import $ from "jquery"; import SimpleBar from "simplebar"; import * as blueslip from "./blueslip"; import * as common from "./common"; import {$t} from "./i18n"; import {localstorage} from "./localstorage"; import * as message_list from "./message_list"; import * as message_lists from "./message_lists"; // What, if anything, obscures the home tab? export function replace_emoji_with_text(element) { element.find(".emoji").replaceWith(function () { if ($(this).is("img")) { return $(this).attr("alt"); } return $(this).text(); }); } export function get_content_element(element_selector) { const element = element_selector.expectOne()[0]; const sb = SimpleBar.instances.get(element); if (sb) { return $(sb.getContentElement()); } return element_selector; } export function get_scroll_element(element_selector) { const element = element_selector.expectOne()[0]; const sb = SimpleBar.instances.get(element); if (sb) { return $(sb.getScrollElement()); } else if ("simplebar" in element.dataset) { // The SimpleBar mutation observer hasn’t processed this element yet. // Create the SimpleBar early in case we need to add event listeners. return $(new SimpleBar(element).getScrollElement()); } return element_selector; } export function reset_scrollbar(element_selector) { const element = element_selector.expectOne()[0]; const sb = SimpleBar.instances.get(element); if (sb) { sb.getScrollElement().scrollTop = 0; } else { element.scrollTop = 0; } } function update_message_in_all_views(message_id, callback) { for (const list of [message_lists.home, message_list.narrowed]) { if (list === undefined) { continue; } const row = list.get_row(message_id); if (row === undefined) { // The row may not exist, e.g. if you do an action on a message in // a narrowed view continue; } callback(row); } } export function update_starred_view(message_id, new_value) { const starred = new_value; // Avoid a full re-render, but update the star in each message // table in which it is visible. update_message_in_all_views(message_id, (row) => { const elt = row.find(".star"); const star_container = row.find(".star_container"); if (starred) { elt.addClass("fa-star").removeClass("fa-star-o"); star_container.removeClass("empty-star"); } else { elt.removeClass("fa-star").addClass("fa-star-o"); star_container.addClass("empty-star"); } const title_state = starred ? $t({defaultMessage: "Unstar"}) : $t({defaultMessage: "Star"}); elt.attr( "title", $t( {defaultMessage: "{starred_status} this message (Ctrl + s)"}, {starred_status: title_state}, ), ); }); } export function show_message_failed(message_id, failed_msg) { // Failed to send message, so display inline retry/cancel update_message_in_all_views(message_id, (row) => { const failed_div = row.find(".message_failed"); failed_div.toggleClass("notvisible", false); failed_div.find(".failed_text").attr("title", failed_msg); }); } export function show_failed_message_success(message_id) { // Previously failed message succeeded update_message_in_all_views(message_id, (row) => { row.find(".message_failed").toggleClass("notvisible", true); }); } export function get_hotkey_deprecation_notice(originalHotkey, replacementHotkey) { return $t( { defaultMessage: 'We\'ve replaced the "{originalHotkey}" hotkey with "{replacementHotkey}" to make this common shortcut easier to trigger.', }, {originalHotkey, replacementHotkey}, ); } let shown_deprecation_notices = []; export function maybe_show_deprecation_notice(key) { let message; const isCmdOrCtrl = common.has_mac_keyboard() ? "Cmd" : "Ctrl"; if (key === "C") { message = get_hotkey_deprecation_notice("C", "x"); } else if (key === "*") { message = get_hotkey_deprecation_notice("*", isCmdOrCtrl + " + s"); } else { blueslip.error("Unexpected deprecation notice for hotkey:", key); return; } // Here we handle the tracking for showing deprecation notices, // whether or not local storage is available. if (localstorage.supported()) { const notices_from_storage = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("shown_deprecation_notices")); if (notices_from_storage !== null) { shown_deprecation_notices = notices_from_storage; } else { shown_deprecation_notices = []; } } if (!shown_deprecation_notices.includes(key)) { $("#deprecation-notice-modal").modal("show"); $("#deprecation-notice-message").text(message); $("#close-deprecation-notice").trigger("focus"); shown_deprecation_notices.push(key); if (localstorage.supported()) { localStorage.setItem( "shown_deprecation_notices", JSON.stringify(shown_deprecation_notices), ); } } } // Save the compose content cursor position and restore when we // shift-tab back in (see hotkey.js). let saved_compose_cursor = 0; export function set_compose_textarea_handlers() { $("#compose-textarea").on("blur", function () { saved_compose_cursor = $(this).caret(); }); // on the end of the modified-message fade in, remove the fade-in-message class. const animationEnd = "webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend"; $("body").on(animationEnd, ".fade-in-message", function () { $(this).removeClass("fade-in-message"); }); } export function restore_compose_cursor() { $("#compose-textarea").trigger("focus").caret(saved_compose_cursor); } export function initialize() { set_compose_textarea_handlers(); }