#!/bin/bash # build-deb -- Build a pacakge on a remote system with sbuild, then copy it back. # # Inspired by https://www.cs.unb.ca/~bremner/blog/posts/remote_sbuild/ which # was itself adapted from cowpoke(1) from the "devscripts" package. BUILDD_USERNAME=zulip BUILDD_HOST=build0.zulip.net BUILDD_BASE_PATH=/home/zulip/ubuntu/build/ dist=$1 file=$2 if [ -z "$dist" ] || [ -z "$file" ]; then echo "$(echo $0 | rev | cut -d "/" -f 1-1 | rev) -- build Debian packages on a Zulip buildslave" echo echo "USAGE: $0 dist path/to/package.dsc" exit 1 fi set -xe ret=0 path=$(ssh -q -l $BUILDD_USERNAME $BUILDD_HOST -- mktemp -d $BUILDD_BASE_PATH/$USER.`date -u +%F.%R`.XXXXXXX)/ dcmd rsync -vz --copy-links $file $BUILDD_USERNAME@$BUILDD_HOST:$path/ file=$(basename $file) # -A specifies to build arch-all packages (non-arch dependent) in addition to # binary packages # # -s specifies the resultant .changes should also include a rebuilt source package # # --force-orig-source means the .changes will have a .orig.tar.* with it, which # otherwise we might omit. We need the orig source when including in our # repository even though dpkg-buildpackage might think otherwise, because the # original version of the package was usually not included in our repository. # # We always build for amd64. There is no 32-bit. ssh -t -l $BUILDD_USERNAME $BUILDD_HOST -- "cd $path && sbuild -A -s --force-orig-source --dist=$dist --arch=amd64 $file" rsync -Lvz --copy-links $BUILDD_USERNAME@$BUILDD_HOST:$path/* . ssh -l $BUILDD_USERNAME $BUILDD_HOST rm -r $path exit $ret