First, create the streams you'd like to use for Codebase notifications. There will be two types of messages: commit-related updates and issue-related updates. After creating these streams (we suggest naming them codebase commits and codebase issues), make sure to subscribe all interested parties.

Next, download and install our Python bindings and example scripts on the computer you'd like to run this mirroring script from.

You will need your Codebase API Username. You can find it in the settings page of your account, under API Credentials.

Edit the Codebase and Zulip credentials in integrations/codebase/ using your favorite editor:

CODEBASE_API_USERNAME = "zulip-inc/leo-franchi-15"
CODEBASE_API_KEY = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef

ZULIP_API_KEY = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
{% if api_site_required %}ZULIP_SITE ="{{ external_api_uri_subdomain }}"{% endif %}

Before your first run of the script, you may optionally choose to configure it to mirror some number of hours of prior Codebase activity:


Now, simply run the api/integrations/codebase/zulip_codebase_mirror script. If needed, this script may be restarted, and it will automatically resume from when it was last running.

Congratulations! You're done!
Whenever you create a new project, commit, issue, deployment, or more, you'll get notifications in your selected streams with the associated information.