"use strict"; const assert = require("node:assert/strict"); const {mock_esm, set_global, zrequire} = require("./lib/namespace.cjs"); const {run_test} = require("./lib/test.cjs"); const $ = require("./lib/zjquery.cjs"); const denmark_stream_id = 101; const scroll_util = mock_esm("../src/scroll_util", { get_content_element: ($element) => $element, }); mock_esm("../src/hash_util", { by_stream_url() {}, }); mock_esm("../src/browser_history", { update() {}, }); mock_esm("../src/hash_parser", { get_current_hash_section: () => denmark_stream_id, }); set_global("page_params", {}); const {set_current_user, set_realm} = zrequire("state_data"); const stream_data = zrequire("stream_data"); const stream_settings_ui = zrequire("stream_settings_ui"); const user_groups = zrequire("user_groups"); const {initialize_user_settings} = zrequire("user_settings"); set_realm({}); set_current_user({}); initialize_user_settings({user_settings: {}}); run_test("redraw_left_panel", ({mock_template}) => { const admins_group = { name: "Admins", id: 1, members: new Set([1]), is_system_group: true, direct_subgroup_ids: new Set([]), }; user_groups.initialize({realm_user_groups: [admins_group]}); // set-up sub rows stubs const denmark = { elem: "denmark", subscribed: false, name: "Denmark", stream_id: denmark_stream_id, description: "Copenhagen", subscribers: [1], stream_weekly_traffic: null, color: "red", can_remove_subscribers_group: admins_group.id, date_created: 1691057093, creator_id: null, }; const poland = { elem: "poland", subscribed: true, name: "Poland", stream_id: 102, description: "monday", subscribers: [1, 2, 3], stream_weekly_traffic: 13, color: "red", can_remove_subscribers_group: admins_group.id, date_created: 1691057093, creator_id: null, }; const pomona = { elem: "pomona", subscribed: true, name: "Pomona", stream_id: 103, description: "college", subscribers: [], stream_weekly_traffic: 0, color: "red", can_remove_subscribers_group: admins_group.id, date_created: 1691057093, creator_id: null, }; const cpp = { elem: "cpp", subscribed: true, name: "C++", stream_id: 104, description: "programming lang", subscribers: [1, 2], stream_weekly_traffic: 6, color: "red", can_remove_subscribers_group: admins_group.id, date_created: 1691057093, creator_id: null, }; const zzyzx = { elem: "zzyzx", subscribed: true, name: "Zzyzx", stream_id: 105, description: "california town", subscribers: [1, 2], stream_weekly_traffic: 6, color: "red", can_remove_subscribers_group: admins_group.id, date_created: 1691057093, creator_id: null, }; const abcd = { elem: "abcd", subscribed: false, name: "Abcd", stream_id: 106, description: "India town", subscribers: [1, 2, 3], stream_weekly_traffic: 0, color: "red", can_remove_subscribers_group: admins_group.id, date_created: 1691057093, creator_id: null, }; const utopia = { elem: "utopia", subscribed: false, name: "Utopia", stream_id: 107, description: "movie", subscribers: [1, 2, 3, 4], stream_weekly_traffic: 8, color: "red", can_remove_subscribers_group: admins_group.id, date_created: 1691057093, creator_id: null, }; const jerry = { elem: "jerry", subscribed: false, name: "Jerry", stream_id: 108, description: "cat", subscribers: [1], stream_weekly_traffic: 4, color: "red", can_remove_subscribers_group: admins_group.id, date_created: 1691057093, creator_id: null, }; const sub_row_data = [denmark, poland, pomona, cpp, zzyzx, abcd, utopia, jerry]; for (const sub of sub_row_data) { stream_data.create_sub_from_server_data(sub); } let populated_subs; mock_template("stream_settings/browse_streams_list.hbs", false, (data) => { populated_subs = data.subscriptions; }); stream_settings_ui.render_left_panel_superset(); const sub_stubs = []; for (const data of populated_subs) { const sub_row = `.stream-row-${CSS.escape(data.elem)}`; sub_stubs.push(sub_row); $(sub_row).attr("data-stream-id", data.stream_id); $(sub_row).detach = () => sub_row; } $.create("#channels_overlay_container .stream-row", {children: sub_stubs}); let ui_called = false; scroll_util.reset_scrollbar = ($elem) => { ui_called = true; assert.equal($elem, $("#subscription_overlay .streams-list")); }; // Filtering has the side effect of setting the "active" class // on our current stream, even if it doesn't match the filter. const $denmark_row = $(`.stream-row[data-stream-id='${CSS.escape(denmark_stream_id)}']`); // sanity check it's not set to active assert.ok(!