#Mention a Team Member ![Mention a Team Member](/static/images/help/mention_user.png) When having a conversation in Zulip, it is sometimes necessary to call the attention of another member. You can alert ("**@mention**") other users with a particular stream-message from within the body of the message itself. Type `@` and then begin typing their email address or one of their names, and the system will offer you tab-completions. The completed `@mention` will look something like: `@**name**`, and it will appear as **@name** in your posted message. If you attempt to `@mention` someone who is not subscribed to the current stream, Zulip will ask if you would like to subscribe them to the stream: ![A User Who is Not Subscribed](/static/images/help/mention_user_not_subscribed.png) You can view any mentions calling your attention by clicking on the "@-mentions" view in the left sidebar.