// Main JavaScript file for the Integrations development panel at // /devtools/integrations. (function () { // Data Segment: We lazy load the requested fixtures from the backend // as and when required and then cache them here. var loaded_fixtures = {}; var url_base = "/api/v1/external/"; // A map defining how to clear the various UI elements. var clear_handlers = { stream_name: "#stream_name", topic_name: "#topic_name", URL: "#URL", results_notice: "#results_notice", bot_name: function () { $('#bot_name').children()[0].selected = true; }, integration_name: function () { $('#integration_name').children()[0].selected = true; }, fixture_name: function () { $('#fixture_name').empty(); }, fixture_body: function () { $("#fixture_body")[0].value = ""; }, custom_http_headers: function () { $("#custom_http_headers")[0].value = "{}"; }, results: function () { $("#idp-results")[0].value = ""; }, }; function clear_elements(elements) { // Supports strings (a selector to clear) or calling a function // (for more complex logic). elements.forEach(function (element_name) { var handler = clear_handlers[element_name]; if (typeof handler === "string") { var element_object = $(handler)[0]; element_object.value = ""; element_object.innerHTML = ""; } else { handler(); } }); return; } // Success/failure colors used for displaying results to the user. var results_notice_level_to_color_map = { warning: "#be1931", success: "#085d44", }; function set_results_notice(msg, level) { var results_notice_field = $("#results_notice")[0]; results_notice_field.innerHTML = msg; results_notice_field.style.color = results_notice_level_to_color_map[level]; return; } function get_api_key_from_selected_bot() { return $("#bot_name").children("option:selected").val(); } function get_selected_integration_name() { return $("#integration_name").children("option:selected").val(); } function get_fixture_format(fixture_name) { var pieces = fixture_name.split("."); return pieces[pieces.length - 1]; } function get_custom_http_headers() { var custom_headers = $("#custom_http_headers").val(); if (custom_headers !== "") { // JSON.parse("") would trigger an error, as empty strings do not qualify as JSON. try { // Let JavaScript validate the JSON for us. custom_headers = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(custom_headers)); } catch (err) { set_results_notice("Custom HTTP headers are not in a valid JSON format.", "warning"); return; } } return custom_headers; } function set_results(response) { /* The backend returns the JSON responses for each of the send_message actions included in our request (which is just 1 for send, but usually is several for send all). We display these responses to the user in the "results" panel. The following is a bit messy, but it's a devtool, so ultimately OK */ var responses = response.responses; var data = "Results:\n\n"; responses.forEach(function (response) { if (response.fixture_name !== undefined) { data += "Fixture: " + response.fixture_name; data += "\nStatus Code: " + response.status_code; } else { data += "Status Code: " + response.status_code; } data += "\nResponse: " + response.message + "\n\n"; }); $("#idp-results")[0].value = data; } function load_fixture_body(fixture_name) { /* Given a fixture name, use the loaded_fixtures dictionary to set * the fixture body field. */ var integration_name = get_selected_integration_name(); var fixture = loaded_fixtures[integration_name][fixture_name]; var fixture_body = fixture.body; var headers = fixture.headers; if (fixture_body === undefined) { set_results_notice("Fixture does not have a body.", "warning"); return; } if (get_fixture_format(fixture_name) === "json") { // The 4 argument is pretty printer indentation. fixture_body = JSON.stringify(fixture_body, null, 4); } $("#fixture_body")[0].value = fixture_body; $("#custom_http_headers")[0].value = JSON.stringify(headers, null, 4); return; } function load_fixture_options(integration_name) { /* Using the integration name and loaded_fixtures object to set the fixture options for the fixture_names dropdown and also set the fixture body to the first fixture by default. */ var fixtures_options_dropdown = $("#fixture_name")[0]; var fixtures_names = Object.keys(loaded_fixtures[integration_name]); fixtures_names.forEach(function (fixture_name) { var new_dropdown_option = document.createElement("option"); new_dropdown_option.value = fixture_name; new_dropdown_option.innerHTML = fixture_name; fixtures_options_dropdown.add(new_dropdown_option); }); load_fixture_body(fixtures_names[0]); return; } function update_url() { /* Construct the URL that the webhook should be targeting, using the bot's API key and the integration name. The stream and topic are both optional, and for the sake of completeness, it should be noted that the topic is irrelavent without specifying the stream. */ var url_field = $("#URL")[0]; var integration_name = get_selected_integration_name(); var api_key = get_api_key_from_selected_bot(); if (integration_name === "" || api_key === "") { clear_elements(["URL"]); } else { var url = url_base + integration_name + "?api_key=" + api_key; var stream_name = $("#stream_name").val(); if (stream_name !== "") { url += "&stream=" + stream_name; var topic_name = $("#topic_name").val(); if (topic_name !