"use strict"; const _ = require("lodash"); const WinChan = require("winchan"); // You won't find every click handler here, but it's a good place to start! const render_buddy_list_tooltip = require("../templates/buddy_list_tooltip.hbs"); const render_buddy_list_tooltip_content = require("../templates/buddy_list_tooltip_content.hbs"); const settings_panel_menu = require("./settings_panel_menu"); const util = require("./util"); function convert_enter_to_click(e) { const key = e.which; if (key === 13) { // enter $(e.currentTarget).trigger("click"); } } exports.initialize = function () { // MESSAGE CLICKING function initialize_long_tap() { const MS_DELAY = 750; const meta = { touchdown: false, current_target: undefined, }; $("#main_div").on("touchstart", ".messagebox", function () { meta.touchdown = true; meta.invalid = false; const id = rows.id($(this).closest(".message_row")); meta.current_target = id; if (!id) { return; } current_msg_list.select_id(id); setTimeout(() => { // The algorithm to trigger long tap is that first, we check // whether the message is still touched after MS_DELAY ms and // the user isn't scrolling the messages(see other touch event // handlers to see how these meta variables are handled). // Later we check whether after MS_DELAY the user is still // long touching the same message as it can be possible that // user touched another message within MS_DELAY period. if (meta.touchdown === true && !meta.invalid) { if (id === meta.current_target) { $(this).trigger("longtap"); } } }, MS_DELAY); }); $("#main_div").on("touchend", ".messagebox", () => { meta.touchdown = false; }); $("#main_div").on("touchmove", ".messagebox", () => { meta.invalid = true; }); $("#main_div").on("contextmenu", ".messagebox", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }); } // this initializes the trigger that will give off the longtap event, which // there is no point in running if we are on desktop since this isn't a // standard event that we would want to support. if (util.is_mobile()) { initialize_long_tap(); } function is_clickable_message_element(target) { // This function defines all the elements within a message // body that have UI behavior other than starting a reply. // Links should be handled by the browser. if (target.closest("a").length > 0) { return true; } // Forms for message editing contain input elements if (target.is("textarea") || target.is("input")) { return true; } // Widget for adjusting the height of a message. if (target.is("div.message_length_controller")) { return true; } // Inline image and twitter previews. if (target.is("img.message_inline_image") || target.is("img.twitter-avatar")) { return true; } // UI elements for triggering message editing or viewing edit history. if (target.is("i.edit_content_button") || target.is(".message_edit_notice")) { return true; } // For spoilers, allow clicking either the header or elements within it if (target.is(".spoiler-header") || target.parents(".spoiler-header").length > 0) { return true; } return false; } const select_message_function = function (e) { if (is_clickable_message_element($(e.target))) { // If this click came from a hyperlink, don't trigger the // reply action. The simple way of doing this is simply // to call e.stopPropagation() from within the link's // click handler. // // Unfortunately, on Firefox, this breaks Ctrl-click and // Shift-click, because those are (apparently) implemented // by adding an event listener on link clicks, and // stopPropagation prevents them from being called. return; } if (document.getSelection().type === "Range") { // Drags on the message (to copy message text) shouldn't trigger a reply. return; } const row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); const id = rows.id(row); if (message_edit.is_editing(id)) { // Clicks on a message being edited shouldn't trigger a reply. return; } current_msg_list.select_id(id); compose_actions.respond_to_message({trigger: "message click"}); e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); }; // if on normal non-mobile experience, a `click` event should run the message // selection function which will open the compose box and select the message. if (!util.is_mobile()) { $("#main_div").on("click", ".messagebox", select_message_function); // on the other hand, on mobile it should be done with a long tap. } else { $("#main_div").on("longtap", ".messagebox", function (e) { // find the correct selection API for the browser. const sel = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection; // if one matches, remove the current selections. // after a longtap that is valid, there should be no text selected. if (sel) { if (sel.removeAllRanges) { sel.removeAllRanges(); } else if (sel.empty) { sel.empty(); } } select_message_function.call(this, e); }); } $("#main_div").on("click", ".star_container", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); const message_id = rows.id($(this).closest(".message_row")); const message = message_store.get(message_id); message_flags.toggle_starred_and_update_server(message); }); $("#main_div").on("click", ".message_reaction", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); emoji_picker.hide_emoji_popover(); const local_id = $(this).attr("data-reaction-id"); const message_id = rows.get_message_id(this); reactions.process_reaction_click(message_id, local_id); $(".tooltip").remove(); }); $("body").on("mouseenter", ".message_edit_notice", (e) => { if (page_params.realm_allow_edit_history) { $(e.currentTarget).addClass("message_edit_notice_hover"); } }); $("body").on("mouseleave", ".message_edit_notice", (e) => { if (page_params.realm_allow_edit_history) { $(e.currentTarget).removeClass("message_edit_notice_hover"); } }); $("body").on("click", ".message_edit_notice", (e) => { popovers.hide_all(); const message_id = rows.id($(e.currentTarget).closest(".message_row")); const row = current_msg_list.get_row(message_id); const message = current_msg_list.get(rows.id(row)); const message_history_cancel_btn = $("#message-history-cancel"); if (page_params.realm_allow_edit_history) { message_edit_history.show_history(message); message_history_cancel_btn.trigger("focus"); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); // TOOLTIP FOR MESSAGE REACTIONS $("#main_div").on("mouseenter", ".message_reaction", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const elem = $(e.currentTarget); const local_id = elem.attr("data-reaction-id"); const message_id = rows.get_message_id(e.currentTarget); const title = reactions.get_reaction_title_data(message_id, local_id); elem.tooltip({ title, trigger: "hover", placement: "bottom", animation: false, }); elem.tooltip("show"); $(".tooltip, .tooltip-inner").css("max-width", "600px"); // Remove the arrow from the tooltip. $(".tooltip-arrow").remove(); }); $("#main_div").on("mouseleave", ".message_reaction", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); $(e.currentTarget).tooltip("destroy"); }); // DESTROY PERSISTING TOOLTIPS ON HOVER $("body").on("mouseenter", ".tooltip", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); $(e.currentTarget).remove(); }); $("#main_div").on("click", "a.stream", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Note that we may have an href here, but we trust the stream id more, // so we re-encode the hash. const stream_id = parseInt($(this).attr("data-stream-id"), 10); if (stream_id) { hashchange.go_to_location(hash_util.by_stream_uri(stream_id)); return; } window.location.href = $(this).attr("href"); }); // USER STATUS MODAL $(".user-status-value").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const user_status_value = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-user-status-value"); $("input.user_status").val(user_status_value); user_status_ui.toggle_clear_message_button(); user_status_ui.update_button(); }); // NOTIFICATION CLICK $("body").on("click", ".notification", function () { const payload = $(this).data("narrow"); ui_util.change_tab_to("#message_feed_container"); narrow.activate(payload.raw_operators, payload.opts_notif); }); // MESSAGE EDITING $("body").on("click", ".edit_content_button", function (e) { const row = current_msg_list.get_row(rows.id($(this).closest(".message_row"))); current_msg_list.select_id(rows.id(row)); message_edit.start(row); e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); }); $("body").on("click", ".always_visible_topic_edit,.on_hover_topic_edit", function (e) { const recipient_row = $(this).closest(".recipient_row"); message_edit.start_topic_edit(recipient_row); e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); }); $("body").on("click", ".topic_edit_save", function (e) { const recipient_row = $(this).closest(".recipient_row"); message_edit.save_inline_topic_edit(recipient_row); e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); }); $("body").on("click", ".topic_edit_cancel", function (e) { const recipient_row = $(this).closest(".recipient_row"); message_edit.end_inline_topic_edit(recipient_row); e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); }); $("body").on("click", ".message_edit_save", function (e) { const row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); message_edit.save_message_row_edit(row); e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); }); $("body").on("click", ".message_edit_cancel", function (e) { const