import $ from "jquery"; import _ from "lodash"; import assert from "minimalistic-assert"; import type * as tippy from "tippy.js"; import {z} from "zod"; import render_inbox_row from "../templates/inbox_view/inbox_row.hbs"; import render_inbox_stream_container from "../templates/inbox_view/inbox_stream_container.hbs"; import render_inbox_view from "../templates/inbox_view/inbox_view.hbs"; import render_introduce_zulip_view_modal from "../templates/introduce_zulip_view_modal.hbs"; import render_user_with_status_icon from "../templates/user_with_status_icon.hbs"; import * as buddy_data from "./buddy_data"; import * as compose_closed_ui from "./compose_closed_ui"; import * as compose_state from "./compose_state"; import * as dialog_widget from "./dialog_widget"; import * as dropdown_widget from "./dropdown_widget"; import * as hash_util from "./hash_util"; import {$t_html} from "./i18n"; import {is_visible, set_visible} from "./inbox_util"; import * as keydown_util from "./keydown_util"; import * as left_sidebar_navigation_area from "./left_sidebar_navigation_area"; import {localstorage} from "./localstorage"; import * as message_store from "./message_store"; import type {Message} from "./message_store"; import * as onboarding_steps from "./onboarding_steps"; import * as people from "./people"; import * as stream_color from "./stream_color"; import * as stream_data from "./stream_data"; import * as sub_store from "./sub_store"; import * as unread from "./unread"; import * as unread_ops from "./unread_ops"; import {user_settings} from "./user_settings"; import * as user_status from "./user_status"; import * as user_topics from "./user_topics"; import * as user_topics_ui from "./user_topics_ui"; import * as util from "./util"; import * as views_util from "./views_util"; type DirectMessageContext = { conversation_key: string; is_direct: boolean; rendered_dm_with: string; is_group: boolean; user_circle_class: string | false | undefined; is_bot: boolean; dm_url: string; user_ids_string: string; unread_count: number; is_hidden: boolean; is_collapsed: boolean; latest_msg_id: number; column_indexes: typeof COLUMNS; }; const direct_message_context_properties: (keyof DirectMessageContext)[] = [ "conversation_key", "is_direct", "rendered_dm_with", "is_group", "user_circle_class", "is_bot", "dm_url", "user_ids_string", "unread_count", "is_hidden", "is_collapsed", "latest_msg_id", "column_indexes", ]; type StreamContext = { is_stream: boolean; invite_only: boolean; is_web_public: boolean; stream_name: string; pin_to_top: boolean | undefined; is_muted: boolean; stream_color: string; stream_header_color: string; stream_url: string; stream_id: number; is_hidden: boolean; is_collapsed: boolean; mention_in_unread: boolean; unread_count?: number; column_indexes: typeof COLUMNS; }; const stream_context_properties: (keyof StreamContext)[] = [ "is_stream", "invite_only", "is_web_public", "stream_name", "pin_to_top", "is_muted", "stream_color", "stream_header_color", "stream_url", "stream_id", "is_hidden", "is_collapsed", "mention_in_unread", "unread_count", "column_indexes", ]; type TopicContext = { is_topic: boolean; stream_id: number; topic_name: string; unread_count: number; conversation_key: string; topic_url: string; is_hidden: boolean; is_collapsed: boolean; mention_in_unread: boolean; latest_msg_id: number; all_visibility_policies: typeof user_topics.all_visibility_policies; visibility_policy: number | false; column_indexes: typeof COLUMNS; }; const topic_context_properties: (keyof TopicContext)[] = [ "is_topic", "stream_id", "topic_name", "unread_count", "conversation_key", "topic_url", "is_hidden", "is_collapsed", "mention_in_unread", "latest_msg_id", "all_visibility_policies", "visibility_policy", "column_indexes", ]; let dms_dict = new Map(); let topics_dict = new Map>(); let streams_dict = new Map(); let update_triggered_by_user = false; let filters_dropdown_widget; const COLUMNS = { COLLAPSE_BUTTON: 0, RECIPIENT: 1, UNREAD_COUNT: 2, TOPIC_VISIBILITY: 3, ACTION_MENU: 4, }; let col_focus = COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON; let row_focus = 0; const ls_filter_key = "inbox-filters"; const ls_collapsed_containers_key = "inbox_collapsed_containers"; const ls = localstorage(); let filters = new Set([views_util.FILTERS.UNMUTED_TOPICS]); let collapsed_containers = new Set(); let search_keyword = ""; const INBOX_SEARCH_ID = "inbox-search"; const INBOX_FILTERS_DROPDOWN_ID = "inbox-filter_widget"; export let current_focus_id: string | undefined; const STREAM_HEADER_PREFIX = "inbox-stream-header-"; const CONVERSATION_ID_PREFIX = "inbox-row-conversation-"; const LEFT_NAVIGATION_KEYS = ["left_arrow", "vim_left"]; const RIGHT_NAVIGATION_KEYS = ["right_arrow", "vim_right"]; function get_row_from_conversation_key(key: string): JQuery { return $(`#${CSS.escape(CONVERSATION_ID_PREFIX + key)}`); } function save_data_to_ls(): void { ls.set(ls_filter_key, [...filters]); ls.set(ls_collapsed_containers_key, [...collapsed_containers]); } export function show(): void { // Avoid setting col_focus to recipient when moving to inbox from other narrows. // We prefer to focus entire row instead of stream name for inbox-header. // Since inbox-row doesn't has a collapse button, focus on COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON // is same as focus on COLUMNS.RECIPIENT. See `set_list_focus` for details. if (col_focus === COLUMNS.RECIPIENT) { col_focus = COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON; }{ highlight_view_in_left_sidebar: left_sidebar_navigation_area.highlight_inbox_view, $view: $("#inbox-view"), update_compose: compose_closed_ui.update_buttons_for_non_specific_views, is_visible, set_visible, complete_rerender, }); if (onboarding_steps.ONE_TIME_NOTICES_TO_DISPLAY.has("intro_inbox_view_modal")) { const html_body = render_introduce_zulip_view_modal({ zulip_view: "inbox", current_home_view_and_escape_navigation_enabled: user_settings.web_home_view === "inbox" && user_settings.web_escape_navigates_to_home_view, }); dialog_widget.launch({ html_heading: $t_html({defaultMessage: "Welcome to your inbox!"