"use strict"; const autosize = require("autosize"); exports.narrowed = undefined; exports.set_narrowed = function (value) { exports.narrowed = value; }; class MessageList { constructor(opts) { if (opts.data) { this.muting_enabled = opts.data.muting_enabled; this.data = opts.data; } else { const filter = opts.filter; this.muting_enabled = opts.muting_enabled; this.data = new MessageListData({ muting_enabled: this.muting_enabled, filter, }); } opts.collapse_messages = true; const collapse_messages = opts.collapse_messages; const table_name = opts.table_name; this.view = new MessageListView(this, table_name, collapse_messages); this.table_name = table_name; this.narrowed = this.table_name === "zfilt"; this.num_appends = 0; return this; } add_messages(messages, opts) { // This adds all messages to our data, but only returns // the currently viewable ones. const info = this.data.add_messages(messages); const top_messages = info.top_messages; const bottom_messages = info.bottom_messages; const interior_messages = info.interior_messages; // Currently we only need data back from rendering to // tell us whether users needs to scroll, which only // applies for `append_to_view`, but this may change over // time. let render_info; if (interior_messages.length > 0) { this.view.rerender_preserving_scrolltop(true); return true; } if (top_messages.length > 0) { this.view.prepend(top_messages); } if (bottom_messages.length > 0) { render_info = this.append_to_view(bottom_messages, opts); } if (this === exports.narrowed && !this.empty()) { // If adding some new messages to the message tables caused // our current narrow to no longer be empty, hide the empty // feed placeholder text. narrow.hide_empty_narrow_message(); } if (this === exports.narrowed && !this.empty() && this.selected_id() === -1) { // And also select the newly arrived message. this.select_id(this.selected_id(), {then_scroll: true, use_closest: true}); } return render_info; } get(id) { return this.data.get(id); } num_items() { return this.data.num_items(); } empty() { return this.data.empty(); } first() { return this.data.first(); } last() { return this.data.last(); } prev() { return this.data.prev(); } next() { return this.data.next(); } is_at_end() { return this.data.is_at_end(); } nth_most_recent_id(n) { return this.data.nth_most_recent_id(n); } is_search() { return this.data.is_search(); } can_mark_messages_read() { return this.data.can_mark_messages_read(); } clear(opts) { opts = {clear_selected_id: true, ...opts}; this.data.clear(); this.view.clear_rendering_state(true); if (opts.clear_selected_id) { this.data.clear_selected_id(); } } selected_id() { return this.data.selected_id(); } select_id(id, opts) { opts = { then_scroll: false, target_scroll_offset: undefined, use_closest: false, empty_ok: false, mark_read: true, force_rerender: false, ...opts, id, msg_list: this, previously_selected_id: this.data.selected_id(), }; const convert_id = (str_id) => { const id = Number.parseFloat(str_id); if (Number.isNaN(id)) { throw new TypeError("Bad message id " + str_id); } return id; }; id = convert_id(id); const closest_id = this.closest_id(id); let error_data; // The name "use_closest" option is a bit legacy. We // are always gonna move to the closest visible id; the flag // just says whether we call blueslip.error or not. The caller // sets use_closest to true when it expects us to move the // pointer as needed, so only generate an error if the flag is // false. if (!opts.use_closest && closest_id !== id) { error_data = { table_name: this.table_name, id, closest_id, }; blueslip.error("Selected message id not in MessageList", error_data); } if (closest_id === -1 && !opts.empty_ok) { error_data = { table_name: this.table_name, id, items_length: this.data.num_items(), }; throw new Error("Cannot select id -1", error_data); } id = closest_id; opts.id = id; this.data.set_selected_id(id); if (opts.force_rerender) { this.rerender(); } else if (!opts.from_rendering) { this.view.maybe_rerender(); } $(document).trigger($.Event("message_selected.zulip", opts)); } reselect_selected_id() { this.select_id(this.data.selected_id(), {from_rendering: true}); } selected_message() { return this.get(this.data.selected_id()); } selected_row() { return this.get_row(this.data.selected_id()); } closest_id(id) { return this.data.closest_id(id); } advance_past_messages(msg_ids) { return this.data.advance_past_messages(msg_ids); } selected_idx() { return this.data.selected_idx(); } subscribed_bookend_content(stream_name) { return i18n.t("You subscribed to stream __stream__", {stream: stream_name}); } unsubscribed_bookend_content(stream_name) { return i18n.t("You unsubscribed from stream __stream__", {stream: stream_name}); } not_subscribed_bookend_content(stream_name) { return i18n.t("You are not subscribed to stream __stream__", {stream: stream_name}); } deactivated_bookend_content() { return i18n.t("This