"use strict"; const assert = require("node:assert/strict"); const {mock_esm, set_global, zrequire} = require("./lib/namespace"); const {run_test, noop} = require("./lib/test"); const $ = require("./lib/zjquery"); const bootstrap_typeahead = mock_esm("../src/bootstrap_typeahead"); const search_suggestion = mock_esm("../src/search_suggestion"); const search = zrequire("search"); const search_pill = zrequire("search_pill"); const stream_data = zrequire("stream_data"); function stub_pills() { const $pill_container = $("#searchbox-input-container.pill-container"); const $pill_input = $.create("pill_input"); $pill_container.set_find_results(".input", $pill_input); $pill_input.before = noop; } set_global("getSelection", () => ({ modify: noop, })); let typeahead_forced_open = false; const verona = { subscribed: true, color: "blue", name: "Verona", stream_id: 1, }; stream_data.add_sub(verona); run_test("initialize", ({override, override_rewire, mock_template}) => { const $search_query_box = $("#search_query"); const $searchbox_form = $("#searchbox_form"); stub_pills(); mock_template("search_list_item.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(typeof data.description_html, "string"); if (data.is_people) { for (const user of data.users) { assert.equal(typeof user.user_pill_context.id, "number"); assert.equal(typeof user.user_pill_context.display_value, "string"); assert.equal(typeof user.user_pill_context.has_image, "boolean"); assert.equal(typeof user.user_pill_context.img_src, "string"); } } return html; }); let expected_pill_display_value = ""; let input_pill_displayed = false; mock_template("input_pill.hbs", true, (data, html) => { assert.equal(data.display_value, expected_pill_display_value); input_pill_displayed = true; return html; }); search_suggestion.max_num_of_search_results = 999; let terms; function mock_pill_removes(widget) { const pills = widget._get_pills_for_testing(); for (const pill of pills) { pill.$element.remove = noop; } } override(bootstrap_typeahead, "Typeahead", (input_element, opts) => { assert.equal(input_element.$element, $search_query_box); assert.equal(opts.items, 999); assert.equal(opts.helpOnEmptyStrings, true); assert.equal(opts.matcher(), true); { const search_suggestions = { lookup_table: new Map([ [ "stream:Verona", { description_html: "Stream Verona", search_string: "stream:Verona", }, ], [ "ver", { description_html: "Search for ver", search_string: "ver", }, ], ]), strings: ["ver", "stream:Verona"], }; /* Test source */ search_suggestion.get_suggestions = () => search_suggestions; const expected_source_value = search_suggestions.strings; const source = opts.source("ver"); assert.deepStrictEqual(source, expected_source_value); /* Test highlighter */ let expected_value = `
\n Search for ver\n
\n`; assert.equal(opts.highlighter_html(source[0]), expected_value); expected_value = `
\n Stream Verona\n
\n`; assert.equal(opts.highlighter_html(source[1]), expected_value); /* Test sorter */ assert.equal(opts.sorter(search_suggestions.strings), search_suggestions.strings); } { const search_suggestions = { lookup_table: new Map([ [ "dm-including:zo", { description_html: "group direct messages including", is_people: true, search_string: "dm-including:user7@zulipdev.com", users: [ { user_pill_context: { display_value: "Zoe", has_image: true, id: 7, img_src: "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/0f030c97ab51312c7bbffd3966198ced?d=identicon&version=1", }, }, ], }, ], [ "dm:zo", { description_html: "direct messages with", is_people: true, search_string: "dm:user7@zulipdev.com", users: [ { user_pill_context: { display_value: "Zoe", has_image: true, id: 7, img_src: "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/0f030c97ab51312c7bbffd3966198ced?d=identicon&version=1", }, }, ], }, ], [ "sender:zo", { description_html: "sent by", is_people: true, search_string: "sender:user7@zulipdev.com", users: [ { user_pill_context: { display_value: "Zoe", has_image: true, id: 7, img_src: "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/0f030c97ab51312c7bbffd3966198ced?d=identicon&version=1", }, }, ], }, ], [ "zo", { description_html: "Search for zo", search_string: "zo", }, ], ]), strings: ["zo", "sender:zo", "dm:zo", "dm-including:zo"], }; /* Test source */ search_suggestion.get_suggestions = () => search_suggestions; const expected_source_value = search_suggestions.strings; const source = opts.source("zo"); assert.deepStrictEqual(source, expected_source_value); /* Test highlighter */ let expected_value = `
\n Search for zo\n
\n`; assert.equal(opts.highlighter_html(source[0]), expected_value); expected_value = `
\n sent by\n \n
\n \n \n \n <strong>Zo</strong>e\n \n
\n \n
\n`; assert.equal(opts.highlighter_html(source[1]), expected_value); expected_value = `
\n direct messages with\n \n
\n \n \n \n <strong>Zo</strong>e\n \n
\n \n
\n`; assert.equal(opts.highlighter_html(source[2]), expected_value); expected_value = `
\n group direct messages including\n \n
\n \n \n \n <strong>Zo</strong>e\n \n
\n \n
\n`; assert.equal(opts.highlighter_html(source[3]), expected_value); /* Test sorter */ assert.equal(opts.sorter(search_suggestions.strings), search_suggestions.strings); } { /* Test updater */ const _setup = (terms) => { const pills = search.search_pill_widget._get_pills_for_testing(); for (const pill of pills) { pill.$element.remove = noop; } search_pill.set_search_bar_contents( terms, search.search_pill_widget, $search_query_box.text, ); }; terms = [ { negated: false, operator: "search", operand: "ver", }, ]; expected_pill_display_value = null; _setup(terms); input_pill_displayed = false; mock_pill_removes(search.search_pill_widget); $(".navbar-search.expanded").length = 1; assert.equal(opts.updater("ver"), "ver"); assert.ok(!input_pill_displayed); const verona_stream_id = verona.stream_id.toString(); terms = [ { negated: false, operator: "channel", operand: verona_stream_id, }, ]; expected_pill_display_value = "channel: Verona"; _setup(terms); input_pill_displayed = false; mock_pill_removes(search.search_pill_widget); assert.equal(opts.updater(`channel:${verona_stream_id}`), ""); assert.ok(input_pill_displayed); search.rewire_is_using_input_method(true); _setup(terms); input_pill_displayed = false; mock_pill_removes(search.search_pill_widget); assert.equal(opts.updater(`channel:${verona_stream_id}`), ""); assert.ok(input_pill_displayed); } return { lookup() { typeahead_forced_open = true; }, }; }); search.initialize({ on_narrow_search() {}, }); $search_query_box.text("test string"); search.rewire_is_using_input_method(false); $searchbox_form.trigger("compositionend"); assert.ok(search.is_using_input_method); const keydown = $searchbox_form.get_on_handler("keydown"); let default_prevented = false; let ev = { type: "keydown", which: 15, preventDefault() { default_prevented = true; }, }; $search_query_box.is = () => false; assert.equal(keydown(ev), undefined); assert.ok(!default_prevented); ev.key = "Enter"; assert.equal(keydown(ev), undefined); assert.ok(!default_prevented); ev.key = "Enter"; $search_query_box.is = () => true; assert.equal(keydown(ev), undefined); assert.ok(default_prevented); ev = { type: "keyup", }; const _setup = (terms) => { const pills = search.search_pill_widget._get_pills_for_testing(); for (const pill of pills) { pill.$element.remove = noop; } search_pill.set_search_bar_contents( terms, search.search_pill_widget, $search_query_box.text, ); }; terms = [ { negated: false, operator: "search", operand: "", }, ]; _setup(terms); ev.key = "a"; /* istanbul ignore next */ $search_query_box.is = () => false; $searchbox_form.trigger(ev); let search_exited = false; override_rewire(search, "exit_search", () => { search_exited = true; }); ev.key = "Enter"; $search_query_box.is = () => false; $searchbox_form.trigger(ev); assert.ok(!search_exited); ev.key = "Enter"; $search_query_box.is = () => true; $searchbox_form.trigger(ev); assert.ok(search_exited); let is_blurred = false; $search_query_box.on("blur", () => { is_blurred = true; }); terms = [ { negated: false, operator: "search", operand: "ver", }, ]; expected_pill_display_value = "ver"; _setup(terms); ev.key = "Enter"; search.rewire_is_using_input_method(true); $searchbox_form.trigger(ev); // No change on first Enter keyup event assert.ok(!is_blurred); $searchbox_form.trigger(ev); assert.ok(is_blurred); }); run_test("initiate_search", ({override_rewire}) => { let search_bar_opened = false; override_rewire(search, "open_search_bar_and_close_narrow_description", () => { search_bar_opened = true; }); $(".navbar-search.expanded").length = 0; $("#search_query").text(""); search.initiate_search(); assert.ok(typeahead_forced_open); assert.ok(search_bar_opened); assert.equal($("#search_query").text(), ""); });