var stream_create = (function () { var exports = {}; var created_stream; exports.reset_created_stream = function () { created_stream = undefined; }; exports.set_name = function (stream) { created_stream = stream; }; exports.get_name = function () { return created_stream; }; var stream_name_error = (function () { var self = {}; self.report_already_exists = function () { $("#stream_name_error").text(i18n.t("A stream with this name already exists")); $("#stream_name_error").show(); }; self.clear_errors = function () { $("#stream_name_error").hide(); }; self.report_empty_stream = function () { $("#stream_name_error").text(i18n.t("A stream needs to have a name")); $("#stream_name_error").show(); }; self.report_invalid_chars = function () { $("#stream_name_error").text(i18n.t("Stream names cannot contain #, *, `, or @.")); $("#stream_name_error").show(); }; = function () { $("#create_stream_name").focus().select(); }; self.pre_validate = function (stream_name) { // Don't worry about empty strings...we just want to call this // to warn users early before they start doing too much work // after they make the effort to type in a stream name. (The // use case here is that I go to create a stream, only to find // out it already exists, and I was just too lazy to look at // the public streams that I'm not subscribed to yet. Once I // realize the stream already exists, I may want to cancel.) if (stream_name && stream_data.get_sub(stream_name)) { self.report_already_exists(); return; } self.clear_errors(); }; self.validate_for_submit = function (stream_name) { if (!stream_name) { self.report_empty_stream();; return false; } if (stream_data.get_sub(stream_name)) { self.report_already_exists();; return false; } // Keep characters in sync with Stream.NAME_INVALID_CHARS if (/[#*`@]/.test(stream_name)) { self.report_invalid_chars();; return false; } // If we got this far, then we think we have a new unique stream // name, so we'll submit to the server. (It's still plausible, // however, that there's some invite-only stream that we don't // know about locally that will cause a name collision.) return true; }; return self; }()); function ajaxSubscribeForCreation(stream_name, description, principals, invite_only, announce) { // Subscribe yourself and possible other people to a new stream. return{ url: "/json/users/me/subscriptions", data: {subscriptions: JSON.stringify([{name: stream_name, description: description}]), principals: JSON.stringify(principals), invite_only: JSON.stringify(invite_only), announce: JSON.stringify(announce), }, success: function () { $("#create_stream_name").val(""); $("#create_stream_description").val(""); $("#subscriptions-status").hide(); loading.destroy_indicator($('#stream_creating_indicator')); // The rest of the work is done via the subscribe event we will get }, error: function (xhr) { var msg = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).msg; if (msg.indexOf('access') >= 0) { // If we can't access the stream, we can safely assume it's // a duplicate stream that we are not invited to. stream_name_error.report_already_exists(stream_name);; } // TODO: This next line does nothing. See #4647. ui_report.error(i18n.t("Error creating stream"), xhr, $("#subscriptions-status"), 'subscriptions-status'); loading.destroy_indicator($('#stream_creating_indicator')); }, }); } // Within the new stream modal... function update_announce_stream_state() { // If there is no notifications_stream, we simply hide the widget. if (!page_params.notifications_stream) { $('#announce-new-stream').hide(); return; } // If the stream is invite only, or everyone's added, disable // the "Announce stream" option. Otherwise enable it. var announce_stream_checkbox = $('#announce-new-stream input'); var disable_it = false; var is_invite_only = $('input:radio[name=privacy]:checked').val() === 'invite-only'; if (is_invite_only) { disable_it = true; announce_stream_checkbox.prop('checked', false); } else { disable_it = $('#user-checkboxes input').length === $('#user-checkboxes input:checked').length; } announce_stream_checkbox.prop('disabled', disable_it); $('#announce-new-stream').show(); } function get_principals() { return $("#stream_creation_form input:checkbox[name=user]:checked"), function (elem) { return $(elem).val(); } ); } function create_stream() { var stream_name = $.trim($("#create_stream_name").val()); var description = $.trim($("#create_stream_description").val()); var is_invite_only = $('#stream_creation_form input[name=privacy]:checked').val() === "invite-only"; var principals = get_principals(); created_stream = stream_name; var announce = (!!page_params.notifications_stream && $('#announce-new-stream input').prop('checked')); loading.make_indicator($('#stream_creating_indicator'), {text: i18n.t('Creating stream...')}); ajaxSubscribeForCreation(stream_name, description, principals, is_invite_only, announce ); } exports.new_stream_clicked = function (stream_name) { // this changes the tab switcher (settings/preview) which isn't necessary // to a add new stream title. $(".display-type #add_new_stream_title").show(); $(".display-type #stream_settings_title").hide(); $("").removeClass("active"); $("#stream_settings_title, .subscriptions-container .settings, .nothing-selected").hide(); $("#stream-creation, #add_new_stream_title").show(); if (stream_name !