[tool.black] line-length = 100 target-version = ["py36"] [tool.isort] src_paths = [".", "tools", "tools/setup/emoji"] known_third_party = "zulip" profile = "black" line_length = 100 [tool.mypy] # Logistics of what code to check and how to handle the data. scripts_are_modules = true show_traceback = true # See https://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/testing/mypy.html#mypy-stubs-for-third-party-modules # for notes on how we manage mypy stubs. mypy_path = "$MYPY_CONFIG_FILE_DIR/stubs" cache_dir = "$MYPY_CONFIG_FILE_DIR/var/mypy-cache" # These are all the options that would be enabled by mypy --strict, in # the order listed by the mypy --help documentation of --strict. We # do not yet enable all of them. warn_unused_configs = true disallow_any_generics = true disallow_subclassing_any = false disallow_untyped_calls = false disallow_untyped_defs = true disallow_incomplete_defs = true check_untyped_defs = true disallow_untyped_decorators = false no_implicit_optional = true warn_redundant_casts = true warn_unused_ignores = true warn_return_any = false no_implicit_reexport = false strict_equality = true # Display the codes needed for # type: ignore[code] annotations. show_error_codes = true # Warn of unreachable or redundant code. warn_unreachable = true [[tool.mypy.overrides]] module = [ "ahocorasick.*", "aioapns.*", "backoff.*", "bitfield.*", "bmemcached.*", "boto3.*", "botocore.*", "bs4.*", "bson.*", "cairosvg.*", "commonmark.*", "coverage.*", "cssutils.*", "defusedxml.*", "digitalocean.*", "disposable_email_domains.*", "django.*", "django_auth_ldap.*", "django_otp.*", "django_sendfile.*", "django_statsd.*", "DNS.*", "fakeldap.*", "gcm.*", "gitlint.*", "jsonref.*", "jsonschema.*", "ldap.*", "lxml.*", "markdown_include.*", "moto.*", "netifaces.*", "oauthlib.*", "onelogin.*", "openapi_core.*", "openapi_schema_validator.*", "pika.*", "PIL.*", "premailer.*", "psycopg2.*", "pygments.*", "pyinotify.*", "pyoembed.*", "pyuca.*", "recommonmark.*", "requests_oauthlib.*", "scrapy.*", "social_core.*", "social_django.*", "sourcemap.*", "sphinx_rtd_theme.*", "talon_core.*", "tlds.*", "tornado.*", "twitter.*", "two_factor.*", "urllib3.*", "zxcvbn.*", ] ignore_missing_imports = true