$denmark_row.hasClass("active")); function test_filter(params, expected_streams) { $("#channels_overlay_container .stream-row:not(.notdisplayed)").length = 0; const stream_ids = stream_settings_ui.redraw_left_panel(params); assert.deepEqual( stream_ids, expected_streams.map((sub) => sub.stream_id), ); } // Search with single keyword test_filter({input: "Po", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false}, [ poland, pomona, ]); assert.ok(ui_called); // The denmark row is active, even though it's not displayed. assert.ok($denmark_row.hasClass("active")); // Search with multiple keywords test_filter({input: "Denmark, Pol", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false}, [ denmark, poland, ]); test_filter({input: "Den, Pol", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false}, [ denmark, poland, ]); // Search is case-insensitive test_filter({input: "po", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false}, [ poland, pomona, ]); // Search handles unusual characters like C++ test_filter({input: "c++", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false}, [cpp]); // Search subscribed streams only test_filter({input: "d", show_subscribed: true, show_not_subscribed: false}, [poland]); // Search unsubscribed streams only test_filter({input: "d", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: true}, [abcd, denmark]); // Search terms match stream description test_filter({input: "Co", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false}, [ denmark, pomona, ]); // Search names AND descriptions test_filter({input: "Mon", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false}, [ pomona, poland, ]); // Explicitly order streams by name test_filter( { input: "", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false, sort_order: "by-stream-name", }, [abcd, cpp, denmark, jerry, poland, pomona, utopia, zzyzx], ); // Order streams by subscriber count test_filter( { input: "", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false, sort_order: "by-subscriber-count", }, [utopia, abcd, poland, cpp, zzyzx, denmark, jerry, pomona], ); // Order streams by weekly traffic test_filter( { input: "", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: false, sort_order: "by-weekly-traffic", }, [poland, utopia, cpp, zzyzx, jerry, abcd, pomona, denmark], ); // Sort for subscribed only. test_filter( { input: "", show_subscribed: true, show_not_subscribed: false, sort_order: "by-subscriber-count", }, [poland, cpp, zzyzx, pomona], ); // Sort for unsubscribed only. test_filter( { input: "", show_subscribed: false, show_not_subscribed: true, sort_order: "by-subscriber-count", }, [utopia, abcd, denmark, jerry], ); // active stream-row is not included in results $(".stream-row-denmark").addClass("active"); $(".stream-row.active").hasClass = (cls) => { assert.equal(cls, "notdisplayed"); return $(".stream-row-denmark").hasClass("active"); }; $(".stream-row.active").removeClass = (cls) => { assert.equal(cls, "active"); $(".stream-row-denmark").removeClass("active"); }; test_filter({input: "d", show_subscribed: true}, [poland]); assert.ok($(".stream-row-denmark").hasClass("active")); stream_settings_ui.switch_stream_tab("subscribed"); assert.ok(!$(".stream-row-denmark").hasClass("active")); assert.ok(!$(".right .settings").visible()); assert.ok($(".nothing-selected").visible()); }); run_test("close color container when scrolling", ({mock_template}) => { // Test to see if logic of the colorpicker closing is correct const admins_group = { name: "Admins", id: 1, members: new Set([1]), is_system_group: true, direct_subgroup_ids: new Set([]), }; user_groups.initialize({realm_user_groups: [admins_group]}); const denmark = { elem: "denmark", subscribed: false, name: "Denmark", stream_id: denmark_stream_id, description: "Copenhagen", subscribers: [1], stream_weekly_traffic: null, color: "red", can_remove_subscribers_group: admins_group.id, }; const populated_subs = [denmark]; mock_template("stream_settings/browse_streams_list.hbs", false, (data) => { data.subscriptions = populated_subs; }); stream_settings_ui.render_left_panel_superset(); const sub_stubs = []; for (const data of populated_subs) { const sub_row = `.stream-row-${CSS.escape(data.elem)}`; sub_stubs.push(sub_row); $(sub_row).attr("data-stream-id", data.stream_id); } $.create("#streams_overlay_container .stream-row", {children: sub_stubs}); let colorpicker_closed = false; $("#stream_settings").on("scroll", () => { // Set colorpicker_closed to true when scrolling to test out the logic colorpicker_closed = true; }); $("#stream_settings").trigger("scroll"); // Check that the variable was indeed changed following the logic assert.ok(colorpicker_closed); });