class humbug::app_frontend { class { 'humbug::base': } class { 'humbug::rabbit': } $web_packages = [ "nginx", "memcached", "python-pylibmc", "python-tornado", "python-django", "python-pygments", "python-flup", "ipython", "python-psycopg2", "yui-compressor", "python-django-auth-openid", "django-statsd-mozilla", "build-essential", "libssl-dev", ] package { $web_packages: ensure => "installed" } # This next block can go away once we upgrade to Wheezy, which won't # have Python 2.5 at all. $web_nopackages = [ "python2.5", "python2.5-minimal" ] package { $web_nopackages: ensure => "absent" } file { "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf": require => Package[nginx], ensure => file, owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, source => "puppet:///modules/humbug/nginx/nginx.conf", } file { "/etc/nginx/humbug-include/": require => Package[nginx], recurse => true, owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, source => "puppet:///modules/humbug/nginx/humbug-include/", } file { "/etc/nginx/sites-available/humbug": require => Package[nginx], ensure => file, owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, source => "puppet:///modules/humbug/nginx/sites-available/humbug", } file { "/etc/memcached.conf": require => Package[memcached], ensure => file, owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, source => "puppet:///modules/humbug/memcached.conf", } # TODO: I think we need to restart memcached after deploying this exec {"pip-django-pipeline": command => "/usr/bin/pip install django-pipeline", creates => "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pipeline", require => Package['python-pip'], } # TODO: Add /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_send_receive_time -> # /home/humbug/humbug/api/humbug/bots/ symlink # TODO: Setup the API distribution directory at /srv/www/dist/api/. # TODO: Ensure Django 1.5 is installed; this should be possible via # the backports-sloppy mechanism or via backports once we upgrade to # wheezy. }