"use strict"; const {strict: assert} = require("assert"); const {zrequire} = require("./lib/namespace"); const {run_test} = require("./lib/test"); const bot_data = zrequire("bot_data"); const people = zrequire("people"); // Bot types and service bot types can be found // in zerver/models.py - UserProfile Class or // zever/openapi/zulip.yaml const me = { email: "me@zulip.com", full_name: "Me Myself", user_id: 2, }; const fred = { email: "fred@zulip.com", full_name: "Fred Frederickson", user_id: 3, }; const bot_data_params = { realm_bots: [ { api_key: "1234567890qwertyuioop", avatar_url: "", bot_type: 1, // DEFAULT_BOT default_all_public_streams: true, default_events_register_stream: "register stream 42", default_sending_stream: "sending stream 42", email: "bot0@zulip.com", full_name: "Bot 0", is_active: true, owner_id: 4, user_id: 42, services: [], extra: "This field should be ignored", }, { api_key: "1234567890zxcvbnm", avatar_url: "", bot_type: 3, // OUTGOING_WEBHOOK_BOT default_all_public_streams: true, default_events_register_stream: "register stream 314", default_sending_stream: "sending stream 314", email: "outgoingwebhook@zulip.com", full_name: "Outgoing webhook", is_active: true, owner_id: 5, user_id: 314, services: [{base_url: "http://foo.com", interface: 1, token: "basictoken12345"}], extra: "This field should be ignored", }, ], }; function test(label, f) { run_test(label, ({override}) => { people.add_active_user(me); people.initialize_current_user(me.user_id); bot_data.initialize(bot_data_params); // Our startup logic should have added Bot 0 from page_params. assert.equal(bot_data.get(42).full_name, "Bot 0"); assert.equal(bot_data.get(314).full_name, "Outgoing webhook"); f({override}); }); } test("test_basics", () => { people.add_active_user(fred); const test_bot = { api_key: "qwertyuioop1234567890", avatar_url: "", bot_type: 1, default_all_public_streams: true, default_events_register_stream: "register stream 43", default_sending_stream: "sending stream 43", email: "bot1@zulip.com", full_name: "Bot 1", is_active: true, owner_id: 6, user_id: 43, services: [ { base_url: "http://bar.com", interface: 1, token: "some Bot 1 token", }, ], extra: "This field should be ignored", }; const test_embedded_bot = { api_key: "zxcvbnm1234567890", avatar_url: "", bot_type: 4, // EMBEDDED_BOT default_all_public_streams: true, default_events_register_stream: "register stream 143", default_sending_stream: "sending stream 143", email: "embedded-bot@zulip.com", full_name: "Embedded bot 1", is_active: true, owner_id: 7, user_id: 143, services: [ { config_data: {key: "12345678"}, service_name: "giphy", }, ], extra: "This field should be ignored", }; (function test_add() { bot_data.add(test_bot); const bot = bot_data.get(43); const services = bot_data.get_services(43); assert.equal("qwertyuioop1234567890", bot.api_key); assert.equal("", bot.avatar_url); assert.equal(1, bot.bot_type); assert.equal(true, bot.default_all_public_streams); assert.equal("register stream 43", bot.default_events_register_stream); assert.equal("sending stream 43", bot.default_sending_stream); assert.equal("bot1@zulip.com", bot.email); assert.equal("Bot 1", bot.full_name); assert.equal(true, bot.is_active); assert.equal(6, bot.owner_id); assert.equal(43, bot.user_id); assert.equal("http://bar.com", services[0].base_url); assert.equal(1, services[0].interface); assert.equal("some Bot 1 token", services[0].token); assert.equal(undefined, bot.extra); })(); (function test_update() { bot_data.add(test_bot); let bot = bot_data.get(43); assert.equal("Bot 1", bot.full_name); bot_data.update(43, { ...test_bot, full_name: "New Bot 1", services: [{interface: 2, base_url: "http://baz.com", token: "zxcvbnm1234567890"}], }); bot = bot_data.get(43); const services = bot_data.get_services(43); assert.equal("New Bot 1", bot.full_name); assert.equal(2, services[0].interface); assert.equal("http://baz.com", services[0].base_url); assert.equal("zxcvbnm1234567890", services[0].token); const change_owner_event = { owner_id: fred.user_id, }; bot_data.update(43, {...test_bot, ...change_owner_event}); bot = bot_data.get(43); assert.equal(bot.owner_id, fred.user_id); })(); (function test_embedded_bot_update() { bot_data.add(test_embedded_bot); const bot_id = 143; const services = bot_data.get_services(bot_id); assert.equal("12345678", services[0].config_data.key); bot_data.update(bot_id, { ...test_embedded_bot, services: [{config_data: {key: "87654321"}, service_name: "embedded bot service"}], }); assert.equal("87654321", services[0].config_data.key); assert.equal("embedded bot service", services[0].service_name); })(); (function test_remove() { let bot; bot_data.add({...test_bot, is_active: true}); bot = bot_data.get(43); assert.equal("Bot 1", bot.full_name); assert.ok(bot.is_active); bot_data.deactivate(43); bot = bot_data.get(43); assert.equal(bot.is_active, false); })(); (function test_all_user_ids() { const all_ids = bot_data.all_user_ids(); all_ids.sort(); assert.deepEqual(all_ids, [143, 314, 42, 43]); })(); (function test_delete() { let bot; bot_data.add({...test_bot, is_active: true}); bot = bot_data.get(43); assert.equal("Bot 1", bot.full_name); assert.ok(bot.is_active); bot_data.del(43); bot = bot_data.get(43); assert.equal(bot, undefined); })(); (function test_get_editable() { bot_data.add({...test_bot, user_id: 44, owner_id: me.user_id, is_active: true}); bot_data.add({ ...test_bot, user_id: 45, email: "bot2@zulip.com", owner_id: me.user_id, is_active: true, }); bot_data.add({ ...test_bot, user_id: 46, email: "bot3@zulip.com", owner_id: fred.user_id, is_active: true, }); const editable_bots = bot_data.get_editable().map((bot) => bot.email); assert.deepEqual(["bot1@zulip.com", "bot2@zulip.com"], editable_bots); })(); (function test_get_all_bots_for_current_user() { const bots = bot_data.get_all_bots_for_current_user(); assert.equal(bots.length, 2); assert.equal(bots[0].email, "bot1@zulip.com"); assert.equal(bots[1].email, "bot2@zulip.com"); })(); (function test_get_number_of_bots_owned_by_user() { const bots_owned_by_user = bot_data.get_all_bots_owned_by_user(3); assert.equal(bots_owned_by_user[0].email, "bot3@zulip.com"); })(); });