}), html_body, html_submit_button: $t_html({defaultMessage: "Got it"}), on_click() { // Do nothing }, on_hidden() { revive_current_focus(); }, single_footer_button: true, focus_submit_on_open: true, }); onboarding_steps.post_onboarding_step_as_read("intro_inbox_view_modal"); } } export function hide(): void { views_util.hide({ $view: $("#inbox-view"), set_visible, }); } function get_topic_key(stream_id: number, topic: string): string { return stream_id + ":" + topic; } function get_stream_key(stream_id: number): string { return "stream_" + stream_id; } function get_stream_container(stream_key: string): JQuery { return $(`#${CSS.escape(stream_key)}`); } function get_topics_container(stream_id: number): JQuery { const $topics_container = get_stream_header_row(stream_id) .next(".inbox-topic-container") .expectOne(); return $topics_container; } function get_stream_header_row(stream_id: number): JQuery { const $stream_header_row = $(`#${CSS.escape(STREAM_HEADER_PREFIX + stream_id)}`); return $stream_header_row; } function load_data_from_ls(): void { const saved_filters = new Set(z.array(z.string()).optional().parse(ls.get(ls_filter_key))); const valid_filters = new Set(Object.values(views_util.FILTERS)); // If saved filters are not in the list of valid filters, we reset to default. const is_subset = [...saved_filters].every((filter) => valid_filters.has(filter)); if (saved_filters.size === 0 || !is_subset) { filters = new Set([views_util.FILTERS.UNMUTED_TOPICS]); } else { filters = saved_filters; } collapsed_containers = new Set( z.array(z.string()).optional().parse(ls.get(ls_collapsed_containers_key)), ); } function format_dm( user_ids_string: string, unread_count: number, latest_msg_id: number, ): DirectMessageContext { const recipient_ids = people.user_ids_string_to_ids_array(user_ids_string); if (!recipient_ids.length) { // Self DM recipient_ids.push(people.my_current_user_id()); } const reply_to = people.user_ids_string_to_emails_string(user_ids_string); assert(reply_to !== undefined); const rendered_dm_with = recipient_ids .map((recipient_id) => ({ name: people.get_display_full_name(recipient_id), status_emoji_info: user_status.get_status_emoji(recipient_id), })) .sort((a, b) => util.strcmp(, .map((user_info) => render_user_with_status_icon(user_info)); let user_circle_class: string | false | undefined; let is_bot = false; if (recipient_ids.length === 1 && recipient_ids[0] !== undefined) { is_bot = people.get_by_user_id(recipient_ids[0]).is_bot; user_circle_class = is_bot ? false : buddy_data.get_user_circle_class(recipient_ids[0]); } const context = { conversation_key: user_ids_string, is_direct: true, rendered_dm_with: util.format_array_as_list(rendered_dm_with, "long", "conjunction"), is_group: recipient_ids.length > 1, user_circle_class, is_bot, dm_url: hash_util.pm_with_url(reply_to), user_ids_string, unread_count, is_hidden: filter_should_hide_dm_row({dm_key: user_ids_string}), is_collapsed: collapsed_containers.has("inbox-dm-header"), latest_msg_id, column_indexes: COLUMNS, }; return context; } function insert_dms(keys_to_insert: string[]): void { const sorted_keys = [...dms_dict.keys()]; // If we need to insert at the top, we do it separately to avoid edge case in loop below. if (sorted_keys[0] !== undefined && keys_to_insert.includes(sorted_keys[0])) { $("#inbox-direct-messages-container").prepend( $(render_inbox_row(dms_dict.get(sorted_keys[0]))), ); } for (const [i, key] of sorted_keys.entries()) { if (i === 0) { continue; } if (keys_to_insert.includes(key)) { const $previous_row = get_row_from_conversation_key(sorted_keys[i - 1]!); $previous_row.after($(render_inbox_row(dms_dict.get(key)))); } } } function rerender_dm_inbox_row_if_needed( new_dm_data: DirectMessageContext, old_dm_data: DirectMessageContext | undefined, dm_keys_to_insert: string[], ): void { if (old_dm_data === undefined) { // This row is not rendered yet. dm_keys_to_insert.push(new_dm_data.conversation_key); return; } if (old_dm_data.latest_msg_id !== new_dm_data.latest_msg_id) { // Row's index likely changed in list, so remove it and insert again. get_row_from_conversation_key(new_dm_data.conversation_key).remove(); dm_keys_to_insert.push(new_dm_data.conversation_key); return; } // If row's latest_msg_id didn't change, we can inplace rerender it, if needed. for (const property of direct_message_context_properties) { if (new_dm_data[property] !== old_dm_data[property]) { const $rendered_row = get_row_from_conversation_key(new_dm_data.conversation_key); $rendered_row.replaceWith($(render_inbox_row(new_dm_data))); return; } } } function format_stream(stream_id: number): StreamContext { // NOTE: Unread count is not included in this function as it is more // efficient for the callers to calculate it based on filters. const stream_info = sub_store.get(stream_id); assert(stream_info !