Zulip supports integration with Delighted and can notify you about updates in feedback responses organized by Delighted.

First, create the stream you'd like to use for Delighted notifications, and subscribe all interested parties to this stream. We recommend the name delighted. Next, create a bot named Delighted and retrive the API key of the bot and place it into the API parameter in the URL below.

{{ external_api_uri_subdomain }}/v1/external/delighted?api_key=abcdefgh&stream=delighted

Modify the parameters of the URL above, where api_key is the API key of your Zulip bot, and stream is the stream name you want the notifications sent to.

Go to your Delighted Webhook Integration settings panel. Under Send webhook notifications for:: input the above URL with the modifications into the URL textbox and press Save and turn on to finish.

Congratulations! You're done!
When an issue occurs, you'll get a notification like this: