import $ from "jquery"; import type * as tippy from "tippy.js"; import * as activity_ui from "./activity_ui.ts"; import * as compose_actions from "./compose_actions.ts"; import * as compose_recipient from "./compose_recipient.ts"; import * as compose_state from "./compose_state.ts"; import * as dropdown_widget from "./dropdown_widget.ts"; import {$t} from "./i18n.ts"; import * as message_lists from "./message_lists.ts"; import * as message_view_header from "./message_view_header.ts"; import * as message_viewport from "./message_viewport.ts"; import * as modals from "./modals.ts"; import * as narrow_state from "./narrow_state.ts"; import * as narrow_title from "./narrow_title.ts"; import * as overlays from "./overlays.ts"; import * as pm_list from "./pm_list.ts"; import * as popovers from "./popovers.ts"; import * as resize from "./resize.ts"; import * as sidebar_ui from "./sidebar_ui.ts"; import * as stream_list from "./stream_list.ts"; import * as unread_ui from "./unread_ui.ts"; export const FILTERS = { ALL_TOPICS: "all_topics", UNMUTED_TOPICS: "unmuted_topics", FOLLOWED_TOPICS: "followed_topics", }; const TIPPY_PROPS: Partial = { offset: [0, 2], }; export const COMMON_DROPDOWN_WIDGET_PARAMS = { get_options: filters_dropdown_options, tippy_props: TIPPY_PROPS, unique_id_type: dropdown_widget.DataTypes.STRING, hide_search_box: true, bold_current_selection: true, disable_for_spectators: true, }; export function filters_dropdown_options(current_value: string | number | undefined): { unique_id: string; name: string; description: string; bold_current_selection: boolean; }[] { return [ { unique_id: FILTERS.FOLLOWED_TOPICS, name: $t({defaultMessage: "Followed topics"}), description: $t({defaultMessage: "Only topics you follow"}), bold_current_selection: current_value === FILTERS.FOLLOWED_TOPICS, }, { unique_id: FILTERS.UNMUTED_TOPICS, name: $t({defaultMessage: "Standard view"}), description: $t({defaultMessage: "All unmuted topics"}), bold_current_selection: current_value === FILTERS.UNMUTED_TOPICS, }, { unique_id: FILTERS.ALL_TOPICS, name: $t({defaultMessage: "All topics"}), description: $t({ defaultMessage: "Includes muted channels and topics", }), bold_current_selection: current_value === FILTERS.ALL_TOPICS, }, ]; } export function show(opts: { highlight_view_in_left_sidebar: () => void; $view: JQuery; update_compose: () => void; is_visible: () => boolean; set_visible: (value: boolean) => void; complete_rerender: () => void; is_recent_view?: boolean; }): void { if (opts.is_visible()) { // If we're already visible, E.g. because the user hit Esc // while already in the view, do nothing. return; } // Hide "middle-column" which has html for rendering // a messages narrow. We hide it and show the view. $("#message_feed_container").hide(); opts.$; message_lists.update_current_message_list(undefined); opts.set_visible(true); // Hide selected elements in the left sidebar. opts.highlight_view_in_left_sidebar(); stream_list.handle_message_view_deactivated(); pm_list.handle_message_view_deactivated(); unread_ui.hide_unread_banner(); opts.update_compose(); narrow_title.update_narrow_title(narrow_state.filter()); message_view_header.render_title_area(); compose_recipient.handle_middle_pane_transition(); opts.complete_rerender(); compose_actions.on_show_navigation_view(); // This has to happen after resetting the current narrow filter, so // that the buddy list is rendered with the correct narrow state. activity_ui.build_user_sidebar(); // Misc. if (opts.is_recent_view) { resize.update_recent_view_filters_height(); } } export function hide(opts: {$view: JQuery; set_visible: (value: boolean) => void}): void { const active_element = document.activeElement; if (active_element !== null && opts.$view.has(active_element)) { $(active_element).trigger("blur"); } $("#message_feed_container").show(); opts.$view.hide(); opts.set_visible(false); // This solves a bug with message_view_header // being broken sometimes when we narrow // to a filter and back to view // before it completely re-rerenders. message_view_header.render_title_area(); // Fire our custom event $("#message_feed_container").trigger("message_feed_shown"); // This makes sure user lands on the selected message // and not always at the top of the narrow. message_viewport.plan_scroll_to_selected(); } export function is_in_focus(): boolean { return ( !compose_state.composing() && !popovers.any_active() && !sidebar_ui.any_sidebar_expanded_as_overlay() && !overlays.any_active() && !modals.any_active_or_animating() && !$(".home-page-input").is(":focus") && !$("#search_query").is(":focus") ); }