stream has been deactivated"); } // Maintains a trailing bookend element explaining any changes in // your subscribed/unsubscribed status at the bottom of the // message list. update_trailing_bookend() { this.view.clear_trailing_bookend(); if (!this.narrowed) { return; } const stream_name = narrow_state.stream(); if (stream_name === undefined) { return; } let trailing_bookend_content; let show_button = true; const subscribed = stream_data.is_subscribed(stream_name); const sub = stream_data.get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { trailing_bookend_content = this.deactivated_bookend_content(); // Hide the resubscribe button for streams that no longer exist. show_button = false; } else if (subscribed) { trailing_bookend_content = this.subscribed_bookend_content(stream_name); } else { if (!this.last_message_historical) { trailing_bookend_content = this.unsubscribed_bookend_content(stream_name); // For invite only streams hide the resubscribe button // Hide button for guest users show_button = !page_params.is_guest && !sub.invite_only; } else { trailing_bookend_content = this.not_subscribed_bookend_content(stream_name); } } if (trailing_bookend_content !== undefined) { this.view.render_trailing_bookend(trailing_bookend_content, subscribed, show_button); } } unmuted_messages(messages) { return this.data.unmuted_messages(messages); } append(messages, opts) { const viewable_messages = this.data.append(messages); this.append_to_view(viewable_messages, opts); } append_to_view(messages, opts) { opts = {messages_are_new: false, ...opts}; this.num_appends += 1; const render_info = this.view.append(messages, opts.messages_are_new); return render_info; } remove_and_rerender(messages) { this.data.remove(messages); this.rerender(); } show_edit_message(row, edit_obj) { if (row.find(".message_edit_form form").length !== 0) { return; } row.find(".message_edit_form").append(edit_obj.form); row.find(".message_content, .status-message, .message_controls").hide(); row.find(".message_edit").css("display", "block"); autosize(row.find(".message_edit_content")); } hide_edit_message(row) { row.find(".message_content, .status-message, .message_controls").show(); row.find(".message_edit_form").empty(); row.find(".message_edit").hide(); row.trigger("mouseleave"); } show_edit_topic_on_recipient_row(recipient_row, form) { recipient_row.find(".topic_edit_form").append(form); recipient_row.find(".on_hover_topic_edit").hide(); recipient_row.find(".edit_content_button").hide(); recipient_row.find(".stream_topic").hide(); recipient_row.find(".topic_edit").show(); } hide_edit_topic_on_recipient_row(recipient_row) { recipient_row.find(".stream_topic").show(); recipient_row.find(".on_hover_topic_edit").show(); recipient_row.find(".edit_content_button").show(); recipient_row.find(".topic_edit_form").empty(); recipient_row.find(".topic_edit").hide(); } show_message_as_read(message, options) { const row = this.get_row(message.id); if (options.from === "pointer" || options.from === "server") { row.find(".unread_marker").addClass("fast_fade"); } else { row.find(".unread_marker").addClass("slow_fade"); } row.removeClass("unread"); } rerender_view() { this.view.rerender_preserving_scrolltop(); this.redo_selection(); } rerender() { // We need to clear the rendering state, rather than just // doing clear_table, since we want to potentially recollapse // things. this.data.reset_select_to_closest(); this.view.clear_rendering_state(false); this.view.update_render_window(this.selected_idx(), false); if (this === exports.narrowed) { if (this.empty()) { narrow.show_empty_narrow_message(); } else { narrow.hide_empty_narrow_message(); } } this.rerender_view(); } redo_selection() { const selected_id = this.data.selected_id(); if (selected_id !== -1) { this.select_id(selected_id); } } update_muting_and_rerender() { if (!this.muting_enabled) { return; } this.data.update_items_for_muting(); this.rerender(); } all_messages() { return this.data.all_messages(); } first_unread_message_id() { return this.data.first_unread_message_id(); } message_range(start, end) { return this.data.message_range(start, end); } get_row(id) { return this.view.get_row(id); } change_message_id(old_id, new_id) { const opts = { is_current_list: () => current_msg_list === this, rerender_view: () => this.rerender_view(), }; this.data.change_message_id(old_id, new_id, opts); } get_last_message_sent_by_me() { return this.data.get_last_message_sent_by_me(); } } exports.MessageList = MessageList; exports.all = new MessageList({ muting_enabled: false, }); // We stop autoscrolling when the user is clearly in the middle of // doing something. Be careful, though, if you try to capture // mousemove, then you will have to contend with the autoscroll // itself generating mousemove events. $(document).on("message_selected.zulip wheel", () => { message_viewport.stop_auto_scrolling(); }); window.message_list = exports;