(function () { // This is where most of our initialization takes place. // TODO: Organize it a lot better. In particular, move bigger // functions to other modules. /* We use 'visibility' rather than 'display' and jQuery's show() / hide(), because we want to reserve space for the email address. This avoids things jumping around slightly when the email address is shown. */ var current_message_hover; function message_unhover() { if (current_message_hover === undefined) { return; } current_message_hover.find('span.edit_content').html(""); current_message_hover.removeClass('message_hovered'); current_message_hover = undefined; } function message_hover(message_row) { var message; var id = parseInt(message_row.attr("zid"), 10); if (current_message_hover && message_row && current_message_hover.attr("zid") === message_row.attr("zid")) { return; } // Don't allow on-hover editing for local-only messages if (message_row.hasClass('local')) { return; } message = current_msg_list.get(rows.id(message_row)); message_unhover(); message_row.addClass('message_hovered'); current_message_hover = message_row; if (!message_edit.is_topic_editable(message)) { // The actions and reactions icon hover logic is handled entirely by CSS return; } // But the message edit hover icon is determined by whether the message is still editable if ((message_edit.get_editability(message) === message_edit.editability_types.FULL) && !message.status_message) { message_row.find(".edit_content").html(''); } else { message_row.find(".edit_content").html(''); } } $(function () { var throttled_mousewheelhandler = $.throttle(50, function (e, delta) { // Most of the mouse wheel's work will be handled by the // scroll handler, but when we're at the top or bottom of the // page, the pointer may still need to move. if (delta < 0) { if (message_viewport.at_top()) { navigate.up(); } } else if (delta > 0) { if (message_viewport.at_bottom()) { navigate.down(); } } message_viewport.last_movement_direction = delta; }); message_viewport.message_pane.on('wheel', function (e) { var delta = e.originalEvent.deltaY; if (!overlays.is_active()) { // In the message view, we use a throttled mousewheel handler. throttled_mousewheelhandler(e, delta); } // If in a modal, we neither handle the event nor // preventDefault, allowing the modal to scroll normally. }); $(window).resize($.throttle(50, resize.handler)); // Scrolling in overlays. input boxes, and other elements that // explicitly scroll should not scroll the main view. Stop // propagation in all cases. Also, ignore the event if the // element is already at the top or bottom. Otherwise we get a // new scroll event on the parent (?). $('.modal-body, .scrolling_list, input, textarea').on('wheel', function (e) { var self = $(this); var scroll = self.scrollTop(); var delta = e.originalEvent.deltaY; // The -1 fudge factor is important here due to rounding errors. Better // to err on the side of not scrolling. var max_scroll = this.scrollHeight - self.innerHeight() - 1; e.stopPropagation(); if (((delta < 0) && (scroll <= 0)) || ((delta > 0) && (scroll >= max_scroll))) { e.preventDefault(); } }); // Ignore wheel events in the compose area which weren't already handled above. $('#compose').on('wheel', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); // A little hackish, because it doesn't seem to totally get us the // exact right width for the floating_recipient_bar and compose // box, but, close enough for now. resize.handler(); if (!page_params.left_side_userlist) { $("#navbar-buttons").addClass("right-userlist"); } if (page_params.high_contrast_mode) { $("body").addClass("high-contrast"); } $("#main_div").on("mouseover", ".message_row", function () { var row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); message_hover(row); }); $("#main_div").on("mouseleave", ".message_row", function () { message_unhover(); }); $("#main_div").on("mouseover", ".message_sender", function () { var row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); row.addClass("sender_name_hovered"); }); $("#main_div").on("mouseout", ".message_sender", function () { var row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); row.removeClass("sender_name_hovered"); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("mouseover", ".subscription_header", function () { $(this).addClass("active"); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("mouseout", ".subscription_header", function () { $(this).removeClass("active"); }); $("#stream").on('blur', function () { compose_actions.decorate_stream_bar(this.value); }); $(window).on('blur', function () { $(document.body).addClass('window_blurred'); }); $(window).on('focus', function () { $(document.body).removeClass('window_blurred'); }); $(document).on('message_selected.zulip', function (event) { if (current_msg_list !