See your Teamcity build status in Zulip!
First, create the stream you'd like to use for Teamcity
notifications, and subscribe all interested parties to this stream. We
recommend the name teamcity
Next, set up a bot for the integration. You'll need the bot's API key to construct a URL for Teamcity.
Next, install the tcWebHooks plugin onto your Teamcity server. Follow the plugin instructions in your Teamcity documentation, or refer to the online Teamcity documentation.
Next, in your Teamcity project overview page, click the "Webhooks" tab, and add a new project webhook. Enter the following URL:
{{ external_api_uri_subdomain }}/v1/external/teamcity?api_key=abcdefgh&stream=teamcity
where api_key
is the API key of your Zulip bot,
and stream
is the stream name you want the
notifications sent to.
Uncheck all "Trigger on Events" options, and check "Trigger when build is Successful" and "Trigger when build Fails". Optionally, check "Only trigger when build changes from Failure to Success" and "Only trigger when build changes from Success to Failure".
Set the Payload Format to "JSON" and save your webhook.
Congratulations! You're done!
Your Teamcity build
notifications will appear in Zulip:
Personal Builds
When a user runs a personal build, if Zulip can
map their Teamcity username to a Zulip user, that Zulip user will receive a
private message with the result of their personal build.