row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); message_edit.end_message_row_edit(row); e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); }); $("body").on("click", ".message_edit_close", function (e) { const row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); message_edit.end_message_row_edit(row); e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); }); $("body").on("click", ".copy_message", function (e) { const row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); message_edit.end_message_row_edit(row); row.find(".alert-msg").text(i18n.t("Copied!")); row.find(".alert-msg").css("display", "block"); row.find(".alert-msg").delay(1000).fadeOut(300); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("body").on("click", "a", function () { if (document.activeElement === this) { ui_util.blur_active_element(); } }); $("#message_edit_form .send-status-close").on("click", function () { const row_id = rows.id($(this).closest(".message_row")); const send_status = $("#message-edit-send-status-" + row_id); $(send_status).stop(true).fadeOut(200); }); $("body").on("click", "#message_edit_form [id^='attach_files_']", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const row_id = rows.id($(this).closest(".message_row")); $("#message_edit_file_input_" + row_id).trigger("click"); }); $("body").on("click", "#message_edit_form [id^='markdown_preview_']", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const row_id = rows.id($(this).closest(".message_row")); function $_(selector) { return $(selector + "_" + row_id); } const content = $_("#message_edit_content").val(); $_("#message_edit_content").hide(); $_("#markdown_preview").hide(); $_("#undo_markdown_preview").show(); $_("#preview_message_area").show(); compose.render_and_show_preview( $_("#markdown_preview_spinner"), $_("#preview_content"), content, ); }); $("body").on("click", "#message_edit_form [id^='undo_markdown_preview_']", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const row_id = rows.id($(this).closest(".message_row")); function $_(selector) { return $(selector + "_" + row_id); } $_("#message_edit_content").show(); $_("#undo_markdown_preview").hide(); $_("#preview_message_area").hide(); $_("#preview_content").empty(); $_("#markdown_preview").show(); }); // MUTING $("body").on("click", ".on_hover_topic_mute", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const stream_id = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).attr("data-stream-id"), 10); const topic = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-topic-name"); muting_ui.mute(stream_id, topic); }); $("body").on("keydown", ".on_hover_topic_mute", convert_enter_to_click); $("body").on("click", ".on_hover_topic_unmute", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const stream_id = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).attr("data-stream-id"), 10); const topic = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-topic-name"); muting_ui.unmute(stream_id, topic); }); $("body").on("keydown", ".on_hover_topic_unmute", convert_enter_to_click); // RECENT TOPICS $("body").on("click", "#recent_topics_search", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); recent_topics.change_focused_element(e, "click"); }); $("body").on("click", ".on_hover_topic_read", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const stream_id = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).attr("data-stream-id"), 10); const topic = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-topic-name"); unread_ops.mark_topic_as_read(stream_id, topic); }); $("body").on("keydown", ".on_hover_topic_read", convert_enter_to_click); $("body").on("click", ".btn-recent-filters", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); recent_topics.set_filter(e.currentTarget.dataset.filter); recent_topics.update_filters_view(); }); // Search for all table rows (this combines stream & topic names) $("body").on( "keyup", "#recent_topics_search", _.debounce(() => { recent_topics.update_filters_view(); // Wait for user to go idle before initiating search. }, 300), ); $("body").on("click", "#recent_topics_search_clear", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); $("#recent_topics_search").val(""); recent_topics.update_filters_view(); }); // RECIPIENT BARS function get_row_id_for_narrowing(narrow_link_elem) { const group = rows.get_closest_group(narrow_link_elem); const msg_id = rows.id_for_recipient_row(group); const nearest = current_msg_list.get(msg_id); const selected = current_msg_list.selected_message(); if (util.same_recipient(nearest, selected)) { return selected.id; } return nearest.id; } $("#message_feed_container").on("click", ".narrows_by_recipient", function (e) { if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { return; } e.preventDefault(); const row_id = get_row_id_for_narrowing(this); narrow.by_recipient(row_id, {trigger: "message header"}); }); $("#message_feed_container").on("click", ".narrows_by_topic", function (e) { if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { return; } e.preventDefault(); const row_id = get_row_id_for_narrowing(this); narrow.by_topic(row_id, {trigger: "message header"}); }); // SIDEBARS $("#userlist-toggle-button").on("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const sidebarHidden = !