from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple
from collections import OrderedDict
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound
from django.template import loader
import os
import random
import re
from zerver.lib.integrations import CATEGORIES, INTEGRATIONS, HubotIntegration, \
from zerver.lib.request import has_request_variables, REQ
from zerver.lib.subdomains import get_subdomain
from zerver.models import Realm
from zerver.templatetags.app_filters import render_markdown_path
from zerver.context_processors import zulip_default_context
def add_api_uri_context(context: Dict[str, Any], request: HttpRequest) -> None:
subdomain = get_subdomain(request)
if (subdomain != Realm.SUBDOMAIN_FOR_ROOT_DOMAIN
or not settings.ROOT_DOMAIN_LANDING_PAGE):
display_subdomain = subdomain
html_settings_links = True
display_subdomain = 'yourZulipDomain'
html_settings_links = False
display_host = Realm.host_for_subdomain(display_subdomain)
api_url_scheme_relative = display_host + "/api"
api_url = settings.EXTERNAL_URI_SCHEME + api_url_scheme_relative
zulip_url = settings.EXTERNAL_URI_SCHEME + display_host
context['external_uri_scheme'] = settings.EXTERNAL_URI_SCHEME
context['api_url'] = api_url
context['api_url_scheme_relative'] = api_url_scheme_relative
context['zulip_url'] = zulip_url
context["html_settings_links"] = html_settings_links
if html_settings_links:
settings_html = 'Zulip settings page'
subscriptions_html = 'streams page'
settings_html = 'Zulip settings page'
subscriptions_html = 'streams page'
context['settings_html'] = settings_html
context['subscriptions_html'] = subscriptions_html
class ApiURLView(TemplateView):
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, str]:
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
add_api_uri_context(context, self.request)
return context
class MarkdownDirectoryView(ApiURLView):
path_template = ""
def get_path(self, article: str) -> Tuple[str, int]:
http_status = 200
if article == "":
article = "index"
elif article == "include/sidebar_index":
elif "/" in article:
article = "missing"
http_status = 404
elif len(article) > 100 or not re.match('^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+$', article):
article = "missing"
http_status = 404
path = self.path_template % (article,)
return (path, http_status)
except loader.TemplateDoesNotExist:
return (self.path_template % ("missing",), 404)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
article = kwargs["article"]
context = super().get_context_data() # type: Dict[str, Any]
(context["article"], http_status_ignored) = self.get_path(article)
# For disabling the "Back to home" on the homepage
context["not_index_page"] = not context["article"].endswith("/")
if self.path_template == '/zerver/help/':
context["page_is_help_center"] = True
context["doc_root"] = "/help/"
(sidebar_index, http_status_ignored) = self.get_path("include/sidebar_index")
# We want the sliding/collapsing behavior for /help pages only
sidebar_class = "sidebar slide"
title_base = "Zulip Help Center"
context["page_is_api_center"] = True
context["doc_root"] = "/api/"
(sidebar_index, http_status_ignored) = self.get_path("sidebar_index")
sidebar_class = "sidebar"
title_base = "Zulip API Documentation"
# The following is a somewhat hacky approach to extract titles from articles.
# Hack: `context["article"] has a leading `/`, so we use + to add directories.
article_path = os.path.join(settings.DEPLOY_ROOT, 'templates') + context["article"]
if os.path.exists(article_path):
with open(article_path) as article_file:
first_line = article_file.readlines()[0]
# Strip the header and then use the first line to get the article title
article_title = first_line.strip().lstrip("# ")
if context["not_index_page"]:
context["OPEN_GRAPH_TITLE"] = "%s (%s)" % (article_title, title_base)
context["OPEN_GRAPH_TITLE"] = title_base
self.request.placeholder_open_graph_description = (
"REPLACMENT_OPEN_GRAPH_DESCRIPTION_%s" % (int(2**24 * random.random()),))
context["OPEN_GRAPH_DESCRIPTION"] = self.request.placeholder_open_graph_description
context["sidebar_index"] = sidebar_index
context["sidebar_class"] = sidebar_class
# An "article" might require the api_uri_context to be rendered
api_uri_context = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
add_api_uri_context(api_uri_context, self.request)
api_uri_context["run_content_validators"] = True
context["api_uri_context"] = api_uri_context
return context
def get(self, request: HttpRequest, article: str="") -> HttpResponse:
(path, http_status) = self.get_path(article)
result = super().get(self, article=article)
if http_status != 200:
result.status_code = http_status
return result
def add_integrations_context(context: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
alphabetical_sorted_categories = OrderedDict(sorted(CATEGORIES.items()))
alphabetical_sorted_integration = OrderedDict(sorted(INTEGRATIONS.items()))
enabled_integrations_count = len(list(filter(lambda v: v.is_enabled(), INTEGRATIONS.values())))
# Subtract 1 so saying "Over X integrations" is correct. Then,
# round down to the nearest multiple of 10.
integrations_count_display = ((enabled_integrations_count - 1) // 10) * 10
context['categories_dict'] = alphabetical_sorted_categories
context['integrations_dict'] = alphabetical_sorted_integration
context['integrations_count_display'] = integrations_count_display
def add_integrations_open_graph_context(context: Dict[str, Any], request: HttpRequest) -> None:
path_name = request.path.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]
description = ('Zulip comes with over a hundred native integrations out of the box, '
'and integrates with Zapier, IFTTT, and Hubot to provide hundreds more. '
'Connect the apps you use everyday to Zulip.')
if path_name in INTEGRATIONS:
integration = INTEGRATIONS[path_name]
context['OPEN_GRAPH_TITLE'] = 'Connect {name} to Zulip'.format(name=integration.display_name)
context['OPEN_GRAPH_DESCRIPTION'] = description
elif path_name in CATEGORIES:
category = CATEGORIES[path_name]
context['OPEN_GRAPH_TITLE'] = 'Connect your {category} tools to Zulip'.format(category=category)
context['OPEN_GRAPH_DESCRIPTION'] = description
elif path_name == 'integrations':
context['OPEN_GRAPH_TITLE'] = 'Connect the tools you use to Zulip'
context['OPEN_GRAPH_DESCRIPTION'] = description
class IntegrationView(ApiURLView):
template_name = 'zerver/integrations/index.html'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) # type: Dict[str, Any]
add_integrations_open_graph_context(context, self.request)
return context
def integration_doc(request: HttpRequest, integration_name: str=REQ()) -> HttpResponse:
if not request.is_ajax():
return HttpResponseNotFound()
integration = INTEGRATIONS[integration_name]
except KeyError:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
context = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
add_api_uri_context(context, request)
context['integration_name'] =
context['integration_display_name'] = integration.display_name
if hasattr(integration, 'stream_name'):
context['recommended_stream_name'] = integration.stream_name
if isinstance(integration, WebhookIntegration):
context['integration_url'] = integration.url[3:]
if isinstance(integration, HubotIntegration):
context['hubot_docs_url'] = integration.hubot_docs_url
doc_html_str = render_markdown_path(integration.doc, context)
return HttpResponse(doc_html_str)