== "") { url += "&topic=" + topic_name; } } url_field.value = url; url_field.innerHTML = url; } return; } // API Callers: These methods handle communicating with the Python backend API. function handle_unsuccessful_response(response) { try { var status_code = response.statusCode().status; response = JSON.parse(response.responseText); set_results_notice("Result: " + "(" + status_code + ") " + response.msg, "warning"); } catch (err) { // If the response is not a JSON response, then it is probably // Django returning an HTML response containing a stack trace // with useful debugging information regarding the backend // code. document.write(response.responseText); } return; } function get_fixtures(integration_name) { /* Request fixtures from the backend for any integrations that we don't already have fixtures cached in loaded_fixtures). */ if (integration_name === "") { clear_elements(["custom_http_headers", "fixture_body", "fixture_name", "URL", "results_notice"]); return; } if (loaded_fixtures[integration_name] !== undefined) { load_fixture_options(integration_name); return; } // We don't have the fixtures for this integration; fetch them // from the backend. Relative url pattern: // /devtools/integrations/(?P.+)/fixtures channel.get({ url: "/devtools/integrations/" + integration_name + "/fixtures", // Since the user may add or modify fixtures as they edit. idempotent: false, success: function (response) { loaded_fixtures[integration_name] = response.fixtures; load_fixture_options(integration_name); return; }, error: handle_unsuccessful_response, }); return; } function send_webhook_fixture_message() { /* Make sure that the user is sending valid JSON in the fixture body and that the URL is not empty. Then simply send the fixture body to the target URL. */ // Note: If the user just logged in to a different Zulip account // using another tab while the integrations dev panel is open, // then the csrf token that we have stored in the hidden input // element would have been expired, leading to an error message // when the user tries to send the fixture body. var csrftoken = $("#csrftoken").val(); var url = $("#URL").val(); if (url === "") { set_results_notice("URL can't be empty.", "warning"); return; } var body = $("#fixture_body").val(); var fixture_name = $("#fixture_name").val(); var is_json = false; if (fixture_name && get_fixture_format(fixture_name) === "json") { try { // Let JavaScript validate the JSON for us. body = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(body)); is_json = true; } catch (err) { set_results_notice("Invalid JSON in fixture body.", "warning"); return; } } var custom_headers = get_custom_http_headers(); channel.post({ url: "/devtools/integrations/check_send_webhook_fixture_message", data: {url: url, body: body, custom_headers: custom_headers, is_json: is_json}, beforeSend: function (xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', csrftoken);}, success: function (response) { // If the previous fixture body was sent successfully, // then we should change the success message up a bit to // let the user easily know that this fixture body was // also sent successfully. set_results(response); if ($("#results_notice")[0].innerHTML === "Success!") { set_results_notice("Success!!!", "success"); } else { set_results_notice("Success!", "success"); } return; }, error: handle_unsuccessful_response, }); return; } function send_all_fixture_messages() { /* Send all fixture messages for a given integration. */ var url = $("#URL").val(); var integration = get_selected_integration_name(); if (integration === "") { set_results_notice("You have to select an integration first."); return; } var csrftoken = $("#csrftoken").val(); channel.post({ url: "/devtools/integrations/send_all_webhook_fixture_messages", data: {url: url, integration_name: integration}, beforeSend: function (xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', csrftoken);}, success: function (response) {set_results(response);}, error: handle_unsuccessful_response, }); return; } // Initialization $(function () { clear_elements(["stream_name", "topic_name", "URL", "bot_name", "integration_name", "fixture_name", "custom_http_headers", "fixture_body", "results_notice", "results"]); $("#stream_name")[0].value = "Denmark"; $("#topic_name")[0].value = "Integrations Testing"; var potential_default_bot = $("#bot_name")[0][1]; if (potential_default_bot !== undefined) { potential_default_bot.selected = true; } $('#integration_name').change(function () { clear_elements(["custom_http_headers", "fixture_body", "fixture_name", "results_notice"]); var integration_name = $(this).children("option:selected").val(); get_fixtures(integration_name); update_url(); return; }); $('#fixture_name').change(function () { clear_elements(["fixture_body", "results_notice"]); var fixture_name = $(this).children("option:selected").val(); load_fixture_body(fixture_name); return; }); $('#send_fixture_button').click(function () { send_webhook_fixture_message(); return; }); $('#send_all_fixtures_button').click(function () { clear_elements(["results_notice"]); send_all_fixture_messages(); return; }); $("#bot_name").change(update_url); $("#stream_name").change(update_url); $("#topic_name").change(update_url); }); }());