var stream_list = (function () { var exports = {}; var last_private_message_count = 0; var last_mention_count = 0; var previous_sort_order; exports.sort_narrow_list = function () { var streams = stream_data.subscribed_streams(); if (streams.length === 0) { return; } var sort_recent = (streams.length > 40); streams.sort(function (a, b) { if (sort_recent) { if (recent_subjects.has(b) && ! recent_subjects.has(a)) { return 1; } else if (! recent_subjects.has(b) && recent_subjects.has(a)) { return -1; } } return util.strcmp(a, b); }); if (previous_sort_order !== undefined && util.array_compare(previous_sort_order, streams)) { return; } previous_sort_order = streams; var parent = $('#stream_filters'); parent.empty(); var elems = []; _.each(streams, function (stream) { var li = $(stream_data.get_sub(stream).sidebar_li); if (sort_recent) { if (! recent_subjects.has(stream)) { li.addClass('inactive_stream'); } else { li.removeClass('inactive_stream'); } } elems.push(li.get(0)); }); $(elems).appendTo(parent); }; function iterate_to_find(selector, name_to_find, context) { var lowercase_name = name_to_find.toLowerCase(); var found = _.find($(selector, context), function (elem) { return $(elem).attr('data-name').toLowerCase() === lowercase_name; }); return found ? $(found) : $(); } // TODO: Now that the unread count functions support the user sidebar // as well, we probably should consider moving them to a different file. function get_filter_li(type, name) { if (type === 'stream') { return $("#stream_sidebar_" + subs.stream_id(name)); } else if (type === "private") { if (name.indexOf(",") < 0) { return $("li.user_sidebar_entry[data-email='" + name + "']"); } else { return $("[data-emails='" + name + "']"); } } return iterate_to_find("#" + type + "_filters > li", name); } function get_subject_filter_li(stream, subject) { var stream_li = get_filter_li('stream', stream); return iterate_to_find(".expanded_subjects li", subject, stream_li); } exports.set_in_home_view = function (stream, in_home) { var li = get_filter_li('stream', stream); if (in_home) { li.removeClass("out_of_home_view"); } else { li.addClass("out_of_home_view"); } }; function build_narrow_filter(name, type) { var args = {name: name, id: subs.stream_id(name), uri: narrow.by_stream_uri(name), not_in_home_view: (stream_data.in_home_view(name) === false), invite_only: stream_data.get_sub(name).invite_only, color: stream_data.get_color(name) }; args.dark_background = stream_color.get_color_class(args.color); var list_item = $(templates.render('stream_sidebar_row', args)); $("#" + type + "_filters").append(list_item); return list_item; } // Adds the sidebar stream name that, when clicked, // narrows to that stream function add_narrow_filter(name, type) { if (get_filter_li(type, name).length) { // already exists return false; } return build_narrow_filter(name, type); } exports.get_count = function (type, name) { return get_filter_li(type, name).find('.count .value').text(); }; function update_count_in_dom(count_span, value_span, count) { if (count === 0) { count_span.hide(); if (count_span.parent().hasClass("subscription_block")) { count_span.parent(".subscription_block").removeClass("stream-with-count"); } else if (count_span.parent().hasClass("user_sidebar_entry")) { count_span.parent(".user_sidebar_entry").removeClass("user-with-count"); } else if (count_span.parent().hasClass("group-pms-sidebar-entry")) { count_span.parent(".group-pms-sidebar-entry").removeClass("group-with-count"); } value_span.text(''); return; }; if (count_span.parent().hasClass("subscription_block")) { count_span.parent(".subscription_block").addClass("stream-with-count"); } else if (count_span.parent().hasClass("user_sidebar_entry")) { count_span.parent(".user_sidebar_entry").addClass("user-with-count"); } else if (count_span.parent().hasClass("group-pms-sidebar-entry")) { count_span.parent(".group-pms-sidebar-entry").addClass("group-with-count"); } value_span.text(count); } function set_count(type, name, count) { var count_span = get_filter_li(type, name).find('.count'); var value_span = count_span.find('.value'); update_count_in_dom(count_span, value_span, count); } function set_count_toggle_button(elem, count) { if (count === 0) { if (':animated')) { return elem.stop(true, true).hide(); } return elem.hide(500); } else if ((count > 0) && (count < 1000)) {; return elem.text(count); } else {; return elem.text("1k+"); } } exports.set_subject_count = function (stream, subject, count) { var subject_li = get_subject_filter_li(stream, subject); var count_span = subject_li.find('.subject_count'); var value_span = count_span.find('.value'); if (count_span.length === 0 || value_span.length === 0) { return; } count_span.removeClass("zero_count"); update_count_in_dom(count_span, value_span, count); }; exports.remove_narrow_filter = function (name, type) { get_filter_li(type, name).remove(); }; function remove_expanded_subjects() { popovers.hide_topic_sidebar_popover(); $("ul.expanded_subjects").remove(); } function rebuild_recent_subjects(stream, active_topic) { // TODO: Call rebuild_recent_subjects less, not on every new // message. remove_expanded_subjects(); var max_subjects = 5; var stream_li = get_filter_li('stream', stream); var subjects = recent_subjects.get(stream) || []; if (active_topic) { active_topic = active_topic.toLowerCase(); } var display_subjects = []; _.each(subjects, function (subject_obj, idx) { var topic_name = subject_obj.subject; var num_unread = unread.num_unread_for_subject(stream, subject_obj.canon_subject); // Show the most recent subjects, as well as any with unread messages if ((idx < max_subjects) || (num_unread > 0) || (active_topic === topic_name)) { var display_subject = { topic_name: topic_name, unread: num_unread, is_zero: num_unread === 0, is_muted: muting.is_topic_muted(stream, topic_name), url: narrow.by_stream_subject_uri(stream, topic_name) }; display_subjects.push(display_subject); } }); stream_li.append(templates.render('sidebar_subject_list', {subjects: display_subjects, stream: stream})); if (active_topic) { get_subject_filter_li(stream, active_topic).addClass('active-subject-filter'); } } exports.update_streams_sidebar = function () { exports.sort_narrow_list(); if (! { return; } var op_stream = narrow.filter().operands('stream'); var op_subject = narrow.filter().operands('topic'); var subject; if (op_stream.length !== 0) { if (op_subject.length !== 0) { subject = op_subject[0]; } if (stream_data.is_subscribed(op_stream[0])) { rebuild_recent_subjects(op_stream[0], subject); } } }; function do_new_messages_animation(message_type) { var li = get_filter_li("global", message_type); li.addClass("new_messages"); function mid_animation() { li.removeClass("new_messages"); li.addClass("new_messages_fadeout"); } function end_animation() { li.removeClass("new_messages_fadeout"); } setTimeout(mid_animation, 3000); setTimeout(end_animation, 6000); } function animate_private_message_changes(new_private_message_count) { if (new_private_message_count > last_private_message_count) { do_new_messages_animation('private'); } last_private_message_count = new_private_message_count; } function animate_mention_changes(new_mention_count) { if (new_mention_count > last_mention_count) { do_new_messages_animation('mentioned'); } last_mention_count = new_mention_count; } exports.set_presence_list_count = function (person, count) { set_count("private", person, count); }; exports.update_dom_with_unread_counts = function (counts) { // counts is just a data object that gets calculated elsewhere // Our job is to update some DOM elements. // counts.stream_count maps streams to counts counts.stream_count.each(function (count, stream) { set_count("stream", stream, count); }); // counts.subject_count maps streams to hashes of subjects to counts counts.subject_count.each(function (subject_hash, stream) { subject_hash.each(function (count, subject) { exports.set_subject_count(stream, subject, count); }); }); counts.pm_count.each(function (count, person) { exports.set_presence_list_count(person, count); }); // integer counts set_count("global", "private", counts.private_message_count); set_count("global", "mentioned", counts.mentioned_message_count); set_count("global", "home", counts.home_unread_messages); set_count_toggle_button($("#streamlist-toggle-unreadcount"), counts.home_unread_messages); set_count_toggle_button($("#userlist-toggle-unreadcount"), counts.private_message_count); animate_private_message_changes(counts.private_message_count); animate_mention_changes(counts.mentioned_message_count); }; exports.rename_stream = function (sub) { sub.sidebar_li = build_narrow_filter(, "stream"); exports.sort_narrow_list(); // big hammer }; $(function () { $(document).on('narrow_activated.zulip', function (event) { $("ul.filters li").removeClass('active-filter active-subject-filter'); remove_expanded_subjects(); // TODO: handle confused filters like "in:all stream:foo" var op_in = event.filter.operands('in'); if (op_in.length !== 0) { if (['all', 'home'].indexOf(op_in[0]) !== -1) { $("#global_filters li[data-name='" + op_in[0] + "']").addClass('active-filter'); } } var op_is = event.filter.operands('is'); if (op_is.length !== 0) { if (['private', 'starred', 'mentioned'].indexOf(op_is[0]) !== -1) { $("#global_filters li[data-name='" + op_is[0] + "']").addClass('active-filter'); } } var op_stream = event.filter.operands('stream'); if (op_stream.length !== 0 && stream_data.is_subscribed(op_stream[0])) { var stream_li = get_filter_li('stream', op_stream[0]); var op_subject = event.filter.operands('topic'); var subject; if (op_subject.length !== 0) { subject = op_subject[0]; } else { stream_li.addClass('active-filter'); } rebuild_recent_subjects(op_stream[0], subject); process_visible_unread_messages(); } var op_pm = event.filter.operands('pm-with'); if (op_pm.length === 1) { $("#user_presences li[data-email='" + op_pm[0] + "']").addClass('active-filter'); } }); $(document).on('narrow_deactivated.zulip', function (event) { $("ul.filters li").removeClass('active-filter active-subject-filter'); remove_expanded_subjects(); $("#global_filters li[data-name='home']").addClass('active-filter'); }); $(document).on('sub_obj_created.zulip', function (event) { if (event.sub.subscribed) { var stream_name =; var li = add_narrow_filter(stream_name, "stream"); if (li) { event.sub.sidebar_li = li; } } }); $(document).on('subscription_add_done.zulip', function (event) { var stream_name =; var li = add_narrow_filter(stream_name, "stream"); if (li) { event.sub.sidebar_li = li; } exports.sort_narrow_list(); }); $(document).on('subscription_remove_done.zulip', function (event) { var stream_name =; exports.remove_narrow_filter(stream_name, 'stream'); // We need to make sure we resort if the removed sub gets added again previous_sort_order = undefined; }); }); return exports; }());