import os import shutil import subprocess from scripts.lib.zulip_tools import run, ENDC, WARNING, parse_lsb_release from scripts.lib.hash_reqs import expand_reqs ZULIP_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) VENV_CACHE_PATH = "/srv/zulip-venv-cache" if 'TRAVIS' in os.environ: # In Travis CI, we don't have root access VENV_CACHE_PATH = "/home/travis/zulip-venv-cache" if False: # See from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Set VENV_DEPENDENCIES = [ "build-essential", "libffi-dev", "libfreetype6-dev", # Needed for image types with Pillow "zlib1g-dev", # Needed to handle compressed PNGs with Pillow "libjpeg-dev", # Needed to handle JPEGs with Pillow "libldap2-dev", "libmemcached-dev", "python3-dev", # Needed to install typed-ast dependency of mypy "python-dev", "python3-pip", "python-pip", "python-virtualenv", # Trusty lacks `python3-virtualenv`. # Fortunately we don't need the library, # only the command, and this suffices. "python3-six", "python-six", "libxml2-dev", # Used for installing talon "libxslt1-dev", # Used for installing talon "libpq-dev", # Needed by psycopg2 "libssl-dev", # Needed to build pycurl and other libraries # This is technically a node dependency, but we add it here # because we don't have another place that we install apt packages # on upgrade of a production server, and it's not worth adding # another call to `apt install` for. "jq", # Used by scripts/lib/install-node to check yarn version ] COMMON_YUM_VENV_DEPENDENCIES = [ "libffi-devel", "freetype-devel", "zlib-devel", "libjpeg-turbo-devel", "openldap-devel", "libmemcached-devel", "python-devel", "python2-pip", "python-six", "libxml2-devel", "libxslt-devel", "postgresql-libs", # libpq-dev on apt "openssl-devel", "jq", ] codename = parse_lsb_release()["DISTRIB_CODENAME"] if codename != "trusty": # Workaround for the fact that trusty has a different package name here. VENV_DEPENDENCIES.append("virtualenv") THUMBOR_VENV_DEPENDENCIES = [ "libcurl4-openssl-dev", "libjpeg-dev", "zlib1g-dev", "libfreetype6-dev", "libpng-dev", "gifsicle", ] YUM_THUMBOR_VENV_DEPENDENCIES = [ "libcurl-devel", "libjpeg-turbo-devel", "zlib-devel", "freetype-devel", "libpng-devel", "gifsicle", ] def install_venv_deps(requirements_file): # type: (str) -> None pip_requirements = os.path.join(ZULIP_PATH, "requirements", "pip.txt") run(["pip", "install", "-U", "--requirement", pip_requirements]) run(["pip", "install", "--no-deps", "--requirement", requirements_file]) def get_index_filename(venv_path): # type: (str) -> str return os.path.join(venv_path, 'package_index') def get_package_names(requirements_file): # type: (str) -> List[str] packages = expand_reqs(requirements_file) cleaned = [] operators = ['~=', '==', '!=', '<', '>'] for package in packages: if package.startswith("git+https://") and '#egg=' in package: split_package = package.split("#egg=") if len(split_package) != 2: raise Exception("Unexpected duplicate #egg in package %s" % (package,)) # Extract the package name from Git requirements entries package = split_package[1] for operator in operators: if operator in package: package = package.split(operator)[0] package = package.strip() if package: cleaned.append(package.lower()) return sorted(cleaned) def create_requirements_index_file(venv_path, requirements_file): # type: (str, str) -> str """ Creates a file, called package_index, in the virtual environment directory that contains all the PIP packages installed in the virtual environment. This file is used to determine the packages that can be copied to a new virtual environment. """ index_filename = get_index_filename(venv_path) packages = get_package_names(requirements_file) with open(index_filename, 'w') as writer: writer.write('\n'.join(packages)) writer.write('\n') return index_filename def get_venv_packages(venv_path): # type: (str) -> Set[str] """ Returns the packages installed in the virtual environment using the package index file. """ with open(get_index_filename(venv_path)) as reader: return set(p.strip() for p in'\n') if p.strip()) def try_to_copy_venv(venv_path, new_packages): # type: (str, Set[str]) -> bool """ Tries to copy packages from an old virtual environment in the cache to the new virtual environment. The algorithm works as follows: 1. Find a virtual environment, v, from the cache that has the highest overlap with the new requirements such that: a. The new requirements only add to the packages of v. b. The new requirements only upgrade packages of v. 2. Copy the contents of v to the new virtual environment using virtualenv-clone. 3. Delete all .pyc files in the new virtual environment. """ if not os.path.exists(VENV_CACHE_PATH): return False venv_name = os.path.basename(venv_path) overlaps = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, str, Set[str]]] old_packages = set() # type: Set[str] for sha1sum in os.listdir(VENV_CACHE_PATH): curr_venv_path = os.path.join(VENV_CACHE_PATH, sha1sum, venv_name) if (curr_venv_path == venv_path or not os.path.exists(get_index_filename(curr_venv_path))): continue old_packages = get_venv_packages(curr_venv_path) # We only consider using using old virtualenvs that only # contain packages that we want in our new virtualenv. if not (old_packages - new_packages): overlap = new_packages & old_packages overlaps.append((len(overlap), curr_venv_path, overlap)) target_log = get_logfile_name(venv_path) source_venv_path = None if overlaps: # Here, we select the old virtualenv with the largest overlap overlaps = sorted(overlaps) _, source_venv_path, copied_packages = overlaps[-1] print('Copying packages from {}'.format(source_venv_path)) clone_ve = "{}/bin/virtualenv-clone".format(source_venv_path) cmd = "sudo {exe} {source} {target}".format(exe=clone_ve, source=source_venv_path, target=venv_path).split() try: # TODO: We can probably remove this in a few months, now # that we can expect that virtualenv-clone is present in # all of our recent virtualenvs. run(cmd) except Exception: # Virtualenv-clone is not installed. Install it and try running # the command again. try: run("{}/bin/pip install --no-deps virtualenv-clone".format( source_venv_path).split()) run(cmd) except Exception: # virtualenv-clone isn't working, so just make a new venv return False run(["sudo", "chown", "-R", "{}:{}".format(os.getuid(), os.getgid()), venv_path]) source_log = get_logfile_name(source_venv_path) copy_parent_log(source_log, target_log) create_log_entry(target_log, source_venv_path, copied_packages, new_packages - copied_packages) return True return False def get_logfile_name(venv_path): # type: (str) -> str return "{}/setup-venv.log".format(venv_path) def create_log_entry(target_log, parent, copied_packages, new_packages): # type: (str, str, Set[str], Set[str]) -> None venv_path = os.path.dirname(target_log) with open(target_log, 'a') as writer: writer.write("{}\n".format(venv_path)) if copied_packages: writer.write( "Copied from {}:\n".format(parent)) writer.write("\n".join('- {}'.format(p) for p in sorted(copied_packages))) writer.write("\n") writer.write("New packages:\n") writer.write("\n".join('- {}'.format(p) for p in sorted(new_packages))) writer.write("\n\n") def copy_parent_log(source_log, target_log): # type: (str, str) -> None if os.path.exists(source_log): shutil.copyfile(source_log, target_log) def do_patch_activate_script(venv_path): # type: (str) -> None """ Patches the bin/activate script so that the value of the environment variable VIRTUAL_ENV is set to venv_path during the script's execution whenever it is sourced. """ # venv_path should be what we want to have in VIRTUAL_ENV after patching script_path = os.path.join(venv_path, "bin", "activate") file_obj = open(script_path) lines = file_obj.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('VIRTUAL_ENV='): lines[i] = 'VIRTUAL_ENV="%s"\n' % (venv_path,) file_obj.close() file_obj = open(script_path, 'w') file_obj.write("".join(lines)) file_obj.close() def setup_virtualenv(target_venv_path, requirements_file, virtualenv_args=None, patch_activate_script=False): # type: (Optional[str], str, Optional[List[str]], bool) -> str # Check if a cached version already exists path = os.path.join(ZULIP_PATH, 'scripts', 'lib', '') output = subprocess.check_output([path, requirements_file], universal_newlines=True) sha1sum = output.split()[0] if target_venv_path is None: cached_venv_path = os.path.join(VENV_CACHE_PATH, sha1sum, 'venv') else: cached_venv_path = os.path.join(VENV_CACHE_PATH, sha1sum, os.path.basename(target_venv_path)) success_stamp = os.path.join(cached_venv_path, "success-stamp") if not os.path.exists(success_stamp): do_setup_virtualenv(cached_venv_path, requirements_file, virtualenv_args or []) open(success_stamp, 'w').close() print("Using cached Python venv from %s" % (cached_venv_path,)) if target_venv_path is not None: run(["sudo", "ln", "-nsf", cached_venv_path, target_venv_path]) if patch_activate_script: do_patch_activate_script(target_venv_path) activate_this = os.path.join(cached_venv_path, "bin", "") exec(open(activate_this).read(), {}, dict(__file__=activate_this)) return cached_venv_path def add_cert_to_pipconf(): # type: () -> None conffile = os.path.expanduser("~/.pip/pip.conf") confdir = os.path.expanduser("~/.pip/") os.makedirs(confdir, exist_ok=True) run(["crudini", "--set", conffile, "global", "cert", os.environ["CUSTOM_CA_CERTIFICATES"]]) def do_setup_virtualenv(venv_path, requirements_file, virtualenv_args): # type: (str, str, List[str]) -> None # Setup Python virtualenv new_packages = set(get_package_names(requirements_file)) run(["sudo", "rm", "-rf", venv_path]) if not try_to_copy_venv(venv_path, new_packages): # Create new virtualenv. run(["sudo", "mkdir", "-p", venv_path]) run(["sudo", "virtualenv"] + virtualenv_args + [venv_path]) run(["sudo", "chown", "-R", "{}:{}".format(os.getuid(), os.getgid()), venv_path]) create_log_entry(get_logfile_name(venv_path), "", set(), new_packages) create_requirements_index_file(venv_path, requirements_file) # Switch current Python context to the virtualenv. activate_this = os.path.join(venv_path, "bin", "") exec(open(activate_this).read(), {}, dict(__file__=activate_this)) # use custom certificate if needed if os.environ.get('CUSTOM_CA_CERTIFICATES'): print("Configuring pip to use custom CA certificates...") add_cert_to_pipconf() # CentOS-specific hack/workaround # Install pycurl with custom flag due to this error when installing # via pip: # __main__.ConfigurationError: Curl is configured to use SSL, but # we have not been able to determine which SSL backend it is using. # Please see PycURL documentation for how to specify the SSL # backend manually. # See # The fix exists on pycurl master, but not yet in any release # We can likely remove this when pycurl > comes out. if os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"): pycurl_env = os.environ.copy() pycurl_env["PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY"] = "nss" run(["pip", "install", "pycurl==", "--compile", "--no-cache-dir"], env=pycurl_env) try: install_venv_deps(requirements_file) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # Might be a failure due to network connection issues. Retrying... print(WARNING + "`pip install` failed; retrying..." + ENDC) install_venv_deps(requirements_file) run(["sudo", "chmod", "-R", "a+rX", venv_path])