== event.msg_list) { return; } if (event.id === -1) { // If the message list is empty, don't do anything return; } var row = event.msg_list.get_row(event.id); $('.selected_message').removeClass('selected_message'); row.addClass('selected_message'); if (event.then_scroll) { if (row.length === 0) { var row_from_dom = current_msg_list.get_row(event.id); blueslip.debug("message_selected missing selected row", { previously_selected: event.previously_selected, selected_id: event.id, selected_idx: event.msg_list.selected_idx(), selected_idx_exact: event.msg_list._items.indexOf(event.msg_list.get(event.id)), render_start: event.msg_list.view._render_win_start, render_end: event.msg_list.view._render_win_end, selected_id_from_idx: event.msg_list._items[event.msg_list.selected_idx()].id, msg_list_sorted: _.isEqual( _.pluck(event.msg_list._items, 'id'), _.chain(current_msg_list._items).pluck('id').clone().value().sort() ), found_in_dom: row_from_dom.length, }); } if (event.target_scroll_offset !== undefined) { current_msg_list.view.set_message_offset(event.target_scroll_offset); } else { // Scroll to place the message within the current view; // but if this is the initial placement of the pointer, // just place it in the very center message_viewport.recenter_view(row, {from_scroll: event.from_scroll, force_center: event.previously_selected === -1}); } } }); $("#main_div").on("mouseenter", ".message_time", function (e) { var time_elem = $(e.target); var row = time_elem.closest(".message_row"); var message = current_msg_list.get(rows.id(row)); timerender.set_full_datetime(message, time_elem); }); $('#streams_header h4').tooltip({placement: 'right', animation: false}); $('#streams_header i[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({placement: 'left', animation: false}); $('#userlist-header #userlist-title').tooltip({placement: 'right', animation: false}); $('#userlist-header #user_filter_icon').tooltip({placement: 'left', animation: false}); $('.message_failed i[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); $('.copy_message[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); $("body").on("mouseover", ".message_edit_content", function () { $(this).closest(".message_row").find(".copy_message").show(); }); $("body").on("mouseout", ".message_edit_content", function () { $(this).closest(".message_row").find(".copy_message").hide(); }); $("body").on("mouseenter", ".copy_message", function () { $(this).show(); $(this).tooltip('show'); }); $("body").on("mouseleave", ".copy_message", function () { $(this).tooltip('hide'); }); if (!page_params.realm_allow_message_editing) { $("#edit-message-hotkey-help").hide(); } if (page_params.realm_presence_disabled) { $("#user-list").hide(); $("#group-pm-list").hide(); } if (feature_flags.full_width) { ui.switchToFullWidth(); } // initialize other stuff server_events.initialize(); people.initialize(); compose_pm_pill.initialize(); reload.initialize(); user_groups.initialize(); unread.initialize(); bot_data.initialize(); // Must happen after people.initialize() message_fetch.initialize(); message_scroll.initialize(); emoji.initialize(); markdown.initialize(); // Must happen after emoji.initialize() compose.initialize(); composebox_typeahead.initialize(); // Must happen after compose.initialize() search.initialize(); tutorial.initialize(); notifications.initialize(); gear_menu.initialize(); settings_sections.initialize(); settings_toggle.initialize(); hashchange.initialize(); pointer.initialize(); unread_ui.initialize(); activity.initialize(); emoji_picker.initialize(); compose_fade.initialize(); pm_list.initialize(); stream_list.initialize(); drafts.initialize(); sent_messages.initialize(); hotspots.initialize(); info_overlay.initialize(); ui.initialize(); panels.initialize(); typing.initialize(); }); }());