import logging import sys from typing import Any, Callable from urllib.parse import SplitResult from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand, CommandError, CommandParser from tornado import ioloop from tornado.log import app_log # We must call zerver.tornado.ioloop_logging.instrument_tornado_ioloop # before we import anything else from our project in order for our # Tornado load logging to work; otherwise we might accidentally import # zerver.lib.queue (which will instantiate the Tornado ioloop) before # this. from zerver.tornado.ioloop_logging import instrument_tornado_ioloop settings.RUNNING_INSIDE_TORNADO = True instrument_tornado_ioloop() from zerver.lib.debug import interactive_debug_listen from zerver.tornado.application import create_tornado_application, setup_tornado_rabbitmq from zerver.tornado.autoreload import start as zulip_autoreload_start from zerver.tornado.event_queue import ( add_client_gc_hook, get_wrapped_process_notification, missedmessage_hook, setup_event_queue, ) from zerver.tornado.sharding import notify_tornado_queue_name if settings.USING_RABBITMQ: from zerver.lib.queue import TornadoQueueClient, get_queue_client def handle_callback_exception(callback: Callable[..., Any]) -> None: logging.exception("Exception in callback", stack_info=True) app_log.error("Exception in callback %r", callback, exc_info=True) class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Starts a Tornado Web server wrapping Django." def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: parser.add_argument( "addrport", nargs="?", help="[optional port number or ipaddr:port]\n " "(use multiple ports to start multiple servers)", ) def handle(self, addrport: str, **options: bool) -> None: interactive_debug_listen() import django from tornado import httpserver if addrport.isdigit(): addr, port = "", int(addrport) else: r = SplitResult("", addrport, "", "", "") if r.port is None: raise CommandError(f"{addrport!r} does not have a valid port number.") addr, port = r.hostname or "", r.port if not addr: addr = "" if settings.DEBUG: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s" ) def inner_run() -> None: from django.conf import settings from django.utils import translation translation.activate(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) # We pass display_num_errors=False, since Django will # likely display similar output anyway. self.check(display_num_errors=False) print(f"Tornado server (re)started on port {port}") if settings.USING_RABBITMQ: queue_client = get_queue_client() assert isinstance(queue_client, TornadoQueueClient) # Process notifications received via RabbitMQ queue_name = notify_tornado_queue_name(port) queue_client.start_json_consumer( queue_name, get_wrapped_process_notification(queue_name) ) try: # Application is an instance of Django's standard wsgi handler. application = create_tornado_application() if settings.AUTORELOAD: zulip_autoreload_start() # start tornado web server in single-threaded mode http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(application, xheaders=True) http_server.listen(port, address=addr) from zerver.tornado.ioloop_logging import logging_data logging_data["port"] = str(port) setup_event_queue(port) add_client_gc_hook(missedmessage_hook) setup_tornado_rabbitmq() instance = ioloop.IOLoop.instance() if django.conf.settings.DEBUG: instance.set_blocking_log_threshold(5) instance.handle_callback_exception = handle_callback_exception instance.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) inner_run()