{% extends "zerver/portico.html" %} {% block inner_content %}
You wouldn't tolerate email without subject lines or threading, so why do you in chat? Easily focus on the messages you care about, and ignore the ones you don't.
Find that important conversation from two weeks ago in seconds, using our powerful search feature.
Keyboard shortcuts? Check.
Syntax highlighting? Check.
Discuss code and technical topics with ease.
Have private conversations with one or as many people as you need.
Whether you’re sending that important document or a hilarious cat picture, we’ve got you covered. Drag, drop, share.
Integrations for Jenkins, Github, Jira, Nagios, Pivotal Tracker, Capistrano, and many more right out of the box. And a powerful API to match.
Keyboard shortcuts, @-notifications, audible alerts, missed-message emails, and basically everything else you might want. Including emoji, obviously.