$(".app-main .column-right").hasClass("expanded"); popovers.hide_all(); if (sidebarHidden) { popovers.show_userlist_sidebar(); } }); $("#streamlist-toggle-button").on("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const sidebarHidden = !$(".app-main .column-left").hasClass("expanded"); popovers.hide_all(); if (sidebarHidden) { stream_popover.show_streamlist_sidebar(); } }); $("#user_presences") .expectOne() .on("click", ".selectable_sidebar_block", (e) => { const li = $(e.target).parents("li"); activity.narrow_for_user({li}); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); popovers.hide_all(); $(".tooltip").remove(); }); function do_render_buddy_list_tooltip(elem, title_data) { elem.tooltip({ template: render_buddy_list_tooltip(), title: render_buddy_list_tooltip_content(title_data), html: true, trigger: "hover", placement: "bottom", animation: false, }); elem.tooltip("show"); $(".tooltip").css("left", elem.pageX + "px"); $(".tooltip").css("top", elem.pageY + "px"); } // BUDDY LIST TOOLTIPS $("#user_presences").on( "mouseenter", ".user-presence-link, .user_sidebar_entry .user_circle, .user_sidebar_entry .selectable_sidebar_block", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const elem = $(e.currentTarget) .closest(".user_sidebar_entry") .find(".user-presence-link"); const user_id_string = elem.attr("data-user-id"); const title_data = buddy_data.get_title_data(user_id_string, false); do_render_buddy_list_tooltip(elem, title_data); }, ); $("#user_presences").on( "mouseleave click", ".user-presence-link, .user_sidebar_entry .user_circle, .user_sidebar_entry .selectable_sidebar_block", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const elem = $(e.currentTarget) .closest(".user_sidebar_entry") .find(".user-presence-link"); $(elem).tooltip("destroy"); }, ); // PM LIST TOOLTIPS $("body").on("mouseenter", "#pm_user_status", (e) => { $(".tooltip").remove(); e.stopPropagation(); const elem = $(e.currentTarget); const user_ids_string = elem.attr("data-user-ids-string"); // This converts from 'true' in the DOM to true. const is_group = JSON.parse(elem.attr("data-is-group")); const title_data = buddy_data.get_title_data(user_ids_string, is_group); do_render_buddy_list_tooltip(elem, title_data); }); $("body").on("mouseleave", "#pm_user_status", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); $(e.currentTarget).tooltip("destroy"); }); // HOME $(".brand").on("click", (e) => { if (overlays.is_active()) { overlays.close_active(); } else { narrow.restore_home_state(); } navigate.maybe_scroll_to_selected(); e.preventDefault(); }); // MISC (function () { const sel = ["#stream_filters", "#global_filters", "#user_presences"].join(", "); $(sel).on("click", "a", function () { this.blur(); }); })(); popovers.register_click_handlers(); emoji_picker.register_click_handlers(); stream_popover.register_click_handlers(); notifications.register_click_handlers(); $("body").on("click", ".logout_button", () => { $("#logout_form").trigger("submit"); }); $(".restart_get_events_button").on("click", () => { server_events.restart_get_events({dont_block: true}); }); // this will hide the alerts that you click "x" on. $("body").on("click", ".alert-box > div .exit", function () { const $alert = $(this).closest(".alert-box > div"); $alert.addClass("fade-out"); setTimeout(() => { $alert.removeClass("fade-out show"); }, 300); }); $("#settings_page").on("click", ".collapse-settings-btn", () => { settings_toggle.toggle_org_setting_collapse(); }); $(".alert-box").on("click", ".stackframe .expand", function () { $(this).parent().siblings(".code-context").toggle("fast"); }); // COMPOSE // NB: This just binds to current elements, and won't bind to elements // created after ready() is called. $("#compose-send-status .compose-send-status-close").on("click", () => { $("#compose-send-status").stop(true).fadeOut(500); }); $("#nonexistent_stream_reply_error .compose-send-status-close").on("click", () => { $("#nonexistent_stream_reply_error").stop(true).fadeOut(500); }); $(".compose_stream_button").on("click", () => { popovers.hide_mobile_message_buttons_popover(); compose_actions.start("stream", {trigger: "new topic button"}); }); $(".compose_private_button").on("click", () => { popovers.hide_mobile_message_buttons_popover(); compose_actions.start("private"); }); $("body").on("click", ".compose_mobile_stream_button", () => { popovers.hide_mobile_message_buttons_popover(); compose_actions.start("stream", {trigger: "new topic button"}); }); $("body").on("click", ".compose_mobile_private_button", () => { popovers.hide_mobile_message_buttons_popover(); compose_actions.start("private"); }); $(".compose_reply_button").on("click", () => { compose_actions.respond_to_message({trigger: "reply button"}); }); $(".empty_feed_compose_stream").on("click", (e) => { compose_actions.start("stream", {trigger: "empty feed message"}); e.preventDefault(); }); $(".empty_feed_compose_private").on("click", (e) => { compose_actions.start("private", {trigger: "empty feed message"}); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", "[data-overlay-trigger]", function () { const target = $(this).attr("data-overlay-trigger"); hashchange.go_to_location(target); }); function handle_compose_click(e) { // Emoji clicks should be handled by their own click handler in emoji_picker.js if ($(e.target).is("#emoji_map, img.emoji, .drag")) { return; } // The mobile compose button has its own popover when clicked, so it already. // hides other popovers. if ($(e.target).is(".compose_mobile_button, .compose_mobile_button *")) { return; } // Don't let clicks in the compose area count as // "unfocusing" our compose -- in other words, e.g. // clicking "Press enter to send" should not // trigger the composebox-closing code above. // But do allow our formatting link. if (!$(e.target).is("a")) { e.stopPropagation(); } // Still hide the popovers, however popovers.hide_all(); } $("#compose_buttons").on("click", handle_compose_click); $(".compose-content").on("click", handle_compose_click); $("#compose_close").on("click", () => { compose_actions.cancel(); }); $("#streams_inline_cog").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); hashchange.go_to_location("streams/subscribed"); }); $("#streams_filter_icon").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); stream_list.toggle_filter_displayed(e); }); // WEBATHENA $("body").on("click", ".webathena_login", (e) => { $("#zephyr-mirror-error").removeClass("show"); const principal = ["zephyr", "zephyr"]; WinChan.open( { url: "https://webathena.mit.edu/#!request_ticket_v1", relay_url: "https://webathena.mit.edu/relay.html", params: { realm: "ATHENA.MIT.EDU", principal, }, }, (err, r) => { if (err) { blueslip.warn(err); return; } if (r.status !== "OK") { blueslip.warn(r); return; } channel.post({ url: "/accounts/webathena_kerberos_login/", data: {cred: JSON.stringify(r.session)}, success() { $("#zephyr-mirror-error").removeClass("show"); }, error() { $("#zephyr-mirror-error").addClass("show"); }, }); }, ); $("#settings-dropdown").dropdown("toggle"); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // End Webathena code // disable the draggability for left-sidebar components $("#stream_filters, #global_filters").on("dragstart", (e) => { e.target.blur(); return false; }); // Chrome focuses an element when dragging it which can be confusing when // users involuntarily drag something and we show them the focus outline. $("body").on("dragstart", "a", (e) => e.target.blur()); // Don't focus links on middle click. $("body").on("mouseup", "a", (e) => { if (e.which === 2) { // middle click e.target.blur(); } }); // Don't focus links on context menu. $("body").on("contextmenu", "a", (e) => e.target.blur()); (function () { const map = { ".stream-description-editable": { on_start: stream_edit.set_raw_description, on_save: stream_edit.change_stream_description, }, ".stream-name-editable": { on_start: null, on_save: stream_edit.change_stream_name, }, }; $(document).on("keydown", ".editable-section", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); // Cancel editing description if Escape key is pressed. if (e.which === 27) { $("[data-finish-editing='.stream-description-editable']").hide(); $(this).attr("contenteditable", false); $(this).text($(this).attr("data-prev-text")); $("[data-make-editable]").html(""); } else if (e.which === 13) { $(this).siblings(".checkmark").trigger("click"); } }); $(document).on("drop", ".editable-section", () => false); $(document).on("input", ".editable-section", function () { // if there are any child nodes, inclusive of