== undefined); return { is_stream: true, invite_only: stream_info.invite_only, is_web_public: stream_info.is_web_public, stream_name:, pin_to_top: stream_info.pin_to_top, is_muted: stream_info.is_muted, stream_color: stream_color.get_stream_privacy_icon_color(stream_info.color), stream_header_color: stream_color.get_recipient_bar_color(stream_info.color), stream_url: hash_util.by_stream_url(stream_id), stream_id, // Will be displayed if any topic is visible. is_hidden: true, is_collapsed: collapsed_containers.has(STREAM_HEADER_PREFIX + stream_id), mention_in_unread: unread.stream_has_any_unread_mentions(stream_id), column_indexes: COLUMNS, }; } function update_stream_data( stream_id: number, stream_key: string, topic_dict: Map, ): void { const stream_topics_data = new Map(); const stream_data = format_stream(stream_id); let stream_post_filter_unread_count = 0; for (const [topic, {topic_count, latest_msg_id}] of topic_dict) { const topic_key = get_topic_key(stream_id, topic); if (topic_count) { const topic_data = format_topic(stream_id, topic, topic_count, latest_msg_id); stream_topics_data.set(topic_key, topic_data); if (!topic_data.is_hidden) { stream_post_filter_unread_count += topic_data.unread_count; } } } topics_dict.set(stream_key, get_sorted_row_dict(stream_topics_data)); stream_data.is_hidden = stream_post_filter_unread_count === 0; stream_data.unread_count = stream_post_filter_unread_count; streams_dict.set(stream_key, stream_data); } function rerender_stream_inbox_header_if_needed( new_stream_data: StreamContext, old_stream_data: StreamContext, ): void { for (const property of stream_context_properties) { if (new_stream_data[property] !== old_stream_data[property]) { const $rendered_row = get_stream_header_row(new_stream_data.stream_id); $rendered_row.replaceWith($(render_inbox_row(new_stream_data))); return; } } } function format_topic( stream_id: number, topic: string, topic_unread_count: number, latest_msg_id: number, ): TopicContext { const context = { is_topic: true, stream_id, topic_name: topic, unread_count: topic_unread_count, conversation_key: get_topic_key(stream_id, topic), topic_url: hash_util.by_stream_topic_url(stream_id, topic), is_hidden: filter_should_hide_stream_row({stream_id, topic}), is_collapsed: collapsed_containers.has(STREAM_HEADER_PREFIX + stream_id), mention_in_unread: unread.topic_has_any_unread_mentions(stream_id, topic), latest_msg_id, // The 'all_visibility_policies' field is not specific to this context, // but this is the easiest way we've figured out for passing the data // to the template rendering. all_visibility_policies: user_topics.all_visibility_policies, visibility_policy: user_topics.get_topic_visibility_policy(stream_id, topic), column_indexes: COLUMNS, }; return context; } function insert_stream( stream_id: number, topic_dict: Map, ): boolean { const stream_key = get_stream_key(stream_id); update_stream_data(stream_id, stream_key, topic_dict); const sorted_stream_keys = get_sorted_stream_keys(); const stream_index = sorted_stream_keys.indexOf(stream_key); const rendered_stream = render_inbox_stream_container({ topics_dict: new Map([[stream_key, topics_dict.get(stream_key)]]), streams_dict, }); if (stream_index === 0) { $("#inbox-streams-container").prepend($(rendered_stream)); } else { const previous_stream_key = sorted_stream_keys[stream_index - 1]!; $(rendered_stream).insertAfter(get_stream_container(previous_stream_key)); } return !streams_dict.get(stream_key)!.is_hidden; } function insert_topics(keys: string[], stream_key: string): void { const stream_topics_data = topics_dict.get(stream_key); assert(stream_topics_data !== undefined); const sorted_keys = [...stream_topics_data.keys()]; // If we need to insert at the top, we do it separately to avoid edge case in loop below. if (sorted_keys[0] !== undefined && keys.includes(sorted_keys[0])) { const $stream = get_stream_container(stream_key); $stream .find(".inbox-topic-container") .prepend($(render_inbox_row(stream_topics_data.get(sorted_keys[0])))); } for (const [i, key] of sorted_keys.entries()) { if (i === 0) { continue; } if (keys.includes(key)) { const $previous_row = get_row_from_conversation_key(sorted_keys[i - 1]!); $previous_row.after($(render_inbox_row(stream_topics_data.get(key)))); } } } function rerender_topic_inbox_row_if_needed( new_topic_data: TopicContext, old_topic_data: TopicContext | undefined, topic_keys_to_insert: string[], ): void { if (old_topic_data === undefined) { // This row is not rendered yet. topic_keys_to_insert.push(new_topic_data.conversation_key); return; } if (old_topic_data.latest_msg_id !== new_topic_data.latest_msg_id) { // Row's index likely changed in list, so remove it and insert again. get_row_from_conversation_key(new_topic_data.conversation_key).remove(); topic_keys_to_insert.push(new_topic_data.conversation_key); } for (const property of topic_context_properties) { if (new_topic_data[property] !== old_topic_data[property]) { const $rendered_row = get_row_from_conversation_key(new_topic_data.conversation_key); $rendered_row.replaceWith($(render_inbox_row(new_topic_data))); return; } } } function get_sorted_stream_keys(): string[] { function compare_function(a: string, b: string): number { const stream_a = streams_dict.get(a); const stream_b = streams_dict.get(b); assert(stream_a !== undefined && stream_b !== undefined); // If one of the streams is pinned, they are sorted higher. if (stream_a.pin_to_top && !stream_b.pin_to_top) { return -1; } if (stream_b.pin_to_top && !stream_a.pin_to_top) { return 1; } // The muted stream is sorted lower. // (Both stream are either pinned or not pinned right now) if (stream_a.is_muted && !stream_b.is_muted) { return 1; } if (stream_b.is_muted && !stream_a.is_muted) { return -1; } const stream_name_a = stream_a ? stream_a.stream_name : ""; const stream_name_b = stream_b ? stream_b.stream_name : ""; return util.strcmp(stream_name_a, stream_name_b); } return [...topics_dict.keys()].sort(compare_function); } function get_sorted_stream_topic_dict(): Map> { const sorted_stream_keys = get_sorted_stream_keys(); const sorted_topic_dict = new Map>(); for (const sorted_stream_key of sorted_stream_keys) { sorted_topic_dict.set(sorted_stream_key, topics_dict.get(sorted_stream_key)!); } return sorted_topic_dict; } function get_sorted_row_dict( row_dict: Map, ): Map { return new Map([...row_dict].sort(([, a], [, b]) => b.latest_msg_id - a.latest_msg_id)); } function reset_data(): { unread_dms_count: number; is_dms_collapsed: boolean; has_dms_post_filter: boolean; has_visible_unreads: boolean; } { dms_dict = new Map(); topics_dict = new Map(); streams_dict = new Map(); const unread_dms = unread.get_unread_pm(); const unread_dms_count = unread_dms.total_count; const unread_dms_dict = unread_dms.pm_dict; const unread_stream_message = unread.get_unread_topics(); const unread_stream_msg_count = unread_stream_message.stream_unread_messages; const unread_streams_dict = unread_stream_message.topic_counts; let has_dms_post_filter = false; if (unread_dms_count) { for (const [key, {count, latest_msg_id}] of unread_dms_dict) { if (count) { const dm_data = format_dm(key, count, latest_msg_id); dms_dict.set(key, dm_data); if (!dm_data.is_hidden) { has_dms_post_filter = true; } } } } dms_dict = get_sorted_row_dict(dms_dict); let has_topics_post_filter = false; if (unread_stream_msg_count) { for (const [stream_id, topic_dict] of unread_streams_dict) { const stream_unread = unread.unread_count_info_for_stream(stream_id); const stream_unread_count = stream_unread.unmuted_count + stream_unread.muted_count; const stream_key = get_stream_key(stream_id); if (stream_unread_count > 0) { update_stream_data(stream_id, stream_key, topic_dict); if (!streams_dict.get(stream_key)!.is_hidden) { has_topics_post_filter = true; } } else { topics_dict.delete(stream_key); } } } const has_visible_unreads = has_dms_post_filter || has_topics_post_filter; topics_dict = get_sorted_stream_topic_dict(); const is_dms_collapsed = collapsed_containers.has("inbox-dm-header"); return { unread_dms_count, is_dms_collapsed, has_dms_post_filter, has_visible_unreads, }; } function show_empty_inbox_text(has_visible_unreads: boolean): void { if (!has_visible_unreads) { $("#inbox-list").css("border-width", 0); if (search_keyword) { $("#inbox-empty-with-search").show(); $("#inbox-empty-without-search").hide(); } else { $("#inbox-empty-with-search").hide(); // Use display value specified in CSS. $("#inbox-empty-without-search").css("display", ""); } } else { $(".inbox-empty-text").hide(); $("#inbox-list").css("border-width", "1px"); } } function filter_click_handler( event: JQuery.TriggeredEvent, dropdown: tippy.Instance, widget: dropdown_widget.DropdownWidget, ): void { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const filter_id = $(event.currentTarget).attr("data-unique-id"); assert(filter_id !== undefined); // We don't support multiple filters yet, so we clear existing and add the new filter. filters = new Set([filter_id]); save_data_to_ls(); dropdown.hide(); widget.render(); update(); } export function complete_rerender(): void { if (!is_visible()) { return; } load_data_from_ls(); const {has_visible_unreads, ...additional_context} = reset_data(); $("#inbox-pane").html( render_inbox_view({ search_val: search_keyword, INBOX_SEARCH_ID, dms_dict, topics_dict, streams_dict, ...additional_context, }), ); show_empty_inbox_text(has_visible_unreads); // If the focus is not on the inbox rows, the inbox view scrolls // down when moving from other views to the inbox view. To avoid // this, we scroll to top before restoring focus via revive_current_focus. $("html").scrollTop(0); setTimeout(() => { revive_current_focus(); }, 0); const first_filter = filters.values().next(); filters_dropdown_widget = new dropdown_widget.DropdownWidget({ ...views_util.COMMON_DROPDOWN_WIDGET_PARAMS, widget_name: "inbox-filter", item_click_callback: filter_click_handler, $events_container: $("#inbox-main"), default_id: first_filter.done ? undefined : first_filter.value, }); filters_dropdown_widget.setup(); } export function search_and_update(): void { const new_keyword = $("input#inbox-search").val() ?? ""; if (new_keyword === search_keyword) { return; } search_keyword = new_keyword; current_focus_id = INBOX_SEARCH_ID; update_triggered_by_user = true; update(); } function row_in_search_results(keyword: string, text: string): boolean { if (keyword === "") { return true; } const search_words = keyword.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); return search_words.every((word) => text.includes(word)); } function filter_should_hide_dm_row({dm_key}: {dm_key: string}): boolean { const recipients_string = people.get_recipients(dm_key); const text = recipients_string.toLowerCase(); if (!row_in_search_results(search_keyword, text)) { return true; } return false; } function filter_should_hide_stream_row({ stream_id, topic, }: { stream_id: number; topic: string; }): boolean { const sub = sub_store.get(stream_id); if (!sub?.subscribed) { return true; } if ( filters.has(views_util.FILTERS.FOLLOWED_TOPICS) && !user_topics.is_topic_followed(stream_id, topic) ) { return true; } if ( filters.has(views_util.FILTERS.UNMUTED_TOPICS) && (user_topics.is_topic_muted(stream_id, topic) || stream_data.is_muted(stream_id)) && !user_topics.is_topic_unmuted_or_followed(stream_id, topic) ) { return true; } const text = ( + " " + topic).toLowerCase(); if (!row_in_search_results(search_keyword, text)) { return true; } return false; } export function collapse_or_expand(container_id: string): void { let $toggle_icon; let $container; if (container_id === "inbox-dm-header") { $container = $(`#inbox-direct-messages-container`); $container.children().toggleClass("collapsed_container"); $toggle_icon = $("#inbox-dm-header .toggle-inbox-header-icon"); } else { const stream_id = Number(container_id.slice(STREAM_HEADER_PREFIX.length)); $container = get_topics_container(stream_id); $container.children().toggleClass("collapsed_container"); $toggle_icon = $( `#${CSS.escape(STREAM_HEADER_PREFIX + stream_id)} .toggle-inbox-header-icon`, ); } $toggle_icon.toggleClass("icon-collapsed-state"); if (collapsed_containers.has(container_id)) { collapsed_containers.delete(container_id); } else { collapsed_containers.add(container_id); } save_data_to_ls(); } function focus_current_id(): void { assert(current_focus_id !== undefined); $(`#${CSS.escape(current_focus_id)}`).trigger("focus"); } function focus_inbox_search(): void { current_focus_id = INBOX_SEARCH_ID; focus_current_id(); } function is_list_focused(): boolean { return ( current_focus_id === undefined || ![INBOX_SEARCH_ID, INBOX_FILTERS_DROPDOWN_ID].includes(current_focus_id) ); } function get_all_rows(): JQuery { return $("#inbox-main .inbox-header, #inbox-main .inbox-row").not( ".hidden_by_filters, .collapsed_container", ); } function get_row_index($elt: JQuery): number { const $all_rows = get_all_rows(); const $row = $elt.closest(".inbox-row, .inbox-header"); return $all_rows.index($row); } function focus_clicked_list_element($elt: JQuery): void { row_focus = get_row_index($elt); update_triggered_by_user = true; } export function revive_current_focus(): void { if (!is_in_focus()) { return; } if (is_list_focused()) { set_list_focus(); } else { focus_current_id(); } } function update_closed_compose_text($row: JQuery, is_header_row: boolean): void { // TODO: This fake "message" object is designed to allow using the // get_recipient_label helper inside compose_closed_ui. Surely // there's a more readable way to write this code. // Similar code is present in recent view. if (is_header_row) { compose_closed_ui.set_standard_text_for_reply_button(); return; } let message; const is_dm = $row.parent("#inbox-direct-messages-container").length > 0; if (is_dm) { message = { display_reply_to: $row.find(".recipients_name").text(), }; } else { const $stream = $row.parent(".inbox-topic-container").prev(".inbox-header"); message = { stream_id: Number($stream.attr("data-stream-id")), topic: $row.find(".inbox-topic-name a").text(), }; } compose_closed_ui.update_reply_recipient_label(message); } export function get_focused_row_message(): {message?: Message | undefined} & ( | {msg_type: "private"; private_message_recipient?: string} | {msg_type: "stream"; stream_id: number; topic?: string} | {msg_type?: never} ) { if (!is_list_focused()) { return {message: undefined}; } const $all_rows = get_all_rows(); const focused_row = $all_rows.get(row_focus); assert(focused_row !== undefined); const $focused_row = $(focused_row); if (is_row_a_header($focused_row)) { const is_dm_header = $focused_row.attr("id") === "inbox-dm-header"; if (is_dm_header) { return {message: undefined, msg_type: "private"}; } const stream_id = Number($focused_row.attr("data-stream-id")); compose_state.set_compose_recipient_id(stream_id); return {message: undefined, msg_type: "stream", stream_id}; } const is_dm = $focused_row.parent("#inbox-direct-messages-container").length > 0; const conversation_key = $focused_row.attr("id")!.slice(CONVERSATION_ID_PREFIX.length); if (is_dm) { const row_info = dms_dict.get(conversation_key); assert(row_info !== undefined); const message = message_store.get(row_info.latest_msg_id); if (message === undefined) { const recipients = people.user_ids_string_to_emails_string(row_info.user_ids_string); assert(recipients !== undefined); return { msg_type: "private", private_message_recipient: recipients, }; } return {message}; } const $stream = $focused_row.parent(".inbox-topic-container").parent(); const stream_key = $stream.attr("id"); assert(stream_key !== undefined); const row_info = topics_dict.get(stream_key)!.get(conversation_key); assert(row_info !== undefined); const message = message_store.get(row_info.latest_msg_id); // Since inbox is populated based on unread data which is part // of /register request, it is possible that we don't have the // actual message in our message_store. In that case, we return // a fake message object. if (message === undefined) { return { msg_type: "stream", stream_id: row_info.stream_id, topic: row_info.topic_name, }; } return {message}; } export function toggle_topic_visibility_policy(): boolean { const inbox_message = get_focused_row_message(); if (inbox_message.message !== undefined) { user_topics_ui.toggle_topic_visibility_policy(inbox_message.message); if (inbox_message.message.type === "stream") { // means mute/unmute action is taken const $elt = $(".inbox-header"); // Select the element with class "inbox-header" const $focusElement = $elt.find(get_focus_class_for_header()).first(); focus_clicked_list_element($focusElement); return true; } } return false; } function is_row_a_header($row: JQuery): boolean { return $row.hasClass("inbox-header"); } function set_list_focus(input_key?: string): void { // This function is used for both revive_current_focus and // setting focus after modify col_focus and row_focus as per // hotkey pressed by user. // // When to focus on entire row? // For `inbox-header`, when focus on COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON // For `inbox-row`, when focus on COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON (fake) or COLUMNS.RECIPIENT const $all_rows = get_all_rows(); const max_row_focus = $all_rows.length - 1; if (max_row_focus < 0) { focus_filters_dropdown(); return; } if (row_focus > max_row_focus) { row_focus = max_row_focus; } else if (row_focus < 0) { row_focus = 0; } const row_to_focus = $all_rows.get(row_focus); assert(row_to_focus !== undefined); const $row_to_focus = $(row_to_focus); // This includes a fake collapse button for `inbox-row` and a fake topic visibility // button for `inbox-header`. The fake buttons help simplify code here and // `$($cols_to_focus[col_focus]).trigger("focus");` at the end of this function. const $cols_to_focus = [$row_to_focus, ...