# Template for Django settings for Zulip Enterprise # This is the user-accessible Zulip hostname for this installation EXTERNAL_HOST = '' # This is the Zulip Administrator email address ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR = '' # This is the domain for your organization ADMIN_DOMAIN = '' # These credentials are for communication with the central Zulip deployment manager DEPLOYMENT_ROLE_NAME = '' DEPLOYMENT_ROLE_KEY = '' # Enable at least one of the following authentication backends. AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( # 'zproject.backends.EmailAuthBackend', # Email and password # 'zproject.backends.ZulipRemoteUserBackend', # Local SSO # 'zproject.backends.GoogleBackend', # Google Apps ) # When using SSO: If REMOTE_USER only provides a username, append this domain # to the returned value. SSO_APPEND_DOMAIN = None # Make session cookies expire when the browser closes SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = False # Session cookie expiry in seconds after the last page load SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 1209600 # 2 weeks # Configure the outgoing SMTP server below. For outgoing email # via a GMail SMTP server, EMAIL_USE_TLS must be True and the # outgoing port must be 587. The EMAIL_HOST is prepopulated # for GMail servers, change it for other hosts, or leave it unset # or empty to skip sending email. EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com' EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True # Control whether or not there is a feedback button in the UI, # which can be used to send feedback directly to Zulip ENABLE_FEEDBACK = True # By default uploaded files and avatars are stored directly on the Zulip server # If file storage to Amazon S3 is desired, please contact Zulip Support # (support@zulip.com) for further instructions on setting up S3 integration LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR = "/home/zulip/uploads" # In order to show Tweet previews inline in messages, Zulip must have access # to the Twitter API via OAuth. To fetch the various access tokens needed below, # you must register a new application under your Twitter account by doing the following: # # 1. Log in to http://dev.twitter.com. # 2. In the menu under your username, click My Applications. From this page, create a new application. # 3. Click on the application you created and click "create my access token". Fill in the requested values. TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = '' TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = '' TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY = '' TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = '' # The email gateway provides an email address that you can use to post to a stream # Emails received at the per-stream email address will be converted into a Zulip # message # The email address pattern to use for auto-generated stream emails # The %s will be replaced with a unique token, and the resulting email # must be delivered to the EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_FOLDER of the EMAIL_GATEWAY_LOGIN account below EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN = "" # The Zulip username of the bot that the email pattern should post as EMAIL_GATEWAY_BOT = "" # Configuration of the email mirror mailbox # The IMAP login and password EMAIL_GATEWAY_LOGIN = "" EMAIL_GATEWAY_PASSWORD = "" # The IMAP server & port to connect to EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_SERVER = "" EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_PORT = 993 # The IMAP folder name to check for emails. All emails sent to EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN above # must be delivered to this folder EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_FOLDER = "INBOX" # The following keys are automatically generated during the install process # PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THEM CAMO_KEY = '' SECRET_KEY = '' HASH_SALT = '' RABBITMQ_PASSWORD = '' AVATAR_SALT = '' SHARED_SECRET = ''