# API keys You can create bots on your [settings page](/#settings). Once you have a bot, you can use its email and API key to send messages.
Create a bot: Look for the bot's email and API key: If you prefer to send messages as your own user, you can also find your API key on your [settings page](/#settings). When using our python bindings, you may either specify the user and API key for each Client object that you initialize, or let the binding look for them in your `~/.zuliprc`, the default config file, which you can create as follows: ``` [api] key=BOT_API_KEY email=BOT_EMAIL_ADDRESS ``` Additionally, you can also specify the parameters as environment variables as follows: ``` export ZULIP_CONFIG=/path/to/zulipconfig export ZULIP_EMAIL=BOT_EMAIL_ADDRESS export ZULIP_API_KEY=BOT_API_KEY ``` The parameters specified in environment variables would override the parameters provided in the config file. For example, if you specify the variable `key` in the config file and specify `ZULIP_API_KEY` as an environment variable, the value of `ZULIP_API_KEY` would be considered. The following variables can be specified: 1. `ZULIP_CONFIG` 2. `ZULIP_API_KEY` 3. `ZULIP_EMAIL` 4. `ZULIP_SITE` 5. `ZULIP_CERT` 6. `ZULIP_CERT_KEY` 7. `ZULIP_CERT_BUNDLE`