# Change the privacy of a channel {!admin-only.md!} Channels can be [web-public](/help/public-access-option), public or private, and private channels can have shared or protected history. See [channel permissions](/help/channel-permissions) for details on channel privacy settings. As an organization administrator, you can always make a public channel private, but you must be subscribed to a private channel in order to make it public. {start_tabs} {tab|desktop-web} {relative|stream|all} 1. Select a channel. {!select-channel-view-general.md!} 1. Under **Channel permissions**, configure **Who can access the channel**. {!save-changes.md!} {!channel-settings-general-tab-tip.md!} {tab|mobile} {!mobile-all-channels-view.md!} {!channel-name-long-press-menu.md!} 1. Tap **Channel settings**. 1. Tap **Edit channel**. 1. Tap **Privacy**, and configure **Who can access the channel**. 1. Tap **Save**. {!channel-name-long-press-menu-tip.md!} {end_tabs} {!automated-notice-channel-event.md!} !!! warn "" **Warning**: Be careful making a private channel public. All past messages will become accessible, even if the channel previously had protected history.