which means you // have lines in your description or title, you're doing something // wrong. for (let x = 0; x < this.childNodes.length; x += 1) { if (this.childNodes[x].nodeType !== 3) { this.innerText = this.innerText.replace(/\n/, ""); break; } } }); $("body").on("click", "[data-make-editable]", function () { const selector = $(this).attr("data-make-editable"); const edit_area = $(this).parent().find(selector); $(selector).removeClass("stream-name-edit-box"); if (edit_area.attr("contenteditable") === "true") { $("[data-finish-editing='" + selector + "']").hide(); edit_area.attr("contenteditable", false); edit_area.text(edit_area.attr("data-prev-text")); $(this).html(""); } else { $("[data-finish-editing='" + selector + "']").show(); $(selector).addClass("stream-name-edit-box"); edit_area .attr("data-prev-text", edit_area.text().trim()) .attr("contenteditable", true); if (map[selector].on_start) { map[selector].on_start(this, edit_area); } ui_util.place_caret_at_end(edit_area[0]); $(this).html("×"); } }); $("body").on("click", "[data-finish-editing]", function (e) { const selector = $(this).attr("data-finish-editing"); $(selector).removeClass("stream-name-edit-box"); if (map[selector].on_save) { map[selector].on_save(e); $(this).hide(); $(this).parent().find(selector).attr("contenteditable", false); $("[data-make-editable='" + selector + "']").html(""); } }); })(); // HOTSPOTS // open $("body").on("click", ".hotspot-icon", function (e) { // hide icon hotspots.close_hotspot_icon(this); // show popover const hotspot_name = $(e.target) .closest(".hotspot-icon") .attr("id") .replace("hotspot_", "") .replace("_icon", ""); const overlay_name = "hotspot_" + hotspot_name + "_overlay"; overlays.open_overlay({ name: overlay_name, overlay: $("#" + overlay_name), on_close: function () { // close popover $(this).css({display: "block"}); $(this).animate( {opacity: 1}, { duration: 300, }, ); }.bind(this), }); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // confirm $("body").on("click", ".hotspot.overlay .hotspot-confirm", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const overlay_name = $(this).closest(".hotspot.overlay").attr("id"); const hotspot_name = overlay_name.replace("hotspot_", "").replace("_overlay", ""); // Comment below to disable marking hotspots as read in production hotspots.post_hotspot_as_read(hotspot_name); overlays.close_overlay(overlay_name); $("#hotspot_" + hotspot_name + "_icon").remove(); }); $("body").on("click", ".hotspot-button", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); hotspots.post_hotspot_as_read("intro_reply"); hotspots.close_hotspot_icon($("#hotspot_intro_reply_icon")); }); // stop propagation $("body").on("click", ".hotspot.overlay .hotspot-popover", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); }); // MAIN CLICK HANDLER $(document).on("click", (e) => { if (e.button !== 0 || $(e.target).is(".drag")) { // Firefox emits right click events on the document, but not on // the child nodes, so the #compose stopPropagation doesn't get a // chance to capture right clicks. return; } // Dismiss popovers if the user has clicked outside them if ( $( '.popover-inner, #user-profile-modal, .emoji-info-popover, .app-main [class^="column-"].expanded', ).has(e.target).length === 0 ) { popovers.hide_all(); } // If user clicks outside an active modal if ($(".modal.in").has(e.target).length === 0) { // Enable mouse events for the background as the modal closes $(".overlay.show").attr("style", null); } if (compose_state.composing()) { if ($(e.target).closest("a").length > 0) { // Refocus compose message text box if link is clicked $("#compose-textarea").trigger("focus"); return; } else if ( !window.getSelection().toString() && // Clicks inside an overlay, popover, custom // modal, or backdrop of one of the above // should not have any effect on the compose // state. !$(e.target).closest(".overlay").length && !$(e.target).closest(".popover").length && !$(e.target).closest(".modal").length && !$(e.target).closest(".modal-backdrop").length && $(e.target).closest("body").length ) { // Unfocus our compose area if we click out of it. Don't let exits out // of overlays or selecting text (for copy+paste) trigger cancelling. // Check if the click is within the body to prevent extensions from // interfering with the compose box. compose_actions.cancel(); } } }); // Workaround for Bootstrap issue #5900, which basically makes dropdowns // unclickable on mobile devices. // https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/5900 $("a.dropdown-toggle, .dropdown-menu a").on("touchstart", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); }); $(".settings-header.mobile .fa-chevron-left").on("click", () => { settings_panel_menu.mobile_deactivate_section(); }); }; window.click_handlers = exports;