$row_to_focus.find("[tabindex=0]")]; const total_cols = $cols_to_focus.length; current_focus_id = $row_to_focus.attr("id"); const is_header_row = is_row_a_header($row_to_focus); update_closed_compose_text($row_to_focus, is_header_row); // Loop through columns. if (col_focus > total_cols - 1) { col_focus = 0; } else if (col_focus < 0) { col_focus = total_cols - 1; } // Since header rows always have a collapse button, other rows have one less element to focus. if (col_focus === COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON) { if (!is_header_row && input_key !== undefined && LEFT_NAVIGATION_KEYS.includes(input_key)) { // In `inbox-row` user pressed left on COLUMNS.RECIPIENT, so // go to the last column. col_focus = total_cols - 1; } } else if (!is_header_row && col_focus === COLUMNS.RECIPIENT) { if (input_key !== undefined && RIGHT_NAVIGATION_KEYS.includes(input_key)) { // In `inbox-row` user pressed right on COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON. // Since `inbox-row` has no collapse button, user wants to go // to the unread count button. col_focus = COLUMNS.UNREAD_COUNT; } else if (input_key !== undefined && LEFT_NAVIGATION_KEYS.includes(input_key)) { // In `inbox-row` user pressed left on COLUMNS.UNREAD_COUNT, // we move focus to COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON so that moving // up or down to `inbox-header` keeps the entire row focused for the // `inbox-header` too. col_focus = COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON; } else { // up / down arrow // For `inbox-row`, we focus entire row for COLUMNS.RECIPIENT. $row_to_focus.trigger("focus"); return; } } else if (is_header_row && col_focus === COLUMNS.TOPIC_VISIBILITY) { // `inbox-header` doesn't have a topic visibility indicator, so focus on // button around it instead. if (input_key !== undefined && LEFT_NAVIGATION_KEYS.includes(input_key)) { col_focus = COLUMNS.UNREAD_COUNT; } else { col_focus = COLUMNS.ACTION_MENU; } } const col_to_focus = $cols_to_focus[col_focus]; assert(col_to_focus !== undefined); $(col_to_focus).trigger("focus"); } function focus_filters_dropdown(): void { current_focus_id = INBOX_FILTERS_DROPDOWN_ID; $(`#${CSS.escape(INBOX_FILTERS_DROPDOWN_ID)}`).trigger("focus"); } function is_search_focused(): boolean { return current_focus_id === INBOX_SEARCH_ID; } function is_filters_dropdown_focused(): boolean { return current_focus_id === INBOX_FILTERS_DROPDOWN_ID; } function get_page_up_down_delta(): number { const element_above = document.querySelector("#inbox-filters"); const element_down = document.querySelector("#compose"); assert(element_above !== null && element_down !== null); const visible_top = element_above.getBoundingClientRect().bottom; const visible_bottom = element_down.getBoundingClientRect().top; // One usually wants PageDown to move what had been the bottom row // to now be at the top, so one can be confident one will see // every row using it. This offset helps achieve that goal. // // See navigate.amount_to_paginate for similar logic in the message feed. const scrolling_reduction_to_maintain_context = 30; const delta = visible_bottom - visible_top - scrolling_reduction_to_maintain_context; return delta; } function page_up_navigation(): void { const delta = get_page_up_down_delta(); const scroll_element = document.documentElement; const new_scrollTop = scroll_element.scrollTop - delta; if (new_scrollTop <= 0) { row_focus = 0; } scroll_element.scrollTop = new_scrollTop; set_list_focus(); } function page_down_navigation(): void { const delta = get_page_up_down_delta(); const scroll_element = document.documentElement; const new_scrollTop = scroll_element.scrollTop + delta; const $all_rows = get_all_rows(); const $last_row = $all_rows.last(); const last_row_bottom = ($last_row.offset()?.top ?? 0) + ($last_row.outerHeight() ?? 0); // Move focus to last row if it is visible and we are at the bottom. if (last_row_bottom <= new_scrollTop) { row_focus = get_all_rows().length - 1; } scroll_element.scrollTop = new_scrollTop; set_list_focus(); } export function change_focused_element(input_key: string): boolean { if (input_key === "tab" || input_key === "shift_tab") { // Tabbing should be handled by browser but to keep the focus element same // when we rerender or user uses other hotkeys, we need to track // the current focused element. setTimeout(() => { const post_tab_focus_elem = document.activeElement; if (!(post_tab_focus_elem instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } if ( === INBOX_SEARCH_ID || === INBOX_FILTERS_DROPDOWN_ID ) { current_focus_id =; } const row_to_focus = post_tab_focus_elem.closest(".inbox-row, .inbox-header"); if (row_to_focus instanceof HTMLElement) { const col_index = $(post_tab_focus_elem) .closest("[tabindex=0]") .attr("data-col-index"); if (!col_index) { return; } current_focus_id =; row_focus = get_row_index($(row_to_focus)); col_focus = Number.parseInt(col_index, 10); } }, 0); return false; } if (is_search_focused()) { const textInput = $(`input#${CSS.escape(INBOX_SEARCH_ID)}`).get(0); assert(textInput !== undefined); const start = textInput.selectionStart ?? 0; const end = textInput.selectionEnd ?? 0; const text_length = textInput.value.length; let is_selected = false; if (end - start > 0) { is_selected = true; } switch (input_key) { case "down_arrow": set_list_focus(); return true; case "right_arrow": if (end !== text_length || is_selected) { return false; } focus_filters_dropdown(); return true; case "left_arrow": if (start !