var invite = (function () { var exports = {}; function update_subscription_checkboxes() { // TODO: If we were more clever, we would only do this if the // stream list has actually changed; that way, the settings of the // checkboxes are saved from invocation to invocation (which is // nice if I want to invite a bunch of people at once) var streams = []; _.each(stream_data.invite_streams(), function (value) { var is_notifications_stream = value === page_params.notifications_stream; if ((stream_data.subscribed_streams().length === 1) || !is_notifications_stream || (is_notifications_stream && stream_data.get_invite_only(value))) { // You can't actually elect not to invite someone to the // notifications stream. We won't even show it as a choice unless // it's the only stream you have, or if you've made it private. var default_status = stream_data.get_default_status(value); var invite_status = stream_data.get_invite_only(value); streams.push({name: value, invite_only: invite_status, default_stream: default_status}); // Sort by default status. streams.sort(function (a, b) { return b.default_stream - a.default_stream; }); } }); $('#streams_to_add').html(templates.render('invite_subscription', {streams: streams})); } function reset_error_messages() { var invite_status = $('#invite_status'); var invitee_emails = $("#invitee_emails"); var invitee_emails_group = invitee_emails.closest('.control-group'); invite_status.hide().text('').removeClass('alert-error alert-warning alert-success'); invitee_emails_group.removeClass('warning error'); if (page_params.development_environment) { $('#dev_env_msg').hide().text('').removeClass('alert-error alert-warning alert-success'); } } function prepare_form_to_be_shown() { $("#invitee_emails").val(""); update_subscription_checkboxes(); reset_error_messages(); } exports.initialize = function () { var invite_status = $('#invite_status'); var invitee_emails = $("#invitee_emails"); var invitee_emails_group = invitee_emails.closest('.control-group'); $('#submit-invitation').button(); prepare_form_to_be_shown(); invitee_emails.focus().autosize(); $("#invite_user_form").ajaxForm({ dataType: 'json', beforeSubmit: function () { reset_error_messages(); // TODO: You could alternatively parse the textarea here, and return errors to // the user if they don't match certain constraints (i.e. not real email addresses, // aren't in the right domain, etc.) // // OR, you could just let the server do it. Probably my temptation. $('#submit-invitation').button('loading'); return true; }, success: function () { $('#submit-invitation').button('reset'); invite_status.text(i18n.t('User invited successfully.', {count: (invitee_emails.val().match(/@/g) || [] ).length})) .addClass('alert-success') .show(); invitee_emails.val(''); if (page_params.development_environment) { // line-wrapped to avoid the i18n linter, since we don't want to translate this. $('#dev_env_msg').text( 'In the Zulip development environment, outgoing emails are printed to the console.') .addClass('alert-info') .show(); } }, error: function (xhr) { $('#submit-invitation').button('reset'); var arr = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (arr.errors === undefined) { // There was a fatal error, no partial processing occurred. invite_status.text(arr.msg) .addClass('alert-error') .show(); } else { // Some users were not invited. var invitee_emails_errored = []; var error_list = $('