# Testing the installer Zulip's install process is tested as part of [its continuous integrations suite][ci], but that only tests the most common configurations; when making changes to more complicated [installation options][installer-docs], Zulip provides tooling to repeatedly test the installation process in a clean environment each time. [ci]: https://github.com/zulip/zulip/actions/workflows/production-suite.yml?query=branch%3Amain [installer-docs]: ../production/install.md ## Configuring Using the test installer framework requires a Linux operating system; it will not work on WSL, for instance. It requires at least 3G of RAM, in order to accommodate the VMs and the steps which build the release assets. To begin, install the LXC toolchain: ```bash sudo apt-get install lxc lxc-utils ``` All LXC commands (and hence many parts of the test installer) will need to be run as root. ## Running a test install ### Build and unpack a release tarball You only need to do this step once per time you work on a set of changes, to refresh the package that the installer uses. The installer doesn't work cleanly out of a source checkout; it wants a release checkout, so we build a tarball of one of those first: ```bash ./tools/build-release-tarball test-installer ``` This will produce a file in /tmp, which it will print out the path to as the last step; for example, `/tmp/tmp.fepqqNBWxp/zulip-server-test-installer.tar.gz` Next, unpack that file into a local directory; we will make any changes we want in our source checkout and copy them into this directory. The test installer needs the release directory to be named `zulip-server`, so we rename it and move it appropriately. In the first line, you'll need to substitute the actual path that you got for the tarball, above: ```bash tar xzf /tmp/tmp.fepqqNBWxp/zulip-server-test-installer.tar.gz mkdir zulip-test-installer mv zulip-server-test-installer zulip-test-installer/zulip-server ``` You should delete and re-create this `zulip-test-installer` directory (using these steps) if you are working on a different installer branch, or a significant time has passed since you last used it. ### Test an install The `test-install` tooling takes a distribution release name (e.g. "focal" or "bionic"), the path to an unpacked release directory or tarball, and then any of the normal options you want to pass down into the installer. For example, to test an install onto Ubuntu 20.04 "Focal", we might call: ```bash sudo ./tools/test-install/install \ -r focal \ ./zulip-test-installer/ \ --hostname=zulip.example.net \ --email=username@example.net ``` The first time you run this command for a given distribution, it will build a "base" image for that to use on subsequent times; this will take a while. ### See running containers after installation Regardless of if the install succeeds or fails, it will stay running so you can inspect it. You can see all of the containers which are running, and their randomly-generated names, by running: ```bash sudo lxc-ls -f ``` ### Connect to a running container After using `lxc-ls` to list containers, you can choose one of them and connect to its terminal: ```bash sudo lxc-attach --clear-env -n zulip-install-focal-PUvff ``` ### Stopping and destroying containers To destroy all containers (but leave the base containers, which speed up the initial install): ```bash sudo ./tools/test-install/destroy-all -f ``` To destroy just one container: ```bash sudo lxc-destroy -f -n zulip-install-focal-PUvff ``` ### Iterating on the installer Iterate on the installer by making changes to your source tree, copying them into the release directory, and re-running the installer, which will start up a new container. Here, we update just the `scripts` and `puppet` directories of the release directory: ```bash rsync -az scripts puppet zulip-test-installer/zulip-server/ sudo ./tools/test-install/install \ -r focal \ ./zulip-test-installer/ \ --hostname=zulip.example.net \ --email=username@example.net ```