function (content) {
return content;
filter: ['em', 'i'],
replacement: function (content) {
return '*' + content + '*';
// Checks for raw links without custom text or title.
filter: function (node) {
return node.nodeName === "A" &&
node.href === node.innerHTML &&
node.href === node.title;
replacement: function (content) {
return content;
// Checks for escaped ordered list syntax.
filter: function (node) {
return /(\d+)\\\. /.test(node.innerHTML);
replacement: function (content) {
return content.replace(/(\d+)\\\. /g, '$1. ');
var markdown_html = toMarkdown(paste_html, converters);
// Now that we've done the main conversion, we want to remove
// any HTML tags that weren't converted to markdown-style
// text, since Bugdown doesn't support those.
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = markdown_html;
// Using textContent for modern browsers, innerText works for Internet Explorer
var markdown_text = div.textContent || div.innerText || "";
markdown_text = markdown_text.trim();
// Removes newlines before the start of a list and between list elements.
markdown_text = markdown_text.replace(/\n+([*+-])/g, '\n$1');
return markdown_text;
exports.paste_handler = function (event) {
var clipboardData = event.originalEvent.clipboardData;
if (!clipboardData) {
// On IE11, ClipboardData isn't defined. One can instead
// access it with `window.clipboardData`, but even that
// doesn't support text/html, so this code path couldn't do
// anything special anyway. So we instead just let the
// default paste handler run on IE11.
if (clipboardData.getData) {
var paste_html = clipboardData.getData('text/html');
if (paste_html && page_params.development_environment) {
var text = exports.paste_handler_converter(paste_html);
var mdImageRegex = /^!\[.*\]\(.*\)$/;
if (text.match(mdImageRegex)) {
// This block catches cases where we are pasting an
// image into Zulip, which should be handled by the
// jQuery filedrop library, not this code path.
exports.initialize = function () {
$(document).on('copy', copy_handler);
$("#compose-textarea").bind('paste', exports.paste_handler);
$('body').on('paste', '#message_edit_form', exports.paste_handler);
return exports;
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = copy_and_paste;
window.copy_and_paste = copy_and_paste;