import re import markdown from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union from import Match from markdown.preprocessors import Preprocessor from zerver.lib.emoji import EMOTICON_CONVERSIONS, name_to_codepoint REGEXP = re.compile(r'\{emoticon_translations\}') TABLE_HTML = """ {body}
Emoticon Emoji
""" ROW_HTML = """ {emoticon} {name} """ class EmoticonTranslationsHelpExtension(markdown.Extension): def extendMarkdown(self, md: markdown.Markdown, md_globals: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Add SettingHelpExtension to the Markdown instance. """ md.registerExtension(self) md.preprocessors.add('emoticon_translations', EmoticonTranslation(), '_end') class EmoticonTranslation(Preprocessor): def run(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: for loc, line in enumerate(lines): match = if match: text = self.handleMatch(match) lines = lines[:loc] + text + lines[loc+1:] break return lines def handleMatch(self, match: Match[str]) -> List[str]: rows = [ ROW_HTML.format(emoticon=emoticon, name=name.strip(':'), codepoint=name_to_codepoint[name.strip(':')]) for emoticon, name in EMOTICON_CONVERSIONS.items() ] body = '\n'.join(rows).strip() return TABLE_HTML.format(body=body).strip().splitlines() def makeExtension(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> EmoticonTranslationsHelpExtension: return EmoticonTranslationsHelpExtension(*args, **kwargs)