# Archive a channel
You can archive channels you no longer plan to use. Archiving a channel:
- Removes it from the left sidebar for all users.
- Prevents new messages from being sent to the channel.
- Prevents messages in the channel from being edited, deleted, or moved.
Archiving a channel does not remove subscribers, or change who can access it.
Messages in archived channels still appear in [search
results](/help/search-for-messages), the [combined feed](/help/combined-feed),
and [recent conversations](/help/recent-conversations).
To hide the content in a channel, you can make it
[private](/help/change-the-privacy-of-a-channel) and [unsubscribe
users](/help/manage-user-channel-subscriptions) from it prior to archiving.
## Archive a channel
!!! warn ""
Channels can be [unarchived](#unarchiving-archived-channels) only by
[contacting support](/help/contact-support) for organizations hosted
on Zulip Cloud, or by your self-hosted server's administrator.
1. Select a channel.
1. Click the **archive** () icon
in the upper right corner of the channel settings panel.
1. Approve by clicking **Confirm**.
!!! tip ""
You can also hover over a channel in the left sidebar, click on the
**ellipsis** (), and
select **Channel settings** to access settings for the channel.
## Unarchiving archived channels
Zulip Cloud organizations that need to unarchive a channel can [contact Zulip
If you are self-hosting, you can unarchive an archived channel using the
`unarchive_channel` [management command][management-command]. This will restore
it as a private channel with shared history, and subscribe all organization
owners to it.
## Related articles
* [Edit a message](/help/edit-a-message)
* [Delete a message](/help/delete-a-message)
* [Delete a topic](/help/delete-a-topic)
* [Message retention policy](/help/message-retention-policy)
* [Channel permissions](/help/channel-permissions)