import * as muted_users from "./muted_users"; import * as util from "./util"; // See docs/subsystems/ for details on typing indicators. const typists_dict = new Map(); const inbound_timer_dict = new Map | undefined>(); export function clear_for_testing(): void { typists_dict.clear(); inbound_timer_dict.clear(); } export function get_direct_message_conversation_key(group: number[]): string { const ids = util.sorted_ids(group); return "direct:" + ids.join(","); } export function get_topic_key(stream_id: number, topic: string): string { topic = topic.toLowerCase(); // Topics are case-insensitive return "topic:" + JSON.stringify({stream_id, topic}); } export function add_typist(key: string, typist: number): void { const current = typists_dict.get(key) ?? []; if (!current.includes(typist)) { current.push(typist); } typists_dict.set(key, util.sorted_ids(current)); } export function remove_typist(key: string, typist: number): boolean { let current = typists_dict.get(key) ?? []; if (!current.includes(typist)) { return false; } current = current.filter((user_id) => user_id !== typist); typists_dict.set(key, current); return true; } export function get_group_typists(group: number[]): number[] { const key = get_direct_message_conversation_key(group); const user_ids = typists_dict.get(key) ?? []; return muted_users.filter_muted_user_ids(user_ids); } export function get_all_direct_message_typists(): number[] { let typists: number[] = []; for (const [key, value] of typists_dict) { if (key.startsWith("direct:")) { typists.push(...value); } } typists = util.sorted_ids(typists); return muted_users.filter_muted_user_ids(typists); } export function get_topic_typists(stream_id: number, topic: string): number[] { const typists = typists_dict.get(get_topic_key(stream_id, topic)) ?? []; return muted_users.filter_muted_user_ids(typists); } export function clear_typing_data(): void { for (const [, timer] of inbound_timer_dict.entries()) { clearTimeout(timer); } inbound_timer_dict.clear(); typists_dict.clear(); } // The next functions aren't pure data, but it is easy // enough to mock the setTimeout/clearTimeout functions. export function clear_inbound_timer(key: string): void { const timer = inbound_timer_dict.get(key); if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); inbound_timer_dict.set(key, undefined); } } export function kickstart_inbound_timer(key: string, delay: number, callback: () => void): void { clear_inbound_timer(key); const timer = setTimeout(callback, delay); inbound_timer_dict.set(key, timer); }