== 0 || is_selected) { return false; } focus_filters_dropdown(); return true; case "escape": if (get_all_rows().length === 0) { return false; } set_list_focus(); return true; } } else if (is_filters_dropdown_focused()) { switch (input_key) { case "vim_down": case "down_arrow": set_list_focus(); return true; case "vim_left": case "left_arrow": focus_inbox_search(); return true; case "vim_right": case "right_arrow": focus_inbox_search(); return true; case "escape": if (get_all_rows().length === 0) { return false; } set_list_focus(); return true; } } else { switch (input_key) { case "vim_down": case "down_arrow": row_focus += 1; set_list_focus(); center_focus_if_offscreen(); return true; case "vim_up": case "up_arrow": if (row_focus === 0) { focus_filters_dropdown(); return true; } row_focus -= 1; set_list_focus(); center_focus_if_offscreen(); return true; case RIGHT_NAVIGATION_KEYS[0]: case RIGHT_NAVIGATION_KEYS[1]: col_focus += 1; set_list_focus(input_key); return true; case LEFT_NAVIGATION_KEYS[0]: case LEFT_NAVIGATION_KEYS[1]: col_focus -= 1; set_list_focus(input_key); return true; case "page_up": page_up_navigation(); return true; case "page_down": page_down_navigation(); return true; } } return false; } export function update(): void { if (!is_visible()) { return; } const unread_dms = unread.get_unread_pm(); const unread_dms_count = unread_dms.total_count; const unread_dms_dict = unread_dms.pm_dict; const unread_stream_message = unread.get_unread_topics(); const unread_streams_dict = unread_stream_message.topic_counts; let has_dms_post_filter = false; const dm_keys_to_insert: string[] = []; for (const [key, {count, latest_msg_id}] of unread_dms_dict) { if (count !== 0) { const old_dm_data = dms_dict.get(key); const new_dm_data = format_dm(key, count, latest_msg_id); rerender_dm_inbox_row_if_needed(new_dm_data, old_dm_data, dm_keys_to_insert); dms_dict.set(key, new_dm_data); if (!new_dm_data.is_hidden) { has_dms_post_filter = true; } } else { // If it is rendered. if (dms_dict.get(key) !== undefined) { dms_dict.delete(key); get_row_from_conversation_key(key).remove(); } } } dms_dict = get_sorted_row_dict(dms_dict); insert_dms(dm_keys_to_insert); const $inbox_dm_header = $("#inbox-dm-header"); if (!has_dms_post_filter) { $inbox_dm_header.addClass("hidden_by_filters"); } else { $inbox_dm_header.removeClass("hidden_by_filters"); $inbox_dm_header.find(".unread_count").text(unread_dms_count); } let has_topics_post_filter = false; for (const [stream_id, topic_dict] of unread_streams_dict) { const stream_unread = unread.unread_count_info_for_stream(stream_id); const stream_unread_count = stream_unread.unmuted_count + stream_unread.muted_count; const stream_key = get_stream_key(stream_id); let stream_post_filter_unread_count = 0; if (stream_unread_count > 0) { const stream_topics_data = topics_dict.get(stream_key); // Stream isn't rendered. if (stream_topics_data === undefined) { const is_stream_visible = insert_stream(stream_id, topic_dict); if (is_stream_visible) { has_topics_post_filter = true; } continue; } const topic_keys_to_insert: string[] = []; const new_stream_data = format_stream(stream_id); for (const [topic, {topic_count, latest_msg_id}] of topic_dict) { const topic_key = get_topic_key(stream_id, topic); if (topic_count) { const old_topic_data = stream_topics_data.get(topic_key); const new_topic_data = format_topic( stream_id, topic, topic_count, latest_msg_id, ); stream_topics_data.set(topic_key, new_topic_data); rerender_topic_inbox_row_if_needed( new_topic_data, old_topic_data, topic_keys_to_insert, ); if (!new_topic_data.is_hidden) { has_topics_post_filter = true; stream_post_filter_unread_count += new_topic_data.unread_count; } } else { // Remove old topic data since it can act as false data for renamed / a new // topic having the same name as old topic. stream_topics_data.delete(topic_key); get_row_from_conversation_key(topic_key).remove(); } } const old_stream_data = streams_dict.get(stream_key); assert(old_stream_data !== undefined); new_stream_data.is_hidden = stream_post_filter_unread_count === 0; new_stream_data.unread_count = stream_post_filter_unread_count; streams_dict.set(stream_key, new_stream_data); rerender_stream_inbox_header_if_needed(new_stream_data, old_stream_data); topics_dict.set(stream_key, get_sorted_row_dict(stream_topics_data)); insert_topics(topic_keys_to_insert, stream_key); } else { topics_dict.delete(stream_key); streams_dict.delete(stream_key); get_stream_container(stream_key).remove(); } } const has_visible_unreads = has_dms_post_filter || has_topics_post_filter; show_empty_inbox_text(has_visible_unreads); // We want to avoid weird jumps when user is interacting with Inbox // and we are updating the view. So, we only reset current focus if // the update was triggered by user. This can mean `row_focus` can // be out of bounds, so we need to fix that. if (update_triggered_by_user) { setTimeout(revive_current_focus, 0); update_triggered_by_user = false; } else { if (row_focus >= get_all_rows().length) { revive_current_focus(); } } } function get_focus_class_for_header(): string { let focus_class = ".collapsible-button"; switch (col_focus) { case COLUMNS.RECIPIENT: { focus_class = ".inbox-header-name a"; break; } case COLUMNS.UNREAD_COUNT: { focus_class = ".unread_count"; break; } case COLUMNS.ACTION_MENU: { focus_class = ".inbox-stream-menu"; } } return focus_class; } function get_focus_class_for_row(): string { let focus_class = ".inbox-left-part"; switch (col_focus) { case COLUMNS.UNREAD_COUNT: { focus_class = ".unread_count"; break; } case COLUMNS.ACTION_MENU: { focus_class = ".inbox-topic-menu"; break; } case COLUMNS.TOPIC_VISIBILITY: { focus_class = ".change_visibility_policy"; break; } } return focus_class; } function is_element_visible(element_position: DOMRect): boolean { const element_above = document.querySelector("#inbox-filters"); const element_down = document.querySelector("#compose"); assert(element_above !== null && element_down !