== '') { $('#create_stream_name').val(stream_name); } exports.show_new_stream_modal(); // at less than 700px we have a @media query that when you tap the // .create_stream_button, the stream prompt slides in. However, when you // focus the button on that page, the entire app view jumps over to // the other tab, and the animation breaks. // it is unclear whether this is a browser bug or "feature", however what // is clear is that this shoudn't be touched unless you're also changing // the mobile @media query at 700px. if (window.innerWidth > 700) { $('#create_stream_name').focus(); } // change the hash to #streams/new to allow for linking and // easy discovery. window.location.hash = "#streams/new"; }; exports.show_new_stream_modal = function () { $("#stream-creation").removeClass("hide"); $(".right .settings").hide(); var all_users = people.get_rest_of_realm(); // Add current user on top of list all_users.unshift(people.get_person_from_user_id(page_params.user_id)); $('#people_to_add').html(templates.render('new_stream_users', { users: all_users, streams: stream_data.get_streams_for_settings_page(), })); // Make the options default to the same each time: // public, "announce stream" on. $('#make-invite-only input:radio[value=public]').prop('checked', true); if (page_params.notifications_stream) { $('#announce-new-stream').show(); $('#announce-new-stream input').prop('disabled', false); $('#announce-new-stream input').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#announce-new-stream').hide(); } stream_name_error.clear_errors(); $("#stream-checkboxes label.checkbox").on('change', function (e) { var elem = $(this); var stream_id = elem.attr('data-stream-id'); var checked = elem.find('input').prop('checked'); var subscriber_ids = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id).subscribers; $('#user-checkboxes label.checkbox').each(function () { var user_elem = $(this); var user_id = user_elem.attr('data-user-id'); if (subscriber_ids.has(user_id)) { user_elem.find('input').prop('checked', checked); } }); update_announce_stream_state(); e.preventDefault(); }); }; $(function () { $('body').on('change', '#user-checkboxes input, #make-invite-only input', update_announce_stream_state); // 'Check all' and 'Uncheck all' visible users $(document).on('click', '.subs_set_all_users', function (e) { $('#user-checkboxes .checkbox').each(function (idx, li) { if ( !== "none") { $(li.firstElementChild).prop('checked', true); } }); e.preventDefault(); update_announce_stream_state(); }); $(document).on('click', '.subs_unset_all_users', function (e) { $('#user-checkboxes .checkbox').each(function (idx, li) { if ( !== "none") { $(li.firstElementChild).prop('checked', false); } }); e.preventDefault(); update_announce_stream_state(); }); $(document).on('click', '#copy-from-stream-expand-collapse', function (e) { $('#stream-checkboxes').toggle(); $("#copy-from-stream-expand-collapse .toggle").toggleClass('icon-vector-caret-right icon-vector-caret-down'); e.preventDefault(); update_announce_stream_state(); }); // Search People or Streams $(document).on('input', '.add-user-list-filter', function (e) { var user_list = $(".add-user-list-filter"); if (user_list === 0) { return; } var search_term = user_list.expectOne().val().trim(); var search_terms = search_term.toLowerCase().split(","); (function filter_user_checkboxes() { var user_labels = $("#user-checkboxes label.add-user-label"); if (search_term === '') { user_labels.css({display: 'block'}); return; } var users = people.get_rest_of_realm(); var filtered_users = people.filter_people_by_search_terms(users, search_terms); // Be careful about modifying the follow code. A naive implementation // will work very poorly with a large user population (~1000 users). // // I tested using: `./ populate_db --extra-users 3500` // // This would break the previous implementation, whereas the new // implementation is merely sluggish. user_labels.each(function () { var elem = $(this); var user_id = elem.attr('data-user-id'); var user_checked = filtered_users.has(user_id); var display = user_checked ? "block" : "none"; elem.css({display: display}); }); }()); update_announce_stream_state(); e.preventDefault(); }); $(".subscriptions").on("submit", "#stream_creation_form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var stream_name = $.trim($("#create_stream_name").val()); var name_ok = stream_name_error.validate_for_submit(stream_name); if (!name_ok) { return; } var principals = get_principals(); if (principals.length >= 50) { var invites_warning_modal = templates.render('subscription_invites_warning_modal', {stream_name: stream_name, count: principals.length}); $('#stream-creation').append(invites_warning_modal); } else { create_stream(); } }); $(document).on("click", ".close-invites-warning-modal", function () { $("#invites-warning-overlay").remove(); }); $(document).on("click", ".confirm-invites-warning-modal", function () { create_stream(); $("#invites-warning-overlay").remove(); }); $(".subscriptions").on("input", "#create_stream_name", function () { var stream_name = $.trim($("#create_stream_name").val()); // This is an inexpensive check. stream_name_error.pre_validate(stream_name); }); $("body").on("mouseover", "#announce-stream-docs", function (e) { var announce_stream_docs = $("#announce-stream-docs"); announce_stream_docs.popover({placement: "right", content: templates.render('announce_stream_docs'), trigger: "manual"}); announce_stream_docs.popover('show');'popover').tip().css('z-index', 2000);'popover').tip().find('.popover-content').css('margin', '9px 14px'); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("body").on("mouseout", "#announce-stream-docs", function (e) { $("#announce-stream-docs").popover('hide'); e.stopPropagation(); }); }); return exports; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = stream_create; }