== null); const visible_top = element_above.getBoundingClientRect().bottom; const visible_bottom = element_down.getBoundingClientRect().top; if ( >= visible_top && element_position.bottom <= visible_bottom) { return true; } return false; } function center_focus_if_offscreen(): void { // Move focused to row to visible area so to avoid // it being under compose box or inbox filters. const $elt = $(".inbox-row:focus, .inbox-header:focus"); if ($elt[0] === undefined) { return; } const elt_pos = $elt[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if (is_element_visible(elt_pos)) { // Element is visible. return; } // Scroll element into center if offscreen. $elt[0].scrollIntoView({block: "center"}); } function move_focus_to_visible_area(): void { // Focus on the row below inbox filters if the focused // row is not visible. if (!is_visible() || !is_list_focused()) { return; } const $all_rows = get_all_rows(); if ($all_rows.length <= 3) { // No need to process anything if there are only a few rows. return; } let row = $all_rows[row_focus]; if (row === undefined) { row_focus = $all_rows.length - 1; row = $all_rows[row_focus]; assert(row !== undefined); revive_current_focus(); } const elt_pos = row.getBoundingClientRect(); if (is_element_visible(elt_pos)) { return; } const INBOX_ROW_HEIGHT = 30; const position = util.the($("#inbox-filters")).getBoundingClientRect(); const inbox_center_x = (position.left + position.right) / 2; // We are aiming to get the first row if it is completely visible or the second row. const inbox_row_below_filters = position.bottom + INBOX_ROW_HEIGHT; const element_in_row = document.elementFromPoint(inbox_center_x, inbox_row_below_filters); if (!element_in_row) { // `element_in_row` can be `null` according to MDN if: // "If the specified point is outside the visible bounds of the document or // either coordinate is negative, the result is null." // // This means by the time we reached here user has already scrolled past the // row and it is no longer visible. So, we just return and let the next call // to `move_focus_to_visible_area` handle it. return; } const $element_in_row = $(element_in_row); let $inbox_row = $element_in_row.closest(".inbox-row"); if (!$inbox_row.length) { $inbox_row = $element_in_row.closest(".inbox-header"); } row_focus = $all_rows.index($inbox_row.get(0)); revive_current_focus(); } export function is_in_focus(): boolean { return is_visible() && views_util.is_in_focus(); } export function initialize(): void { $(document).on( "scroll", _.throttle(() => { move_focus_to_visible_area(); }, 50), ); $("body").on( "keyup", "#inbox-search", _.debounce(() => { search_and_update(); }, 300), ); $("body").on("keydown", ".inbox-header", (e) => { if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { return; } if (keydown_util.is_enter_event(e)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const $elt = $(e.currentTarget); $elt.find(get_focus_class_for_header()).trigger("click"); } }); $("body").on( "click", "#inbox-list .inbox-header .collapsible-button", function (this: HTMLElement, e) { const $elt = $(this); const container_id = $elt.parents(".inbox-header").attr("id"); assert(container_id !== undefined); col_focus = COLUMNS.COLLAPSE_BUTTON; focus_clicked_list_element($elt); collapse_or_expand(container_id); e.stopPropagation(); }, ); $("body").on("keydown", ".inbox-row", (e) => { if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { return; } if (keydown_util.is_enter_event(e)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const $elt = $(e.currentTarget); $elt.find(get_focus_class_for_row()).trigger("click"); } }); $("body").on("click", "#inbox-list .inbox-left-part-wrapper", function (this: HTMLElement, e) { if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) { return; } const $elt = $(this); col_focus = COLUMNS.RECIPIENT; focus_clicked_list_element($elt); const href = $elt.find("a").attr("href"); assert(href !== undefined); window.location.href = href; }); $("body").on("click", "#inbox-list .on_hover_dm_read", function (this: HTMLElement, e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); const $elt = $(this); col_focus = COLUMNS.UNREAD_COUNT; focus_clicked_list_element($elt); const user_ids_string = $elt.attr("data-user-ids-string"); if (user_ids_string) { // direct message row unread_ops.mark_pm_as_read(user_ids_string); } }); $("body").on("click", "#inbox-list .on_hover_all_dms_read", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); const unread_dms_msg_ids = unread.get_msg_ids_for_private(); const unread_dms_messages = => { const message = message_store.get(msg_id); assert(message !== undefined); return message; }); unread_ops.notify_server_messages_read(unread_dms_messages); focus_inbox_search(); update_triggered_by_user = true; }); $("body").on("click", "#inbox-list .on_hover_topic_read", function (this: HTMLElement, e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); const $elt = $(this); col_focus = COLUMNS.UNREAD_COUNT; focus_clicked_list_element($elt); const user_ids_string = $elt.attr("data-user-ids-string"); if (user_ids_string) { // direct message row unread_ops.mark_pm_as_read(user_ids_string); return; } const stream_id = Number($elt.attr("data-stream-id")); const topic = $elt.attr("data-topic-name"); if (topic) { unread_ops.mark_topic_as_read(stream_id, topic); } else { unread_ops.mark_stream_as_read(stream_id); } }); $("body").on("click", "#inbox-list .change_visibility_policy", function (this: HTMLElement) { const $elt = $(this); col_focus = COLUMNS.TOPIC_VISIBILITY; focus_clicked_list_element($elt); }); $("body").on("click", "#inbox-clear-search", () => { $("#inbox-search").val(""); search_and_update(); focus_inbox_search(); }); $("body").on("click", "#inbox-search", () => { current_focus_id = INBOX_SEARCH_ID; compose_closed_ui.set_standard_text_for_reply_button(); }); $(document).on("compose_canceled.zulip", () => { if (is_visible()) { revive_current_focus(); } }); }